
The update-vcs-config stage performs a variety of update operations for each product being installed that provides a configuration management repository in VCS. It ensures new product configuration content has been uploaded to VCS in a pristine branch and attempts to merge the new product configuration content into a corresponding customer branch.

NOTE After update-vcs-config has completed and before proceeding to additional stages, any desired site configuration customizations should be performed. Refer to individual product documentation for configuration customization details.

update-vcs-config details are explained in the following sections:


The update-vcs-config stage does not change the running state of the system.


Before executing the update-vcs-config stage, ensure any desired site variables have been defined. Site variables and/or recipe variables are passed to iuf as parameters to customize product, product version, and branch values used by IUF when executing stages such as update-vcs-config.


Term Example Meaning
Pristine branch cray/cos/2.4.79 The branch provided by HPE for a given product
Customer branch integration-2.4.79 The customer’s working branch for a given product
Previous customer branch integration-2.3.50 The latest existing customer branch for a given product which predates the specified customer branch

Branch creation and modification

The following describes how update-vcs-config determines how to create or merge VCS content to the customer branch:

  • If no customer branch has been specified, update-vcs-config displays a warning, performs no operations, and exits without error. While it is valid not to specify a customer branch in certain cases, the administrator should verify that this is the desired behavior and that the VCS configuration and the corresponding CFS configurations to be used in the update-cfs-config stage match and are valid.
  • If the specified customer branch exists, the content from the pristine branch will be merged into the customer branch.
  • If the specified customer branch does not exist, update-vcs-config will attempt to identify branches that match the pattern of the customer branch, select the matching branch with the most recent version, and consider it the previous customer branch. The specified customer branch will be branched from the previous customer branch, and the content from the pristine branch will be merged into the specified customer branch.
  • If the specified customer branch does not exist and a previous customer branch cannot be identified, the specified customer branch will be branched from the pristine branch.

update-vcs-config will display information describing the operations performed. In the case of an error, such as a merge conflict, error information will be displayed and iuf will exit so the administrator can resolve the issue. Once it is resolved, the session can be continued with iuf resume, restarted with iuf restart, or abandoned with iuf abort.

NOTE Any product-specific stage hooks specified for update-vcs-config will also be executed and may also create or modify VCS content. Refer to individual product documentation for information on any stage hook operations performed by the product.

Customer branch name

The customer branch name is determined through one or a combination of the following sources:

Recipe variables

Recipe variables are provided via the product_vars.yaml file in the HPC CSM Software Recipe and provide a list of products and versions intended to be used together. product_vars.yaml also contains default settings and working_branch variable entries for products. These values are intended as defaults and can be overridden with site variables.

Overall defaults are defined in default section of product_vars.yaml, for example:

# set site specific default working_branch with an entry in a default section in site_vars.yaml
  working_branch: "integration-{{version_x_y_z}}"

Each product that utilizes a working branch will contain a working_branch entry in product_vars.yaml, for example:

  version: 2.4.86
  working_branch: "{{ working_branch }}"

In this example, the COS reference to {{ working_branch}} will be substituted with the value specified in the default section for working_branch. Thus, the COS value for working_branch will be integration-{{version_x_y_z}}, which will in turn be substituted with the actual product value, resulting in the final value integration-2.4.86.

Site variables

Site variables, typically specified in a site_vars.yaml file, allow the administrator to override values provided by recipe variables, including both default values and product-specific entries.

Variable substitutions can be used in site_vars.yaml to specify the desired branching values, minimizing the need to make updates to the file. For example, to change the working branch for all products that use a default working branch, the administrator can simply provide a default section in site_vars.yaml with a new value for working_branch. In the following example, adding this section in site_vars.yaml will result in all products using the default branch to only use the x.y portion of the version instead of the x.y.z values specified in the product_vars.yaml file.

  working_branch: "integration-{{version_x_y}}"

In a similar fashion, product-specific entries can be made in site_vars.yaml to override individual products, for example:

  working_branch: "test-{{ version_x_y_z }}"

Remember that content in site_vars.yaml overrides entries in product_vars.yaml, e.g. if a product entry in site_vars.yaml contained a version entry, that value would mask the version entry present in product_vars.yaml.

Session variables

Session variables are the set of product/version combinations being installed by the current activity. These values are internal to iuf.


iuf builds a set of effective site variables utilized by back-end IUF operations by performing a set of merges and substitutions:

  1. The base set of data is created from the most recent product entries in the product catalog.
  2. Recipe variables, if specified, will be merged, overriding any matching entries. Caveat: Any product specified with the iuf run --mask-recipe-prods argument will be omitted from this merge, i.e. the version found in step 1 will be used instead.
  3. Site variables, if specified, will be merged, overriding any matching entries.
  4. Session variables will be merged, overriding any matching entries.

Once iuf has performed the merges, it performs substitutions based on the following supported variables:

{{name}} - product name from the product manifest
{{version_x_y}} - x.y portion of the product version
{{version_x_y_z}} - x.y.z portion of the product version
{{working_branch}} - default working branch


The following arguments are most often used with the update-vcs-config stage. See iuf -h and iuf run -h for additional arguments.

Input iuf Argument Description
Activity -a ACTIVITY Activity created for the install or upgrade operations
Site variables -sv SITE_VARS Path to YAML file containing site defaults and any overrides
Recipe variables -rv RECIPE_VARS Path to YAML file containing recipe variables provided by HPE
sat bootprep configuration directory -bpcd BOOTPREP_CONFIG_DIR Directory containing sat bootprep configuration files and recipe variables

Execution details

The code executed by this stage exists within IUF. See the update-vcs-config entry in /usr/share/doc/csm/workflows/iuf/stages.yaml and the corresponding files in /usr/share/doc/csm/workflows/iuf/operations/ for details on the commands executed.


(ncn-m001#) Execute the update-vcs-config stage for activity admin-230127 using the /etc/cray/upgrade/csm/admin/site_vars.yaml file and the product_vars.yaml file found in the /etc/cray/upgrade/csm/admin directory.

iuf -a admin-230127 run -sv /etc/cray/upgrade/csm/admin/site_vars.yaml -bpcd /etc/cray/upgrade/csm/admin -r update-vcs-config