SAT Changes in Shasta v1.4.1

We released version 2.0.4 of the SAT product in Shasta v1.4.1.

This version of the SAT product included:

  • Version 3.5.0 of the sat python package and CLI.
  • Version 1.4.3 of the sat-podman wrapper script.

The following sections detail the changes in this release.

New Commands to Translate Between NIDs and XNames

Two new commands were added to translate between NIDs and XNames:

  • sat nid2xname
  • sat xname2nid

These commands perform this translation by making requests to the Hardware State Manager (HSM) API.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a problem in sat swap where creating the offline port policy failed.
  • Changed sat bootsys shutdown --stage bos-operations to no longer forcefully power off all compute nodes and application nodes using CAPMC when BOS sessions complete or time out.
  • Fixed an issue with the command sat bootsys boot --stage cabinet-power.