SAT Upgrade

Install and Upgrade Framework

The Install and Upgrade Framework (IUF) provides commands which install, upgrade, and deploy products on systems managed by CSM. IUF capabilities are described in detail in the IUF section of the Cray System Management Documentation. The initial install and upgrade workflows described in the HPE Cray EX System Software Stack Installation and Upgrade Guide for CSM (S-8052) detail when and how to use IUF with a new release of SAT or any other HPE Cray EX product.

This document does not replicate install, upgrade, or deployment procedures detailed in the Cray System Management Documentation. This document provides details regarding software and configuration content specific to SAT which is needed when installing, upgrading, or deploying a SAT release. The Cray System Management Documentation will indicate when sections of this document should be referred to for detailed information.

IUF will perform the following tasks for a release of SAT.

  • IUF deliver-product stage:
    • Uploads SAT configuration content to VCS
    • Uploads SAT information to the CSM product catalog
    • Uploads SAT content to Nexus repositories
  • IUF update-vcs-config stage:
    • Updates the VCS integration branch with new SAT configuration content if a working branch is specified
  • IUF update-cfs-config stage:
    • Creates a new CFS configuration for management nodes with new SAT configuration content
  • IUF prepare-images stage:
    • Creates updated management NCN and managed node images with new SAT content
  • IUF management-nodes-rollout stage:
    • Boots management NCNs with an image containing new SAT content

IUF uses a variety of CSM and SAT tools when performing these tasks. The IUF section of the Cray System Management Documentation describes how to use these tools directly if it is desirable to use them instead of IUF.

IUF Stage Details for SAT

This section describes SAT details that an administrator must be aware of before running IUF stages. Entries are prefixed with Information if no administrative action is required or Action if an administrator needs to perform tasks outside of IUF.


Information: This stage is only run if a VCS working branch is specified for SAT. By default, SAT does not create or specify a VCS working branch.


Information: This stage only applies to the management configuration and not to the managed configuration.


Information: This stage only applies to management images and not to managed images.

Post-Upgrade Procedures

After upgrading SAT with IUF, it is recommended to complete the following procedures before using SAT:

Notes on the Procedures

  • Ellipses (...) in shell output indicate omitted lines.
  • In the examples below, replace x.y.z with the version of the SAT product stream being upgraded.
  • ‘manager’ and ‘master’ are used interchangeably in the steps below.

Remove Obsolete Configuration File Sections

After upgrading SAT, if using the configuration file from a previous version, there may be configuration file sections no longer used in the new version. For example, when upgrading from Shasta 1.4 to Shasta 1.5, the [redfish] configuration file section is no longer used.

(ncn-m001#) In that case, the following warning may appear upon running sat commands.

WARNING: Ignoring unknown section 'redfish' in config file.

Remove the [redfish] section from /root/.config/sat/sat.toml to resolve the warning.

username = "admin"
password = "adminpass"

Repeat this process for any configuration file sections for which there are “unknown section” warnings.

Update SAT Logging

As of SAT version 2.2, some command output that was previously printed to stdout is now logged to stderr. These messages are logged at the INFO level. The default logging threshold was changed from WARNING to INFO to accommodate this logging change. Additionally, some messages previously logged at the INFO are now logged at the DEBUG level.

These changes take effect automatically. However, if the default output threshold has been manually set in ~/.config/sat/sat.toml, it should be changed to ensure that important output is shown in the terminal.

Update Configuration

(ncn-m001#) In the following example, the stderr log level, logging.stderr_level, is set to WARNING, which will exclude INFO-level logging from terminal output.

grep -A 3 logging ~/.config/sat/sat.toml

Example output:

stderr_level = "WARNING"

To enable the new default behavior, comment this line out, delete it, or set the value to “INFO”.

If logging.stderr_level is commented out, its value will not affect logging behavior. However, it may be helpful to set its value to INFO as a reminder of the new default behavior.

Affected Commands

The following commands trigger messages that have been changed from stdout print calls to INFO-level (or WARNING- or ERROR-level) log messages:

  • sat bootsys --stage shutdown --stage session-checks
  • sat sensors

The following commands trigger messages that have been changed from INFO-level log messages to DEBUG-level log messages:

  • sat nid2xname
  • sat xname2nid
  • sat swap

Set System Revision Information

HPE service representatives use system revision information data to identify systems in support cases.


Notes on the Procedure

This procedure is not required if SAT was upgraded from 2.1 (Shasta v1.5) or later. It is required if SAT was upgraded from 2.0 (Shasta v1.4) or earlier.


  1. Set System Revision Information.

    (ncn-m001#) Run sat setrev and follow the prompts to set the following site-specific values:

    • Serial number
    • System name
    • System type
    • System description
    • Product number
    • Company name
    • Site name
    • Country code
    • System install date

    Tip: For “System type”, a system with any liquid-cooled components should be considered a liquid-cooled system. In other words, “System type” is EX-1C.

    sat setrev

    Example output:

    Setting:        Serial number
    Purpose:        System identification. This will affect how snapshots are
                    identified in the HPE backend services.
    Description:    This is the top-level serial number which uniquely identifies
                    the system. It can be requested from an HPE representative.
    Valid values:   Alpha-numeric string, 4 - 20 characters.
    Type:           <class 'str'>
    Default:        None
    Current value:  None
    Please do one of the following to set the value of the above setting:
        - Input a new value
        - Press CTRL-C to exit
  2. Verify System Revision Information.

    (ncn-m001#) Run sat showrev and verify the output shown in the “System Revision Information table.”

    The following example shows sample table output.

    sat showrev

    Example output:

    System Revision Information
    | component           | data          |
    | Company name        | HPE           |
    | Country code        | US            |
    | Interconnect        | Sling         |
    | Product number      | R4K98A        |
    | Serial number       | 12345         |
    | Site name           | HPE           |
    | Slurm version       | slurm 20.02.5 |
    | System description  | Test System   |
    | System install date | 2021-01-29    |
    | System name         | eniac         |
    | System type         | EX-1C         |
    Product Revision Information
    | product_name | product_version | images                       | image_recipes                |
    | csm          | 0.8.14          | cray-shasta-csm-sles15sp1... | cray-shasta-csm-sles15sp1... |
    | sat          | 2.0.1           | -                            | -                            |
    | sdu          | 1.0.8           | -                            | -                            |
    | slingshot    | 0.8.0           | -                            | -                            |
    | sma          | 1.4.12          | -                            | -                            |
    Local Host Operating System
    | component | version              |
    | Kernel    | 5.3.18-24.15-default |
    | SLES      | SLES 15-SP2          |