SAT Changes in Shasta v1.5

We released version 2.1.16 of the SAT product in Shasta v1.5.

This version of the SAT product included:

  • Version 3.7.4 of the sat python package and CLI
  • Version 1.4.10 of the sat-podman wrapper script

It also added the following new component:

  • Version 1.0.3 of the sat-cfs-install docker image and helm chart

The following sections detail the changes in this release.

Install Changes to Separate Product from CSM

This release further decouples the installation of the SAT product from the CSM product. The cray-sat-podman RPM is no longer installed in the management non-compute node (NCN) image. Instead, the cray-sat-podman RPM is installed on all master management NCNs via an Ansible playbook which is referenced by a layer of the CFS configuration that applies to management NCNs. This CFS configuration is typically named ncn-personalization.

The SAT product now includes a Docker image and a Helm chart named sat-cfs-install. The SAT install script,, deploys the Helm chart with Loftsman. This helm chart deploys a Kubernetes job that imports the SAT Ansible content to a git repository in VCS (Gitea) named sat-config-management. This repository is referenced by the layer added to the NCN personalization CFS configuration.

Removal of Direct Redfish Access

All commands which used to access Redfish directly have either been removed or modified to use higher-level service APIs. This includes the following commands:

  • sat sensors
  • sat diag
  • sat linkhealth

The sat sensors command has been rewritten to use the SMA telemetry API to obtain the latest sensor values. The command’s usage has changed slightly, but legacy options work as before, so it is backwards compatible. Additionally, new commands have been added.

The sat diag command has been rewritten to use a new service called Fox, which is delivered with the CSM-Diags product. The sat diag command now launches diagnostics using the Fox service, which launches the corresponding diagnostic programs on controllers using the Hardware Management Job and Task Daemon (HMJTD) over Redfish. Essentially, Fox serves as a proxy for us to start diagnostics over Redfish.

The sat linkhealth command has been removed. Its functionality has been replaced by functionality from the Slingshot Topology Tool (STT) in the fabric manager pod.

The Redfish username and password command line options and configuration file options have been removed. For more information, see Remove Obsolete Configuration File Sections.

Additional Fields in sat setrev and sat showrev

sat setrev now collects the following information from the admin, which is then displayed by sat showrev:

  • System description
  • Product number
  • Company name
  • Country code

Additional guidance and validation has been added to each field collected by sat setrev. This sets the stage for sdu setup to stop collecting this information and instead collect it from sat showrev or its S3 bucket.

Improvements to sat bootsys

The platform-services stage of the sat bootsys boot command has been improved to start inactive Ceph services, unfreeze Ceph, and wait for Ceph health in the correct order. The ceph-check stage has been removed as it is no longer needed.

The platform-services stage of sat bootsys boot now prompts for confirmation of the storage NCN hostnames in addition to the Kubernetes control plane and worker nodes.

Bug Fixes and Security Fixes

  • Improved error handling in sat firmware.
  • Incremented version of Alpine Linux to 3.13.2 to address a security vulnerability.

Other Notable Changes

  • Ansible has been removed from the cray-sat container image.
  • Support for the Firmware Update Service (FUS) has been removed from the sat firmware command.