Changes in SAT 2.6

The 2.6.14 version of the SAT product includes:

  • Version 3.25.10 of the sat python package and CLI.
  • Version 2.0.0-1 of the sat-podman wrapper script.
  • Version 1.6.2 of the sat-install-utility container image.

New sat Commands

No new sat commands were added in SAT 2.6.

Changes to sat bootsys

  • Functionality was added to the platform-services and cabinet-power stages of sat bootsys boot. This allows SAT to automatically recreate Kubernetes CronJobs that may have become stuck during shutdown, boot, or reboot.

  • sat bootsys boot more reliably determines if the hms-discovery CronJob was scheduled during the cabinet-power stage.

  • SAT now uses the BatchV1 Kubernetes API to manipulate CronJobs instead of the BatchV1Beta1 API.

  • sat bootsys now logs the ID of all BOS sessions when performing BOS operations. A warning is logged for any BOS sessions with failed components.

  • Support for the Compute Rolling Upgrade Service (CRUS) has been removed, and the sat bootsys command will no longer interact with CRUS.

  • The bos-operations stage of sat bootsys no longer checks whether BOS session templates need any operations to be performed before creating a BOS session. BOS instead determines whether the session will need to boot or shut down any nodes to reach the desired state.

Changes to sat bootprep

  • Wildcard matching was added for images in sat bootprep input files. Use wildcards similar to how prefix filters were used in older versions of SAT. For more information, see Define IMS Images.

  • Support for multiple architectures was added to sat bootprep. It is now possible to filter base IMS images and recipes from products based on their target architecture. This support also allows specifying target architectures in boot sets of BOS session templates. For more information, see Filter Base Images or Recipes from a Product and Define BOS Session Templates.

  • When specifying a base image or recipe from a product, sat bootprep can combine multiple image or recipe filters. When specifying multiple filters, the unique base image or recipe that satisfies all of the given filters is selected. An error occurs if either no images or recipes match the given filters or if more than one image or recipe matches the given filters.

  • In CFS configuration layers, support was added for the new imsRequireDkms field under the specialParameters section. CFS configurations in bootprep input files can specify an ims_require_dkms field in a new, optional special_parameters section for each layer.

Other SAT Changes

  • The SAT Kibana and Grafana dashboards were moved to the System Monitoring Application (SMA) beside other dashboards. For more information on how to view these dashboards going forward, see the HPE Cray EX System Monitoring Application Administration Guide (S-8029).

  • Add the new s3.cert_verify option to the SAT configuration file to control whether certificate verification is performed when accessing S3.

  • Log messages spanning multiple lines now print the log level on each line instead of only at the beginning of the message.

  • When certificate verification is disabled for CSM API requests, only a single warning now prints at the beginning of SAT’s invocation instead of for each request.

  • sat swap blade more reliably determines if the hms-discovery CronJob was scheduled when enabling a blade following a hardware swap.

  • sat swap blade will use the BatchV1 Kubernetes API to manipulate CronJobs, instead of the BatchV1Beta1 API as previously.

  • Command prompts in this guide are now inserted into text before the fenced code block instead of inside of it. This is a change from the documentation of SAT 2.5 and earlier. In addition, two new command prompts were added for better clarity. For more information, see Command Prompt Conventions in SAT.

Multi-tenancy Support

SAT 2.6 supports supplying tenant information to CSM services in order to allow tenant admins to use SAT within their tenant. For more information, see Configure multi-tenancy.


  • Updated the version of cryptography from 36.0.1 to 41.0.0 to resolve CVE-2023-2650.

  • Updated the version of requests from 2.27.1 to 2.31.0 to resolve CVE-2023-32681.

  • Updated the version of curl/libcurl from 7.80.0-r6 to 8.1.2-r0 to address CVE-2023-27536.

Bug Fixes

  • Improved extreme slowness in the platform-services stage of sat bootsys shutdown in cases where a large known_hosts file is used on the host where SAT is running.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the wrong container name to be logged when CFS configuration sessions failed on newer CSM systems.