Boot UANs

Perform this procedure to boot UANs using BOS so that they are ready for user logins.



  1. Create a BOS session to boot the UAN nodes. Replace uan-sessiontemplate-PRODUCT_VERSION in the following command with the ID of the session template created by the initial HPE Cray Supercomputing UAN product installation or the UAN product upgrade process.

    ncn-m001# cray bos session create --template-uuid uan-sessiontemplate-PRODUCT_VERSION --operation reboot --format json | tee session.json
     "links": [
         "href": "/v1/session/89680d0a-3a6b-4569-a1a1-e275b71fce7d",
         "jobId": "boa-89680d0a-3a6b-4569-a1a1-e275b71fce7d",
         "rel": "session",
         "type": "GET"
         "href": "/v1/session/89680d0a-3a6b-4569-a1a1-e275b71fce7d/status",
         "rel": "status",
         "type": "GET"
     "operation": "reboot",
     "templateUuid": "uan-sessiontemplate-PRODUCT_VERSION"
  2. Retrieve the BOS session ID from the output of the previous command.

    ncn-m001# export BOS_SESSION=$(jq -r '.links[] | select(.rel=="session") | .href' session.json | cut -d '/' -f4)
    ncn-m001# echo $BOS_SESSION
  3. Retrieve the Boot Orchestration Agent (BOA) Kubernetes job name for the BOS session.

    ncn-m001# BOA_JOB_NAME=$(cray bos session describe $BOS_SESSION --format json | jq -r .job)
  4. Retrieve the Kubernetes pod name for the BOA assigned to run this session.

    ncn-m001# BOA_POD=$(kubectl get pods -n services -l job-name=$BOA_JOB_NAME --no-headers -o custom-columns="")
  5. View the logs for the BOA to track session progress.

    ncn-m001# kubectl logs -f -n services $BOA_POD -c boa
  6. List the CFS sessions started by the BOA. Skip this step if CFS was not enabled in the boot session template used to boot the UANs.

    If CFS was enabled in the boot session template, the BOA will initiate a CFS session.

    In the following command, pending and complete are also valid statuses to filter on.

    ncn-m001# cray cfs sessions list --tags bos_session=$BOS_SESSION --status running --format json