Enabling the Customer Access Network (CAN) or the Customer High Speed Network (CHN)

The HPE Cray Supercomputing UAN product provides a role, uan_interfaces in the Configuration Framework Service (CFS). This role is suitable for Application type nodes, and in some circumstances, configuring the CHN on Compute type nodes.

  1. Enable CAN or CHN by setting the following in the UAN CFS repo (the filename may be modified to whatever is appropriate):

    ncn-m001:~/ $ cat group_vars/Application_UAN/can.yml
    uan_can_setup: true
  2. SLS will be configured with either CAN or CHN, uan_interfaces will use this setting to determine if a default route will be established over the NMN (CAN) or the HSN (CHN). To see how the site is configured, query SLS:

    ncn-m001:~/ $ cray sls search networks list --name CHN --format json | jq -r '.[] | .Name'
  3. (Optional) If the compute nodes are going to use the UAN CFS role uan_interfaces to set a default route on the CHN, make sure that there is an appropriate ansible setting for the compute nodes and the UANs:

    ncn-m001:~/ $ cat group_vars/Compute/can.yml
    uan_can_setup: true
  4. After uan_can_setup has been enabled, update the CFS configuration used for the nodes to initiate a reconfiguration (see the Configuration Management section of the CSM documentation for more information).

  5. The CSM documentation provides additional resources to validate the configuration of CAN and CHN for UANs and Computes. Consult the section titled “Enabling Customer High Speed Network Routing” in the CSM documentation for more information.