Troubleshoot UAN CFS and Network Configuration Issues

Examine the UAN CFS pod logs to help troubleshoot CFS and networking issues on UANs.

Read Basic UAN Configuration before starting this procedure.

  1. Obtain the name of the CFS session that failed by running the following command on a management or worker NCN:

    This example sorts the list of CFS sessions so that the most recent one is at the bottom.

    ncn# kubectl -n services get pods --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp | grep ^cfs
  2. View the Ansible log of the CFS session found in the previous step (CFS_SESSION in the following example). Use the information in the log to guide troubleshooting.

    ncn# kubectl -n services logs -f -c ansible-0 CFS_SESSION
  3. Optional: Troubleshoot uan_interfaces issues by logging into the affected node (usually with the conman console) and using standard network debugging techniques.

    NMN and CAN/CHN network setup errors can also result from incorrect switch configuration and network cabling.