Build a New UAN Image Using a COS Recipe

Prior to HPE Cray Supercomputing UAN release 2.3, a similar copy of the COS image recipe was imported with the UAN install. Beginning with the 2.3 release, this product does not install an image recipe. A COS image recipe must be used. Additional UAN packages will be installed by CFS and the uan_packages role. In UAN release 2.6, this procedure is automated as part of the IUF process of installing and upgrading the UAN product. See Install or Upgrade UAN for details.

The following procedures are provided for cases where a new UAN image must be built after initial installation. This document describes two methods of building UAN images:

Using IUF to Build a New UAN Image (UAN 2.6+)

The procedure for using IUF to build and prepare images is documented in the Image Preparation section of the CSM documentation. After IUF runs, the UAN CFS configuration will be created, the UAN image will be configured using that configuration, and the UAN BOS session template will be created using the new configuration and image.

The following information is provided for reference.

Two IUF stages are run to create a new UAN image:

  1. update-cfs-config: Creates a new CFS configuration defined by the information in the bootprep file.
  2. prepare-images: Applies the new CFS configuration to the image defined in the bootprep file.

After IUF runs these two stages, the UAN CFS configuration will be created, the UAN image will be configured using that configuration, and a UAN BOS session template will be created using the new configuration and image.

Before using IUF to build a new UAN image from a COS recipe, be sure that the information in the IUF Recipe Variables file (product_vars.yaml) and bootprep file (compute-and-uan-bootprep.yaml) are correct for the wanted UAN CFS configuration and the COS image recipe.

  • Example product_vars.yaml showing COS and UAN versions and working VCS branches:

      version: 2.5.120 # Provides the COS image to use as a base UAN image
      working_branch: "{{ working_branch }}" # COS CFS branch to use (typically matches compute nodes)
      version: 2.6.0 # Provides the UAN CFS configuration
      working_branch: "{{ working_branch }}" # Provides the UAN CFS branch to use
  • Example compute-and-uan-bootprep.yaml showing UAN CFS configuration and images (COS and UAN):

    - name: "{{default.note}}uan-{{recipe.version}}{{default.suffix}}"
      - name: shs-{{default.network_type}}_install-{{slingshot_host_software.working_branch}}
        playbook: shs_{{default.network_type}}_install.yml
          name: slingshot-host-software
          version: "{{slingshot_host_software.version}}"
          branch: "{{slingshot_host_software.working_branch}}"
      - name: cos-application-{{cos.working_branch}}
        playbook: cos-application.yml
          name: cos
          version: "{{cos.version}}"
          branch: "{{cos.working_branch}}"
      - name: csm-packages-{{csm.version}}
        playbook: csm_packages.yml
          name: csm
          version: "{{csm.version}}"
      - name: uan-{{uan.working_branch}}
        playbook: site.yml
          name: uan
          version: "{{uan.version}}"
          branch: "{{uan.working_branch}}"
      - name: csm-diags-application-{{csm_diags.version}}
        playbook: csm-diags-application.yml
          name: csm-diags
          version: "{{csm_diags.version}}"
      - name: sma-ldms-application-{{sma.version}}
        playbook: sma-ldms-application.yml
          name: sma
          version: "{{sma.version}}"
      - name: cpe-pe_deploy-{{cpe.working_branch}}
        playbook: pe_deploy.yml
          name: cpe
          version: "{{cpe.version}}"
          branch: "{{cpe.working_branch}}"
      - name: analytics-site-{{analytics.working_branch}}
        playbook: site.yml
          name: analytics
          version: "{{analytics.version}}"
          branch: "{{analytics.working_branch}}"
      - name: slurm-site-{{slurm.working_branch}}
        playbook: site.yml
          name: slurm
          version: "{{slurm.version}}"
          branch: "{{slurm.working_branch}}"
      - name: cos-application-last-{{cos.working_branch}}
        playbook: cos-application-after.yml
          name: cos
          version: "{{cos.version}}"
          branch: "{{cos.working_branch}}"
    # images that use will inherit the note and suffix in their name
    - name: "{{default.note}}{{}}{{default.suffix}}"
      ref_name: base_cos_image
          name: cos
          type: recipe
          version: "{{cos.version}}"
    - name: "compute-{{}}"
      ref_name: compute_image
        image_ref: base_cos_image
      configuration: "{{default.note}}compute-{{recipe.version}}{{default.suffix}}"
      - Compute
    - name: "uan-{{}}"
      ref_name: uan_image
        image_ref: base_cos_image
      configuration: "{{default.note}}uan-{{recipe.version}}{{default.suffix}}"
      - Application
      - Application_UAN

After the product_vars.yaml and compute-and-uan-bootprep.yaml files are updated to reflect the wanted COS and UAN versions and VCS branches to use, IUF may be executed.

Manually Build a New UAN Image from a COS Recipe (UAN 2.3+)

Perform the following before starting this procedure:

  • Install the COS, Slingshot, and UAN product streams.
  • Initialize the cray administrative CLI.

In the COS recipe for 2.2, several dependencies have been removed, including Slingshot, DVS, and Lustre. Those packages are now installed during CFS Image Customization. More information on this change is covered in the Create UAN Boot Images procedure.

  1. Identify the COS image recipe to base the UAN image on. Select the recipe that matches the version of COS that the compute nodes will be using.

    ncn-m001# cray ims recipes list --format json | jq '.[] | select(.name | contains("compute"))'
      "created": "2021-02-17T15:19:48.549383+00:00",
      "id": "4a5d1178-80ad-4151-af1b-bbe1480958d1",  <<-- Note this ID
      "link": {
        "etag": "3c3b292364f7739da966c9cdae096964",
        "path": "s3://ims/recipes/4a5d1178-80ad-4151-af1b-bbe1480958d1/recipe.tar.gz",
        "type": "s3"
      "linux_distribution": "sles15",
      "name": "cray-shasta-compute-sles15sp3.x86_64-2.2.27",
      "recipe_type": "kiwi-ng"
  2. Save the id of the IMS recipe in an environment variable.

    ncn-m001# IMS_RECIPE_ID=4a5d1178-80ad-4151-af1b-bbe1480958d1
  3. Use the IMS recipe id to build the UAN image:

    More detail on this IMS procedure may be found in the procedure “Build an Image Using IMS REST Service” in the CSM documentation.

    ncn-m001# IMS_PUBLIC_KEY=$(cray ims public-keys list --format json | jq -r ".[] | .id" | head -1)
    ncn-m001# IMS_ARCHIVE_NAME=$(cray ims recipes describe $IMS_RECIPE_ID --format json | jq -r .name)
    ncn-m001# IMS_ARCHIVE_NAME=${IMS_ARCHIVE_NAME/compute/uan}
    ncn-m001# cray ims jobs create --job-type create --public-key-id $IMS_PUBLIC_KEY --image-root-archive-name $IMS_ARCHIVE_NAME --artifact-id $IMS_RECIPE_ID
  4. Perform Create UAN Boot Images to run CFS Image Customization on the resulting image.