
The management-nodes-rollout stage performs a controlled update of management NCNs by configuring them with a new CFS configuration and/or rebuilding or upgrading them to a new image. A “rebuild” is a reboot operation that clears the persistent OverlayFS file system on that node, i.e. all data on node-local storage will be discarded. An “upgrade” is similar to a rebuild, but it intentionally does not clear all information off of NCN storage and master nodes. IUF will account for the necessary minimum number of critical software instances running on the nodes to ensure the management-nodes-rollout stage operates without impacting software availability.

NOTE management-nodes-rollout has a different procedure depending on whether or not CSM itself is being upgraded. The two procedures differ in the handling of NCN storage nodes and NCN master nodes, but both procedures use the same steps for rebuilding/upgrading NCN worker nodes.

  1. If CSM is not being upgraded, then NCN storage and master nodes will not be upgraded with a new image but will be updated with a CFS configuration created in update-cfs-config.

  2. If CSM is being upgraded, then NCN storage master nodes will be upgraded with a new image and CFS configuration.

See the 3. Execute the IUF management-nodes-rollout stage documentation for more information.

management-nodes-rollout details are explained in the following sections:


The management-nodes-rollout stage changes the running state of the system.


The following arguments are most often used with the management-nodes-rollout stage. See iuf -h and iuf run -h for additional arguments.

Input iuf Argument Description
Activity -a ACTIVITY Activity created for the install or upgrade operations
Concurrent management rollout percentage -cmrp CONCURRENT_MANAGEMENT_ROLLOUT_PERCENTAGE Percentage value that limits the number of NCN worker nodes rolled out in parallel
Limit management rollout list --limit-management-rollout LIMIT_MANAGEMENT_ROLLOUT List of NCN management nodes to be rolled out, specified by HSM role and subrole (Management_Master, Management_Worker)

Execution details

The code executed by this stage exists within IUF. See the management-nodes-rollout entry in /usr/share/doc/csm/workflows/iuf/stages.yaml and the corresponding files in /usr/share/doc/csm/workflows/iuf/operations/ for details on the commands executed.

There are two methods administrators can use to avoid rollouts on specific NCN management nodes: by specifying the --limit-management-rollout argument for specifying which group(s) of nodes should be rebuilt or by using kubectl to label nodes with iuf-prevent-rollout=true.

When NCN worker nodes are being rebuilt/upgraded and when NCN storage nodes are being upgraded, an additional Argo workflow will execute in addition to the standard IUF Argo workflows. It will include the string ncn-lifecycle-rebuild in its name.

The -cmrp argument limits the percentage of worker nodes rolled out in parallel. The worker node rebuild can coordinate rebuilding multiple worker nodes at once. It starts by rebuilding one worker node. Once that node has been removed from the system, the workflow checks if it is safe to rebuild the next worker node based on what services are running in the system. If it is safe, it will proceed to rebuild the next node, partially in parallel with the first worker node rebuild. If it is unsafe to rebuild in parallel because the system could get into a bad state, then it waits to rebuild the second node until it is safe. The -cmrp parameter selects the percentage of worker nodes that the worker node rebuild should coordinate rebuilding at one time. For example, if there are 15 worker nodes and -cmrp 33 is specified, then 5 worker nodes will be rebuilt at once and with as much parallelization as possible given the state of the system. Note that the system admin’s discretion should be used when deciding the value of -cmrp. The largest number of management worker nodes that has been tested rebuilding in parallel is 5 nodes.

-limit-management-rollout Management_Master only needs to be specified when performing a CSM upgrade. This will upgrade ncn-m002 and ncn-m003 serially with a new image and configuration. This should be done before NCN worker nodes are upgraded. If not performing a CSM upgrade, then NCN master nodes should not be upgraded with a new image and should only be configured with the new CFS configuration created during the update-cfs-config stage.

Manually upgrade or rebuild NCN worker node with specific image and CFS configuration outside of IUF

NOTE This section describes how to manually rebuild/upgrade a worker node outside of IUF with an image and CFS configuration created through IUF. This is not the normal procedure that IUF uses for rebuilding/upgrading NCN worker nodes. This procedure should be followed if NCN worker nodes need to be rebuilt or upgraded outside of IUF.

The upgrade and rebuild procedures for NCN worker nodes are identical. These instructions apply to both NCN worker node upgrades and NCN worker node rebuilds. The words ‘rebuild’ and ‘upgrade’ are exchangeable in this section.

  1. Get the image ID and CFS configuration created for worker nodes during the prepare-images and update-cfs-config stages. Follow the instructions in the prepare-images Artifacts created documentation to get the values for final_image_id and configuration for images with a configuration_group_name value matching Management_Worker. These values will be used in the next step.

  2. Upgrade/rebuild the worker node. The worker node is automatically rebuilt using Argo workflows. If rebuilding multiple worker nodes at once, see this page for restrictions.

    (ncn-m001#) Rebuild a worker node. Use the values acquired in the previous step in place of <final_image_id> and <configuration>.

    /usr/share/doc/csm/upgrade/scripts/upgrade/ ncn-w001 --image-id <final_image_id> --desired-cfs-conf <configuration>

Action needed if a worker rebuild fails

In general, worker node rebuilds should complete successfully before starting another rebuild. A worker node can get into a bad state if it has been partially rebuilt and an attempt is made to restart the rebuild on that same node. As a result, it is not possible to start another worker node rebuild if there is an existing incomplete worker node rebuild workflow, where “incomplete” means it has stopped before successfully completing the full workflow. If an incomplete workflow exists and an attempt is made to start another worker rebuild workflow, the original incomplete worker rebuild workflow will continue and no new workflow will be created.

If it is necessary to start an entirely new worker rebuild workflow after a previous worker rebuild workflow failed, the failed workflow must be deleted from Kubernetes first.

WARNING Deleting a workflow will delete information about the state of that workflow and the steps that have been completed. Deleting a partially complete workflow should be done cautiously and only if needed.

To delete a failed Argo workflow, complete the following steps.

  1. Get the name of the failed workflow. All worker rebuild workflows start with ncn-lifecycle-rebuild. The name of the worker rebuild workflow can be found in the Argo UI or by searching workflows in Kubernetes with the following command.

    (ncn-m#) List failed worker rebuild workflows. Note that NCN storage upgrade workflows will also contain ncn-lifecycle-rebuild in their name and may be present in this list.

    kubectl get workflows -n argo | grep 'ncn-lifecycle-rebuild' | grep 'Fail'
  2. (ncn-m#) Delete the failed workflow.

    kubectl delete workflows -n argo <failed workflow>

    After deleting the failed workflow, a new worker rebuild workflow can be started.


(ncn-m001#) Execute the management-nodes-rollout stage for activity admin-230127 using the default concurrent management rollout percentage and limiting the operation to Management_Worker nodes.

iuf -a admin-230127 run --limit-management-rollout Management_Worker -r management-nodes-rollout

Expected behavior: All NCN worker nodes will be rebuilt. Each set of worker nodes that is being rebuilt will contain 20% of the total number of worker nodes. For example, if there are 10 total worker nodes, then 2 will be rebuilt at a time.

(ncn-m001#) Execute the management-nodes-rollout stage for activity admin-230127 using the following parameters. Upgrading the NCN master nodes as shown, should only be done if CSM is being upgraded.

  • Assume 10 worker nodes (ncn-w001 through ncn-w010)
  • --limit-management-rollout Management_Worker Management_Master
  • -cmrp 33
  • ncn-w004 is labeled with iuf-prevent-rollout=true

First, label ncn-w004 with iuf-prevent-rollout=true. Then execute the following command.

iuf -a admin-230127 run --limit-management-rollout Management_Worker Management_Master  --cmrp 33 -r management-nodes-rollout

Expected behavior:

  1. ncn-m002 will be upgraded
  2. ncn-m003 will be upgraded
  3. Worker nodes ncn-w001,ncn-w002,ncn-w003 will be upgraded
  4. Worker nodes ncn-w005,ncn-w006,ncn-w007 will be upgraded
  5. Worker nodes ncn-w008,ncn-w009,ncn-w010 will be upgraded

Set NCN boot image for ncn-m001 or NCN storage nodes

Follow these steps when upgrading ncn-m001 during 3.1 management-nodes-rollout with CSM upgrade when following the procedures in Install or upgrade additional products with IUF or Upgrade CSM and additional products with IUF. Additionally, these steps can be followed if NCN storage nodes are being upgraded with the Upgrade NCN storage nodes into the customized image directions.

Only follow the below steps for the nodes being upgraded, for ncn-m001 or NCN storage nodes.

  1. Get the image ID and CFS configuration created for management nodes during the prepare-images and update-cfs-config stages. Follow the instructions in the prepare-images Artifacts created documentation to get the values for final_image_id and configuration with a configuration_group_name value matching Management_Master or Management_Storage, whichever node type is being upgraded. These values will be used in the following steps.

  2. (ncn-mw#) To update ncn-m001, set the IMS_RESULTANT_IMAGE_ID to be the final_image_id found in the previous step, then update the boot parameters in BSS.

    IMS_RESULTANT_IMAGE_ID=<value of final_image_id>
    XNAME=$(ssh ncn-m001 cat /etc/cray/xname)
    echo $XNAME
    /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/node_management/ \
  3. (ncn-mw#) To update the NCN storage nodes, set the IMS_RESULTANT_IMAGE_ID to be the final_image_id found in the previous step, then update the boot parameters in BSS.

    IMS_RESULTANT_IMAGE_ID=<value of final_image_id>
    /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/node_management/ \

Upgrade NCN storage nodes into the customized image

For the CSM upgrade from CSM 1.3 to CSM 1.4, the NCN storage node image does not change so there is no need to ‘upgrade’ to the customized storage image. The NCN storage nodes should not be ‘upgraded’. Instead, they should be personalized by following the procedure in management-nodes-rollout documentation for personalizing storage nodes.

However, the image is provided and is customized during the prepare images stage. The following steps can be followed if it is desired to ‘upgrade’ the storage nodes into this image. Note that personalizing the NCN storage nodes has the same result as performing this node rollout.

  1. Get the image ID and CFS configuration created for NCN storage nodes during the prepare-images and update-cfs-config stages. Follow the instructions in the prepare-images Artifacts created documentation to get the value for final_image_id and configuration for the image with a configuration_group_name value matching Management_Storage. These values will be needed when upgrading the NCN storage nodes in the following steps.

  2. Perform the NCN storage node upgrades.

    1. Set the CFS configuration on all storage nodes.

      1. (ncn-m#) Set CFS_CONFIG_NAME to be the value for configuration found for Management_Storage nodes in the previous step.

        CFS_CONFIG_NAME=<appropriate configuration value>
      2. (ncn-m#) Get all NCN storage node xnames.

        XNAMES=$(cray hsm state components list --role Management --subrole Storage --type Node --format json | jq -r '.Components | map(.ID) | join(",")')
        echo "${XNAMES}"
      3. (ncn-m#) Set the configuration on all storage nodes.

        /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/configuration/ \
        --no-config-change --config-name "${CFS_CONFIG_NAME}" --xnames "${XNAMES}" --no-enable --no-clear-err

        The expected output is:

        All components updated successfully.
    2. Set the image in BSS for all storage nodes by following the Set NCN boot image for ncn-m001 or NCN storage nodes section of this document. Set the IMS_RESULTANT_IMAGE_ID variable to the final_image_id value for Management_Storage found in step 2 above.

    3. (ncn-m#) Upgrade one NCN storage node (ncn-s001).

      NOTE This creates an additional, separate Argo workflow for rebuilding a NCN storage node. The Argo workflow name will include the string ncn-lifecycle-rebuild. If monitoring progress with the Argo UI, remember to include these workflows.

      /usr/share/doc/csm/upgrade/scripts/upgrade/ ncn-s001 --upgrade
    4. (ncn-m#) Verify that the storage node booted and is configured correctly. The CFS configuration can be verified with the command below using the xname of the node that was upgraded instead of the example value x3000c0s13b0n0.

      cray cfs components describe "${XNAME}"

      The desired value for configurationStatus is configured. If it is pending, then wait for the status to change to configured.

    5. (ncn-m#) Upgrade the remaining storage nodes serially.

      NOTE This creates an additional, separate Argo workflow for upgrading NCN storage nodes. The Argo workflow name will include the string ncn-lifecycle-rebuild. If monitoring progress with the Argo UI, remember to include these workflows.

      The remaining storage nodes should be specified in a comma seperated list. This example is upgrading ncn-s002,ncn-s003,ncn-s004. This should be changed based on the number of storage nodes on a system.

      /usr/share/doc/csm/upgrade/scripts/upgrade/ ncn-s002,ncn-s003,ncn-s004 --upgrade
    6. (ncn-m001#) Run the following commands to enable the rbd stats collection on Ceph pools.

      ceph config set mgr mgr/prometheus/rbd_stats_pools "kube,smf"
      ceph config set mgr mgr/prometheus/rbd_stats_pools_refresh_interval 600