
The page walks a user through setting up the Cray LiveCD with the intention of installing Cray System Management (CSM).

  1. Boot installation environment
    1. Setup site network
    2. Prepare the data partition
    3. Set reusable environment variables
    4. Configure Pre-install environment
  2. Create system configuration
    1. Generate topology files
    2. Customize system_config.yaml
    3. Run CSI
    4. Prepare site init
    5. Configure Management Network
    6. Initialize the LiveCD
  3. Initialize Nexus
  4. Next topic

1. Boot installation environment

Before proceeding, ensure that other NCNs are powered off and their BMC’s IP source is set to DHCP and external connectivity is working.

DHCP and external connectivity is required to download CSM tar ball.

NOTE: Each step denotes where its commands must run; external# refers to a server that is not the Cray, whereas pit# refers to the LiveCD itself.

1.1 Setup site network

On the first login, configure and verify the site-link, DNS and gateway IP addresses.

  1. (pit#) Configure the site-link (lan0), DNS, and gateway IP addresses. (Optional) Also, at this stage, you can change the admin node password.

    1. Set site_ip variable.

      Set the site_ip value in CIDR format (A.B.C.D/N):

      site_ip=<IP CIDR>
    2. Set the site_gw and site_dns variables.

      Set the site_gw and site_dns values in IPv4 dotted decimal format (A.B.C.D):

      site_gw=<Gateway IP address>
      site_dns=<DNS IP address>
    3. Set the site_nics variable.

      The site_nics value or values are found while the user is in the LiveCD (for example, site_nics='p2p1 p2p2 p2p3' or site_nics=em1).

      site_nics='<site NIC or NICs>'
    4. Set the SYSTEM_NAME variable.

      SYSTEM_NAME is the name of the system. This will only be used for the PIT hostname. This variable is capitalized because it will be used in a subsequent section.

      SYSTEM_NAME=<system name>
    5. Set network device files.

      1. Download and extract the contents of network file template tarball from here, extract the contents.

        tar -xzvf network_template.tar.gz
      2. Delete existing network settings and copy the extracted files to /etc/sysconfig/network/.

        rm -rf /etc/sysconfig/network/*
        cp -r $PWD/network/* /etc/sysconfig/network/
    6. (pit#) Run the script to set up the site link and set the hostname.


      • Use ipmi sol session or conman session while performing this step as SSH session may disconnect.
      • All of the /root/bin/csi-* scripts can be run without parameters to display usage statements.
      • The hostname is auto-resolved based on reverse DNS.
      /root/bin/ "${SYSTEM_NAME}" "${site_ip}" "${site_gw}" "${site_dns}" "${site_nics}"
  2. (pit#) Verify that the assigned IP address was successfully applied to lan0.

    wicked ifstatus --verbose lan0


    • The output from the above command must say leases: ipv4 static granted.

    • If the IPv4 address was not granted, then go back and recheck the variable values. The output will indicate the IP address failed to assign, which can happen if the given IP address is already taken on the connected network.

1.2 Prepare the data partition

  1. Populate the /etc/fstab as follows:

     LABEL=PITDATA  /var/www/ephemeral               ext4      noauto,noatime                0 2
     tmpfs          /var/lib/containers/storage      tmpfs     auto,nodev,nosuid,size=64g     0 0

    Ensure that tmpfs is large enough as almost 31 GB of data will be placed in /var/lib/containers/storage during the install CSM services step. If tmpfs is small, to increase the tmpfs capacity use the following command:

     LABEL=PITDATA  /var/www/ephemeral               ext4      noauto,noatime                0 2
     /dev/sda1          /var/lib/containers/storage      ext4     defaults     0 0
  2. Create the required directories using the following command:

      mkdir -p /var/www/ephemeral
      mkdir -p /var/lib/containers/storage
      mount -a
  3. (pit#) Mount the PITDATA partition. Use a local disk for PITDATA:

    disk="$(lsblk -l -o SIZE,NAME,TYPE,TRAN -e7 -e11 -d -n | grep -v usb | sort -h | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -I {} bash -c "if ! grep -Fq {} /proc/mdstat; then echo {}; fi" | head -n 1)"
    echo "Using ${disk}"
    parted --wipesignatures -m --align=opt --ignore-busy -s "/dev/${disk}" -- mklabel gpt mkpart primary ext4 2048s 100%
    partprobe "/dev/${disk}"
    mkfs.ext4 -L PITDATA "/dev/${disk}1"
    mount -vL PITDATA

1.3 Set reusable environment variables

These variables will need to be set for many procedures within the CSM installation process.

NOTE: This sets some variables that were already set. These should be set again anyway.

  1. (pit#) Set the variables.

    1. Set the PITDATA variable.

      export PITDATA="$(lsblk -o MOUNTPOINT -nr /dev/disk/by-label/PITDATA)"
    2. Set the CSM_RELEASE variable.

      The value is based on the version of the CSM release being installed.

      Example release versions:

      • An alpha build: CSM_RELEASE=1.4.0-alpha.99
      • A release candidate: CSM_RELEASE=1.4.0-rc.1
      • A stable release: CSM_RELEASE=1.4.0
      export CSM_RELEASE=<value>
    3. Set the CSM_PATH variable.

      After the CSM release tarball has been expanded, this will be the path to its base directory.

      export CSM_PATH="${PITDATA}/csm-${CSM_RELEASE}"
    4. Set the SYSTEM_NAME variable.

      This is the user friendly name for the system. For example, for eniac-ncn-m001, SYSTEM_NAME should be set to eniac.

      export SYSTEM_NAME=<value>
  2. (pit#) Update /etc/environment.

    This ensures that these variables will be set in all future shells on the PIT node.

    export GOSS_BASE=/opt/cray/tests/install/livecd
    cat << EOF >/etc/environment

1.4 Configure Pre-install environment

  1. Update dnsmasq and apache2 configuration files.

    Download the tarball from here and extract it in the current working directory.

    tar -xf dhcp_http.tar.gz
  2. Update the apache2 and dnsmasq configurations as follows:

    cp -rv dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf  /etc/dnsmasq.conf
    cp -rv apache2/* /etc/apache2/
    cp -rv  conman/conman.conf /etc/conman.conf
    cp -rv logrotate/conman /etc/logrotate.d/conman
    cp -rv kubectl/kubectl /usr/bin/

    (Optional) Uncomment the tftp_secure entry in the dnsmasq.conf file.

  3. Stop the following services: dhcpd and named.

    systemctl stop dhcpd
    systemctl stop named
    systemctl restart apache2
  4. If ping does not work, then add the following entry in /etc/hosts.
  5. (pit#) Get the artifact versions.

    KUBERNETES_VERSION="$(find ${CSM_PATH}/images/kubernetes -name '*.squashfs' -exec basename {} .squashfs \; | awk -F '-' '{print $(NF-1)}')"
    CEPH_VERSION="$(find ${CSM_PATH}/images/storage-ceph -name '*.squashfs' -exec basename {} .squashfs \; | awk -F '-' '{print $(NF-1)}')"
    echo "${CEPH_VERSION}"
  6. (pit#) Copy the NCN images from the expanded tarball.

    NOTE: This hard-links the files to do this copy as fast as possible, as well as to mitigate space waste on the USB stick.

    mkdir -pv "${PITDATA}/data/k8s/" "${PITDATA}/data/ceph/"
    rsync -rltDP --delete "${CSM_PATH}/images/kubernetes/" --link-dest="${CSM_PATH}/images/kubernetes/" "${PITDATA}/data/k8s/${KUBERNETES_VERSION}"
    rsync -rltDP --delete "${CSM_PATH}/images/storage-ceph/" --link-dest="${CSM_PATH}/images/storage-ceph/" "${PITDATA}/data/ceph/${CEPH_VERSION}"
  7. (pit#) Modify the NCN images with SSH keys and root passwords.

    The following substeps provide the most commonly used defaults for this process. For more advanced options, see Set NCN Image Root Password, SSH Keys, and Timezone on PIT Node.

    1. Generate SSH keys.

      NOTE: The code block below assumes there is an RSA key without a passphrase. This step can be customized to use a passphrase if desired.

      ssh-keygen -N "" -t rsa
    2. Export the password hash for root that is needed for the script.

      This will set the NCN root user password to be the same as the root user password on the PIT.

      export SQUASHFS_ROOT_PW_HASH="$(awk -F':' /^root:/'{print $2}' < /etc/shadow)"
    3. Inject these into the NCN images by running from the CSM documentation RPM.

      NCN_MOD_SCRIPT=$(rpm -ql docs-csm | grep
      echo "${NCN_MOD_SCRIPT}"
      "${NCN_MOD_SCRIPT}" -p \
         -d /root/.ssh \
         -k "/var/www/ephemeral/data/k8s/${KUBERNETES_VERSION}/kubernetes-${KUBERNETES_VERSION}.squashfs" \
         -s "/var/www/ephemeral/data/ceph/${CEPH_VERSION}/storage-ceph-${CEPH_VERSION}.squashfs"
  8. (pit#) Log the currently installed PIT packages.

    Having this information in the typescript can be helpful if problems are encountered during the install. This command was run once in a previous step – running it again now is intentional.


    Expected output looks similar to the following (the versions in the example below may differ). There should be no errors.

    = PIT Identification = COPY/CUT START =======================================
    2022/05/04 17:08:19 Using config file: /var/www/ephemeral/prep/system_config.yaml
    CRAY-Site-Init build signature...
    Build Commit   : 0915d59f8292cfebe6b95dcba81b412a08e52ddf-main
    Build Time     : 2022-05-02T20:21:46Z
    Go Version     : go1.16.10
    Git Version    : v1.9.13-29-g0915d59f
    Platform       : linux/amd64
    App. Version   : 1.17.1
    = PIT Identification = COPY/CUT END =========================================

2. Create system configuration

This stage walks the user through creating the configuration payload for the system.

Run the following steps before starting any of the system configuration procedures.

  1. (pit#) Make the prep directory.

    mkdir -pv "${PITDATA}/prep"
  2. (pit#) Change into the prep directory.

    cd "${PITDATA}/prep"

2.1 Generate topology files

NOTE: The following seed files are auto-generated with the common pre-installer application_node_config.yaml ,hmn_connections.json ,ncn_metadata.csv ,switch_metadata.csv. See Seed file generation.

  1. Verify if cabinets.yaml config file has not been created (manually).

    If cabinets.yaml config file has not been created, create the cabinets.yaml using the following step, else skip the following step.


    1. Create remaining seed files, unless they already exist from a previous installation.
  2. (pit#) Assuming all seed files are under $HOME/seedfiles directory, copy the generated files under ${PITDATA}/prep directory.

    cp $HOME/seedfiles/* "${PITDATA}/prep"
  3. (pit#) Confirm that the following files exist.

    ls -l "${PITDATA}"/prep/{application_node_config.yaml,cabinets.yaml,hmn_connections.json,ncn_metadata.csv,switch_metadata.csv}

    Expected output look similar to the following example:

    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  146 Jun  6 00:12 /var/www/ephemeral/prep/application_node_config.yaml
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  392 Jun  6 00:12 /var/www/ephemeral/prep/cabinets.yaml
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3768 Jun  6 00:12 /var/www/ephemeral/prep/hmn_connections.json
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1216 Jun  6 00:12 /var/www/ephemeral/prep/ncn_metadata.csv
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  150 Jun  6 00:12 /var/www/ephemeral/prep/switch_metadata.csv

2.2 Customize system_config.yaml

  1. (pit#) Create or copy system_config.yaml.

    • If one does not exist from a prior installation, then create an empty one:

      csi config init empty
    • Otherwise, copy the existing system_config.yaml file into the working directory and proceed to the Run CSI step.

  2. (pit#) Edit the system_config.yaml file with the appropriate values.


    • For a short description of each key in the file, run csi config init --help.
    • For more description of these settings and the default values, see Default IP Address Ranges and the other topics in CSM Overview.
    • To enable or disable audit logging, refer to Audit Logs for more information.
    • If the system is using a cabinets.yaml file, be sure to update the cabinets-yaml field with 'cabinets.yaml' as its value.
    vim system_config.yaml

2.3 Run CSI

  1. (pit#) Generate the initial configuration for CSI.

    This will validate whether the inputs for CSI are correct.

    csi config init

    Expected Output:

         2022/09/29 06:40:15 Using config file: /var/www/ephemeral/prep/system_config.yaml
         2022/09/29 06:40:15 Using application node config: /var/www/ephemeral/prep/application_node_config.yaml
         2022/09/29 06:40:15 SLS Cabinet Map
         2022/09/29 06:40:15      Class River
         2022/09/29 06:40:15             x3000
         {"level":"info","ts":1664433615.2577472,"msg":"Beginning SLS configuration generation."}
         2022/09/29 06:40:15 WARNING (Not Fatal): Couldn't find switch port for NCN: x3000c0s1b0
         2022/09/29 06:40:15 wrote 24725 bytes to /var/www/ephemeral/prep/system_name/sls_input_file.json
         2022/09/29 06:40:15 wrote 2342 bytes to /var/www/ephemeral/prep/system_name/customizations.yaml
         2022/09/29 06:40:15 Generating Installer Node (PIT) interface configurations for: ncn-m001
         2022/09/29 06:40:15 wrote 509 bytes to /var/www/ephemeral/prep/system_name/pit-files/ifcfg-bond0
         2022/09/29 06:40:15 wrote 376 bytes to /var/www/ephemeral/prep/system_name/pit-files/ifcfg-lan0
         2022/09/29 06:40:15 wrote 1030 bytes to /var/www/ephemeral/prep/system_name/pit-files/config
         2022/09/29 06:40:15 wrote 24 bytes to /var/www/ephemeral/prep/system_name/pit-files/ifroute-lan0
         2022/09/29 06:40:15 wrote 335 bytes to /var/www/ephemeral/prep/system_name/pit-files/ifcfg-bond0.hmn0
         2022/09/29 06:40:15 wrote 335 bytes to /var/www/ephemeral/prep/system_name/pit-files/ifcfg-bond0.nmn0
         2022/09/29 06:40:15 wrote 39 bytes to /var/www/ephemeral/prep/system_name/pit-files/ifroute-bond0.nmn0
         2022/09/29 06:40:15 wrote 336 bytes to /var/www/ephemeral/prep/system_name/pit-files/ifcfg-bond0.can0
         2022/09/29 06:40:15 wrote 335 bytes to /var/www/ephemeral/prep/system_name/pit-files/ifcfg-bond0.cmn0
         2022/09/29 06:40:15 wrote 320 bytes to /var/www/ephemeral/prep/system_name/dnsmasq.d/CMN.conf
         2022/09/29 06:40:15 wrote 572 bytes to /var/www/ephemeral/prep/system_name/dnsmasq.d/HMN.conf
         2022/09/29 06:40:15 wrote 572 bytes to /var/www/ephemeral/prep/system_name/dnsmasq.d/NMN.conf
         2022/09/29 06:40:15 wrote 540 bytes to /var/www/ephemeral/prep/system_name/dnsmasq.d/MTL.conf
         2022/09/29 06:40:15 wrote 324 bytes to /var/www/ephemeral/prep/system_name/dnsmasq.d/CAN.conf
         2022/09/29 06:40:15 wrote 8917 bytes to /var/www/ephemeral/prep/system_name/dnsmasq.d/statics.conf
         2022/09/29 06:40:15 wrote 1226 bytes to /var/www/ephemeral/prep/system_name/conman.conf
         2022/09/29 06:40:15 wrote 894 bytes to /var/www/ephemeral/prep/system_name/metallb.yaml
         2022/09/29 06:40:15 wrote 60609 bytes to /var/www/ephemeral/prep/system_name/basecamp/data.json
         ===== [system_name] Installation Summary =====
         Installation Node: ncn-m001
         Customer Management: GW:
         Customer Access: GW:
                 Upstream DNS:,
                 MetalLB Peers: [spine]
                 BICAN user network toggle set to CAN
                 Supernet enabled!  Using the supernet gateway for some management subnets
                 * Hardware Management Network with 2 subnets
                 * High Speed Network with 1 subnets
                 * Provisioning Network (untagged) with 2 subnets
                 * Node Management Network with 3 subnets
                 * Customer Access Network with 2 subnets
                 * River Compute Hardware Management Network with 1 subnets
                 * River Compute Node Management Network with 1 subnets
                 * SystemDefaultRoute points the network name of the default route with 0 subnets
                 * Customer Management Network with 4 subnets
                 * Node Management Network LoadBalancers with 1 subnets
                 * Hardware Management Network LoadBalancers with 1 subnets
         System Information
                 NCNs: 9
                 Mountain Compute Cabinets: 0
                 Hill Compute Cabinets: 0
                 River Compute Cabinets: 1
         CSI Version Information

2.4 Prepare site init

Follow the Prepare site init procedure.

2.5 Configure Management Network

Follow Configure management network switches.

NOTE: The generated paddle file can be used as input to the CANU command to configure the switches.

2.6 Initialize the LiveCD

NOTE: If starting an installation at this point, ensure to copy the previous prep directory back onto the system.

  1. (pit#) Initialize the PIT.

    NOTE: This step restarts the network interface, so this step can be performed from ipmi sol or conman session.

    The script will prepare the PIT server for deploying NCNs.

  2. Setup tftp boot directory and restart dnsmasq.

     mkdir -p /srv/tftpboot/boot/
     cp -r /var/www/boot/* /srv/tftpboot/boot/
     systemctl restart dnsmasq
  3. (pit#) Set the IPMI_PASSWORD variable.

    read -r -s -p "NCN BMC root password: " IPMI_PASSWORD
  4. (pit#) Export the IPMI_PASSWORD variable.

    export IPMI_PASSWORD
  5. (pit#) Setup links to the boot artifacts extracted from the CSM tarball.


    • This will also set all the BMCs to DHCP.
    • Changing into the $HOME directory ensures the proper operation of the script.
    cd $HOME && /root/bin/

    Expected Output:

         Resolving images to boot ...
         Images resolved
         Kubernetes Boot Selection:
                 kernel: /var/www/ephemeral/data/k8s/0.3.51/5.3.18-150300.59.87-default-0.3.51.kernel
                 initrd: /var/www/ephemeral/data/k8s/0.3.51/initrd.img-0.3.51.xz
                 squash: /var/www/ephemeral/data/k8s/0.3.51/secure-kubernetes-0.3.51.squashfs
         Storage Boot Selection:
                 kernel: /var/www/ephemeral/data/ceph/0.3.51/5.3.18-150300.59.87-default-0.3.51.kernel
                 initrd: /var/www/ephemeral/data/ceph/0.3.51/initrd.img-0.3.51.xz
                 squash: /var/www/ephemeral/data/ceph/0.3.51/secure-storage-ceph-0.3.51.squashfs
         Attempting to set all known BMCs (from /etc/conman.conf) to DHCP mode
         current BMC count: 8
         Waiting on 8 to request DHCP ...
         All [8] expected BMCs have requested DHCP.
         /root/bin/ is creating boot directories for each NCN with a BMC that has a lease in /var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases
                 NOTE: Nodes without boot directories will still boot the non-destructive iPXE binary for bare-metal discovery usage.
                 Images will be stored on the NCN at /run/initramfs/live/1.3.0-rc.3/
         /var/www is ready.

    Go to /var/www and create additional symlinks as follows:

    cp -r /var/www/ncn-* /srv/tftpboot/
    mkdir /srv/tftpboot/ephemeral
    cp -r /var/www/ephemeral/data/ /srv/tftpboot/ephemeral/

    Start conman service.

    systemctl start conman.service
  6. (pit#) Verify that the LiveCD is ready by running the preflight tests.

    Run the following command to make the kubectl binary executable:

    chmod +x /usr/bin/kubectl

    Run preflight tests.

    csi pit validate --livecd-preflight

    Expected Output:

         Running LiveCD preflight checks (may take a few minutes to complete)...
         Writing full output to /opt/cray/tests/install/logs/print_goss_json_results/20220929_101501.528062-22314-Z7D4bWt9/out
         Reading test results for node system_name-ncn-m001-pit (suites/livecd-preflight-tests.yaml)
         Checking test results
         Only errors will be printed to the screen
         GRAND TOTAL: 162 passed, 0 failed

    If any tests fail, they need to be investigated. After actions have been taken to rectify the tests (for example, editing configuration or CSI inputs), then restart from the beginning of the Initialize the LiveCD procedure.

  7. Save the prep directory for re-use.

    This needs to be copied off the system and either stored in a secure location or in a secured Git repository. There are secrets in this directory that should not be accidentally exposed.

3. Initialize Nexus

  1. Grant necessary privileges by running the following command:

    sed -i 's/podman run/podman run --privileged/g' /usr/share/doc/csm/install/scripts/csm_services/steps/1.initialize_bootstrap_registry.yaml
  2. Check if there are any processes attached to port 5000 by running the following command:

    netstat -tlnp | grep 5000

    If there is a process attached to port 5000, kill it using the kill command.

    kill -9 <pid>

    Restart Nexus.

    systemctl restart nexus.service

Next topic

After completing the Pre-install step, the next step is to Deploy Management Nodes.

See Deploy Management Nodes.