Changes in SAT 2.3

The 2.3.4 version of the SAT product includes:

  • Version 3.15.4 of the sat python package and CLI
  • Version 1.6.11 of the sat-podman wrapper script
  • Version 1.2.0 of the sat-cfs-install container image
  • Version 2.0.0 of the sat-cfs-install Helm chart
  • Version 1.5.0 of the sat-install-utility container image
  • Version 2.0.3 of the cfs-config-util container image

New sat Commands


Current Working Directory in SAT Container

When running sat commands, the current working directory is now mounted in the container as /sat/share, and the current working directory within the container is also /sat/share.

Files in the current working directory must be specified using relative paths to that directory, because the current working directory is always mounted on /sat/share. Absolute paths should be avoided, and paths that are outside of $HOME or $PWD are never accessible to the container environment.

The home directory is still mounted on the same path inside the container as it is on the host.

Changes to sat bootsys

The following options were added to sat bootsys.

  • --bos-limit
  • --recursive

The --bos-limit option passes a given limit string to a BOS session. The --recursive option specifies a slot or other higher-level component in the limit string.

Changes to sat bootprep

The --delete-ims-jobs option was added to sat bootprep run. It deletes IMS jobs after sat bootprep is run. Jobs are no longer deleted by default.

Changes to sat status

sat status now includes information about nodes’ CFS configuration statuses, such as desired configuration, configuration status, and error count.

The output of sat status now splits different component types into different report tables.

The following options were added to sat status.

  • --hsm-fields, --sls-fields, --cfs-fields
  • --bos-template

The --hsm-fields, --sls-fields, --cfs-fields options limit the output columns according to specified CSM services.

The --bos-template option filters the status report according to the specified session template’s boot sets.

Compatibility with CSM 1.2

The following components were modified to be compatible with CSM 1.2.

  • sat-cfs-install container image and Helm chart
  • sat-install-utility container image
  • SAT product installer

GPG Checking

The sat-ncn Ansible role provided by sat-cfs-install was modified to enable GPG checks on packages while leaving GPG checks disabled on repository metadata.


Updated urllib3 dependency to version 1.26.5 to mitigate CVE-2021-33503 and refreshed Python dependency versions.

Bug Fixes

Minor bug fixes were made in each of the repositories. For full change lists, refer to each repository’s file.

The known issues listed under the SAT 2.2 release were fixed.