SAT Changes in Shasta v1.3.2

Shasta v1.3.2 included version 2.4.0 of the sat python package and CLI.

The following sections detail the changes in this release.

sat swap Command for Switch and Cable Replacement

The sat switch command which supported operations for replacing a switch has been deprecated and replaced with the sat swap command, which now supports replacing a switch OR cable.

The sat swap switch command is equivalent to sat switch. The sat switch command will be removed in a future release.

Addition of Stages to sat bootsys Command

The sat bootsys command now has multiple stages for both the boot and shutdown actions. Please refer to the “System Power On Procedures” and “System Power Off Procedures” sections of the Cray Shasta Administration Guide (S-8001) for more details on using this command in the context of a full system power off and power on.