Changes in SAT 2.4

The 2.4.13 version of the SAT product includes:

  • Version 3.19.3 of the sat python package and CLI.
  • Version 2.0.0-1 of the sat-podman wrapper script.
  • Version 1.5.5 of the sat-install-utility container image.
  • Version 3.3.1 of the cfs-config-util container image.

Because of installation refactoring efforts, the following two components are no longer delivered with SAT:

  • sat-cfs-install container image
  • sat-cfs-install Helm chart

Inclusion of SAT in CSM

A version of the cray-sat container image is now included in CSM. For more information, see SAT in CSM.

SAT Installation Improvements

The SAT script no longer uses a sat-cfs-install Helm chart and container image to upload its Ansible content to the sat-config-management repository in VCS. Instead, it uses Podman to run the cf-gitea-import container directly. Some of the benefits of this change include the following:

Decoupling of cray-sat Container Image and cray-sat-podman Package

In older SAT releases, the sat wrapper script that was provided by the cray-sat-podman package installed on Kubernetes control plane nodes included a hard-coded version of the cray-sat container image. As a result, every new version of the cray-sat image required a corresponding new version of the cray-sat-podman package.

In this release, this tight coupling of the cray-sat-podman package and the cray-sat container image was removed. The sat wrapper script provided by the cray-sat-podman package now looks for the version of the cray-sat container image in the /opt/cray/etc/sat/version file. This file is populated with the correct version of the cray-sat container image by the SAT layer of the CFS configuration that is applied to management NCNs. If the version file does not exist, the wrapper script defaults to the version of the cray-sat container image delivered with the latest version of CSM installed on the system.

Improved NCN Personalization Automation

The steps for performing NCN personalization as part of the SAT installation were moved out of the script and into a new script that is provided in the SAT release distribution. The new script provides additional flexibility in how it modifies the NCN personalization CFS configuration for SAT. It can modify an existing CFS configuration by name, a CFS configuration being built in a JSON file, or an existing CFS configuration that applies to certain components.

New sat bootprep Features

The following new features were added to the sat bootprep command:

The schema of the sat bootprep input files was also changed to support these new features:

  • The base recipe or image used by an image in the input file should now be specified under a base key instead of under an ims key. The old ims key is deprecated.
  • To specify an image that depends on another image in the input file, the dependent image should specify the dependency under base.image_ref. Going forward, do not use the IMS name of the image on which it depends.
  • The image used by a session template should now be specified under,, or image.image_ref. Specifying a string value directly under the image key is deprecated.

For more information on defining IMS images and BOS session templates in the sat bootprep input file, see Define IMS Images and Define BOS Session Templates.

Added Blade Swap Support to sat swap

The sat swap command was updated to support swapping compute and UAN blades with sat swap blade. This functionality is described in the following processes of the Cray System Management Documentation:

  • Adding a Liquid-cooled blade to a System Using SAT
  • Removing a Liquid-cooled blade from a System Using SAT
  • Replace a Compute Blade Using SAT
  • Swap a Compute Blade with a Different System Using SAT

Support for BOS v2

A new v2 version of the Boot Orchestration Service (BOS) is available in CSM 1.3.0. SAT has added support for BOS v2. This impacts the following commands that interact with BOS:

  • sat bootprep
  • sat bootsys
  • sat status

By default, SAT uses BOS v1. To change the default to a different BOS version, see Change the BOS Version.

Added BOS Fields to sat status

When using BOS v2, sat status outputs additional fields. These fields show the most recent BOS session, session template, booted image, and boot status for each node. An additional --bos-fields option was added to limit the output of sat status to these fields. The fields are not displayed when using BOS v1.

Open Source Repositories

This is the first release of SAT built from open source code repositories. As a result, build infrastructure was changed to use an external Jenkins instance, and artifacts are now published to an external Artifactory instance. These changes should not impact the functionality of the SAT product in any way.


CVE Mitigation

  • The paramiko Python package version was updated from 2.9.2 to 2.10.1 to mitigate CVE-2022-24302.
  • The oauthlib Python package version was updated from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1 to mitigate CVE-2022-36087.

Restricted Permissions on SAT Configuration Files and Directories

SAT stores information used to authenticate to the API gateway with Keycloak. Token files are stored in the ~/.config/sat/tokens/ directory. Those files have always had permissions appropriately set to restrict them to be readable only by the user.

Keycloak usernames used to authenticate to the API gateway are stored in the SAT configuration file at /.config/sat/sat.toml. Keycloak usernames are also used in the file names of tokens stored in /.config/sat/tokens. As an additional security measure, SAT now restricts the permissions of the SAT configuration file to be readable and writable only by the user. It also restricts the tokens directory and the entire SAT configuration directory ~/.config/sat to be accessible only by the user. This prevents other users on the system from viewing Keycloak usernames used to authenticate to the API gateway.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where sat init did not print a message confirming a new configuration file was created.
  • Fixed an issue where sat showrev exited with a traceback if the file /opt/cray/etc/site_info.yaml existed but was empty. This could occur if the user exited sat setrev with Ctrl-C.
  • Fixed outdated information in the sat bootsys man page, and added a description of the command stages.