Deploy Final NCN

The following procedure contains information for rebooting and deploying the management node that is currently hosting the LiveCD. At the end of this procedure, the LiveCD will no longer be active. The node it was using will join the Kubernetes cluster as the final of three master nodes, forming a quorum.

IMPORTANT: While the node is rebooting, it will only be available through Serial-Over-LAN (SOL) and local terminals. This procedure entails deactivating the LiveCD, meaning the LiveCD and all of its resources will be unavailable.

  1. Required services
  2. Notice of danger
  3. Hand-off
    1. Handoff data
    2. Prepare for rebooting
    3. Backup
  4. Reboot
  5. Enable NCN disk wiping safeguard
  6. Update select RPMs
  7. Configure DNS and NTP on each BMC
  8. Next topic

1. Required services

These services must be healthy before the reboot of the LiveCD can take place. If the health checks performed earlier in the install completed successfully (Validate CSM Health), then the following platform services will be healthy and ready for reboot of the LiveCD:

  • Utility Storage (Ceph)
  • cray-bss
  • cray-dhcp-kea
  • cray-dns-unbound
  • cray-ipxe
  • cray-sls
  • cray-tftp

2. Notice of danger

An administrator is strongly encouraged to be mindful of pitfalls during this segment of the CSM install. The steps below do contain warnings themselves, but overall there are risks:

  • SSH will cease to work when the LiveCD reboots; the serial console will need to be used.
  • Rebooting a remote ISO will dump all running changes on the PIT node; USB devices are accessible after the install.
  • The NCN will never wipe a USB device during installation.
  • Prior to shutting down the PIT node, learning the CMN IP addresses of the other NCNs will be helpful if troubleshooting is required.

This procedure entails deactivating the LiveCD, meaning the LiveCD and all of its resources will be unavailable.

3. Handoff

The steps in this section load hand-off data before a later procedure reboots the LiveCD node.

3.1 Handoff data

  1. (pit#) Start a new typescript.

    1. Exit the current typescript, if one is active.

    2. Start a new typescript on the PIT node.

      mkdir -pv "${PITDATA}"/prep/admin &&
           pushd "${PITDATA}"/prep/admin &&
           script -af "csm-livecd-reboot.$(date +%Y-%m-%d).txt"
      export PS1='\u@\H \D{%Y-%m-%d} \t \w # '
  2. (pit#) Upload SLS file.

    NOTE The environment variable SYSTEM_NAME must be set.

    csi upload-sls-file --sls-file "${PITDATA}/prep/${SYSTEM_NAME}/sls_input_file.json"

    Expected output looks similar to the following:

    2021/02/02 14:05:15 Retrieving S3 credentials ( sls-s3-credentials ) for SLS
    2021/02/02 14:05:15 Uploading SLS file: /var/www/ephemeral/prep/eniac/sls_input_file.json
    2021/02/02 14:05:15 Successfully uploaded SLS Input File.
  3. (pit#) Upload NCN boot artifacts into S3.

    1. Upload Kubernetes NCN artifacts.

      set -o pipefail
      IMS_UPLOAD_SCRIPT=$(rpm -ql docs-csm | grep &&
          export IMS_ROOTFS_FILENAME="$(readlink -f /var/www/ncn-m002/rootfs)" &&
          export IMS_INITRD_FILENAME="$(readlink -f /var/www/ncn-m002/initrd.img.xz)"  &&
          export IMS_KERNEL_FILENAME="$(readlink -f /var/www/ncn-m002/kernel)"  &&
          [[ -n ${K8S_IMS_IMAGE_ID} ]] &&
          echo -e "Kubernetes NCN image IMS ID: ${K8S_IMS_IMAGE_ID}\nSUCCESS"

      Ensure that the output from the above command chain ends with SUCCESS.

    2. Upload Storage NCN artifacts.

      export IMS_ROOTFS_FILENAME="$(readlink -f /var/www/ncn-s001/rootfs)" &&
          export IMS_INITRD_FILENAME="$(readlink -f /var/www/ncn-s001/initrd.img.xz)" &&
          export IMS_KERNEL_FILENAME="$(readlink -f /var/www/ncn-s001/kernel)" &&
          [[ -n ${STORAGE_IMS_IMAGE_ID} ]] &&
          echo -e "Storage NCN image IMS ID: ${STORAGE_IMS_IMAGE_ID}\nSUCCESS"

      Ensure that the output from the above command chain ends with SUCCESS.

  4. (pit#) Get a token to use for authenticated communication with the gateway.

    NOTE api-gw-service-nmn.local is legacy, and will be replaced with api-gw-service.nmn.

    export TOKEN=$(curl -k -s -S -d grant_type=client_credentials -d client_id=admin-client \
                    -d client_secret=`kubectl get secrets admin-client-auth -o jsonpath='{.data.client-secret}' | base64 -d` \
                    https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/keycloak/realms/shasta/protocol/openid-connect/token | jq -r '.access_token')
  5. (pit#) Upload the data.json file to BSS, the cloud-init data source.

    NOTE This step will prompt for the root password of the NCNs.

    csi handoff bss-metadata \
        --data-file "${PITDATA}/configs/data.json" \
        --kubernetes-ims-image-id "$K8S_IMS_IMAGE_ID" \
        --storage-ims-image-id "$STORAGE_IMS_IMAGE_ID" && echo SUCCESS

    Ensure that the output from the above command chain ends with SUCCESS.

  6. (pit#) Patch the metadata for the Ceph nodes to have the correct run commands.

    python3 /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/
  7. (pit#) Ensure that the DNS server value is correctly set to point toward Unbound at (NMN) and (HMN).

    csi handoff bss-update-cloud-init --set meta-data.dns-server="" --limit Global

3.2 Prepare for rebooting

  1. (pit#) Set and trim the boot order on the PIT node.

    This only needs to be done for the PIT node, not for any of the other NCNs. See Setting boot order and Trimming boot order.

  2. (pit#) Tell the PIT node to PXE boot on the next boot.

    efibootmgr -n $(efibootmgr | grep -m1 -Ei "ip(v4|4)" | awk '{match($0, /[[:xdigit:]]{4}/, m); print m[0]}') | grep -i bootnext
  3. (pit#) Collect a backdoor login. Fetch the CMN IP address for ncn-m002 for a backdoor during the reboot of ncn-m001.

    1. Get the IP address.

      ssh ncn-m002 ip -4 a show bond0.cmn0 | grep inet | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d / -f1

      Expected output will look similar to the following (exact values may differ):
    2. (external#) Log in from an external machine to verify that SSH is up and running for this session.

      ssh root@

      Keep this terminal active as it will enable kubectl commands during the bring-up of the new NCN. If the reboot successfully deploys the LiveCD, then this terminal can be exited.

3.3 Backup

It is important to backup some files from ncn-m001 before it is rebooted.

  1. (pit#) Stop the typescript session.

  2. (pit#) Create PIT backup and copy it off.

    This script creates a backup of select files on the PIT node, copying them to both another master NCN and to S3.

    The script below may prompt for the NCN root password.


    Ensure that the script output ends with COMPLETED, indicating that the procedure was successful.

  3. In the output of the script run in the previous step, note the value it reports for the first-master-hostname. This will be needed in a later step.

    Example output excerpt:

    first-master-hostname: ncn-m002

4. Reboot

  1. (external#) Open a serial console to the PIT node, if one is not already open.

    Open it from a system external to the cluster. It can be a laptop or any other system with network connectivity to the cluster.

    This example uses ipmitool, but any method for accessing the console of ncn-m001 is acceptable.

    1. Start a typescript, set helper variables, and enter the BMC password for ncn-m001.

      script -a boot.livecd.$(date +%Y-%m-%d).txt
      export PS1='\u@\H \D{%Y-%m-%d} \t \w # '
      read -r -s -p "ncn-m001 BMC ${USERNAME} password: " IPMI_PASSWORD
    2. Open the console connection.

      export IPMI_PASSWORD
      ipmitool -I lanplus -U "${USERNAME}" -E -H "${SYSTEM_NAME}-ncn-m001-mgmt" chassis power status
      ipmitool -I lanplus -U "${USERNAME}" -E -H "${SYSTEM_NAME}-ncn-m001-mgmt" sol activate
  2. (pit#) Reboot the LiveCD.

    POINT OF NO RETURN When the PIT node boots as ncn-m001, it will wipe its disks clean. It will ignore USB devices. Remote ISOs are also at risk here; even though a backup has been performed of the PIT node, it is not possible to boot back to the same state.

  3. (pit#) Wait for the node to boot, acquire its hostname (ncn-m001), and run cloud-init.

    NOTE If the node has PXE boot issues, such as getting PXE errors or not pulling the ipxe.efi binary, see PXE boot troubleshooting. If the node comes up and indicates Failed to start etcd – see Fix Failed to start etcd on Master NCN.

  4. (external#) Once cloud-init has completed successfully, log in and start a typescript (the IP address used here is the one noted for ncn-m002 in an earlier step).

    ssh root@
    pushd /metal/bootstrap/prep/admin
    script -af "csm-verify.$(date +%Y-%m-%d).txt"
    export PS1='\u@\H \D{%Y-%m-%d} \t \w # '
    ssh ncn-m001
  5. (ncn-m001#) Run kubectl get nodes to see the full Kubernetes cluster.

    kubectl get nodes

    Expected output looks similar to the following:

    NAME       STATUS   ROLES                  AGE     VERSION
    ncn-m001   Ready    control-plane,master   3m31s   v1.21.12
    ncn-m002   Ready    control-plane,master   115m    v1.21.12
    ncn-m003   Ready    control-plane,master   114m    v1.21.12
    ncn-w001   Ready    <none>                 114m    v1.21.12
    ncn-w002   Ready    <none>                 114m    v1.21.12
    ncn-w003   Ready    <none>                 112m    v1.21.12
  6. (ncn-m001#) Restore and verify the site link.

    Restore networking files from the manual backup taken during the Backup step. Set the FM variable to the first-master-hostname value noted in that section.

    NOTE Do NOT change any default NCN hostname; otherwise, unexpected deployment or upgrade errors may happen.

    rsync "${FM}:/metal/bootstrap/prep/${SYSTEM_NAME}/pit-files/ifcfg-lan0" /etc/sysconfig/network/ && \
        wicked ifreload lan0 && \
        wicked ifstatus lan0

    Expected output looks similar to:

    lan0            up
       link:     #32, state up, mtu 1500
       type:     bridge, hwaddr 90:e2:ba:0f:11:c2
       config:   compat:suse:/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-lan0
       leases:   ipv4 static granted
       addr:     ipv4 [static]
  7. (ncn-m001#) Verify that there is not a metal bootstrap IP address.

    ip a show bond0
  8. (ncn-m001#) Download and install/upgrade the documentation RPM.

    If this machine does not have direct internet access, then this RPM will need to be externally downloaded and then copied to this machine.

    See Check for Latest Documentation.

  9. Move the backup to ncn-m001.

    This is required to facilitate reinstallations, because it pulls the preparation data back over to the documented area (ncn-m001).

    1. (ncn-m001#) Exit out of ncn-m001, back to ncn-m002.

    2. (ncn-m002#) Exit the typescript.

    3. If ncn-m002 is not the first-master-hostname noted in the Backup step, then SSH to that node.

    4. (first-master-hostname#) Copy install files back to ncn-m001.

      rsync -rltDv -P /metal/bootstrap ncn-m001:/metal/ && rm -rfv /metal/bootstrap
    5. Log out of the other nodes and log in to ncn-m001.

      SSH back into ncn-m001 or log in at the console.

    6. (ncn-m001#) Resume the typescript.

      script -af "/metal/bootstrap/prep/admin/csm-verify.$(date +%Y-%m-%d).txt"
      export PS1='\u@\H \D{%Y-%m-%d} \t \w # '

5. Enable NCN disk wiping safeguard

The next steps require csi from the installation media. csi will not be provided on an NCN otherwise because it is used for Cray installation and bootstrap.

  1. (ncn-m001#) Obtain access to CSI.

    mkdir -pv /mnt/livecd /mnt/sqfs && \
        mount -v /metal/bootstrap/pre-install-toolkit-*.iso /mnt/livecd/ && \
        mount -v /mnt/livecd/LiveOS/squashfs.img /mnt/sqfs/ && \
        cp -pv /mnt/sqfs/usr/bin/csi /tmp/csi && \
        /tmp/csi version && \
        umount -vl /mnt/sqfs /mnt/livecd

    NOTE /tmp/csi will delete itself on the next reboot. The /tmp directory is tmpfs and runs in memory; it will not persist on restarts.

  2. (ncn-m001#) Authenticate with the cluster.

    export TOKEN=$(curl -k -s -S -d grant_type=client_credentials -d client_id=admin-client \
                    -d client_secret=`kubectl get secrets admin-client-auth -o jsonpath='{.data.client-secret}' | base64 -d` \
                    https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/keycloak/realms/shasta/protocol/openid-connect/token | jq -r '.access_token')
  3. (ncn-m001#) Set the wipe safeguard to allow safe reboots on all NCNs.

    /tmp/csi handoff bss-update-param --set

6. Update select RPMs

(ncn-m001) Run the following script to ensure that select RPMs on ncn-m001 are at the correct version.


If the output ends with PASSED, then it was successful, despite any warning messages that may have been displayed.

7. Configure DNS and NTP on each BMC

NOTE Only follow this section if the NCNs are HPE hardware. If the system uses Gigabyte or Intel hardware, then skip this section.

Configure DNS and NTP on the BMC for each management node except ncn-m001. However, the commands in this section are all run on ncn-m001.

  1. (ncn-m001#) Validate that the system is HPE hardware.

    ipmitool mc info | grep "Hewlett Packard Enterprise" || echo "Not HPE hardware -- SKIP this section"
  2. (ncn-m001#) Set environment variables.

    Set the IPMI_PASSWORD and USERNAME variables to the BMC credentials for the NCNs.

    NOTE Using read -s for this prevents the credentials from being echoed to the screen or saved in the shell history.

    read -r -s -p "NCN BMC ${USERNAME} password: " IPMI_PASSWORD
  3. (ncn-m001#) Set BMCS variable to list of the BMCs for all master, worker, and storage nodes, except ncn-m001-mgmt:

    readarray BMCS < <(grep mgmt /etc/hosts | awk '{print $NF}' | grep -v m001 | sort -u | tr '\n' ' ')
    for BMC in ${BMCS[@]}; do echo ${BMC}; done

    Expected output looks similar to the following:

  4. (ncn-m001#) Get the DNS server IP address for the HMN.

    HMN_DNS=$(kubectl get services -n services -o wide | awk /cray-dns-unbound-udp-hmn/'{printf "%s%s", sep, $4; sep=","} END{print ""}'); echo ${HMN_DNS}

    Example output for a single DNS server:

    Example output for multiple DNS servers:,,
  5. (ncn-m001#) Run the following to loop through all of the BMCs (except ncn-m001-mgmt) and apply the desired settings.

    for BMC in ${BMCS[@]}; do
        echo "${BMC}: Disabling DHCP and configure NTP on the BMC using data from unbound service"
        /opt/cray/csm/scripts/node_management/ ilo -H "${BMC}" -S -n
        echo "${BMC}: Configuring DNS on the BMC using data from unbound"
        /opt/cray/csm/scripts/node_management/ ilo -H "${BMC}" -D "${HMN_DNS}" -d
        echo "${BMC}: Showing settings"
        /opt/cray/csm/scripts/node_management/ ilo -H "${BMC}" -s
    done ; echo "Configuration completed on all NCN BMCs"

8. Next topic

Return to the previous page and continue to the next step.