Image preparation

This section creates CFS configurations and bootable images that will be used by later steps in the workflow.

Before proceeding, ensure any site customizations to product content stored in VCS have been made per Perform manual product configuration operations to ensure CFS configurations and images are created with the correct content and configuration values.

1. Execute the IUF update-cfs-config and prepare-images stages

NOTE Additional arguments are available to control the behavior of the update-cfs-config and prepare-images stages, for example -bc, -bm, and -rv. See the update-cfs-config stage documentation and the prepare-images stage documentation for details and adjust the examples below if necessary.

  1. The “Install and Upgrade Framework” section of each individual product’s installation document may contain special actions that need to be performed outside of IUF for a stage. The “IUF Stage Documentation Per Product” section of the HPE Cray EX System Software Stack Installation and Upgrade Guide for CSM (S-8052) provides a table that summarizes which product documents contain information or actions for the update-cfs-config or prepare-images stages. Refer to that table and any corresponding product documents before continuing to the next step.

  2. Invoke iuf run with -r to execute the update-cfs-config and prepare-images stages. Use site variables from the site_vars.yaml file found in ${ADMIN_DIR}, recipe variables from the product_vars.yaml file found in ${ADMIN_DIR}, and sat bootprep input files found in ${ADMIN_DIR}/bootprep.

    (ncn-m001#) Execute the update-cfs-config and prepare-images stages.

    iuf -a "${ACTIVITY_NAME}" -m "${MEDIA_DIR}" run --site-vars "${ADMIN_DIR}/site_vars.yaml" -bpcd "${ADMIN_DIR}" -r update-cfs-config prepare-images
  3. Inspect the newly-created management NCN and managed node images, CFS configurations, and BOS session templates to ensure they are correct before continuing with the next steps of the workflow. The artifacts can be identified by examining the output from iuf run or by examining the Kubernetes ConfigMap associated with the activity. See the prepare-images Artifacts created documentation for instructions and examples.

Once this step has completed:

  • New CFS configurations have been created for management NCNs and managed compute and application (UAN, etc.) nodes
  • New images have been created for management NCNs and managed compute and application (UAN, etc.) nodes
  • New BOS session templates have been created to boot managed compute and application (UAN, etc.) nodes with the new images and CFS configurations
  • Per-stage product hooks have executed for the update-cfs-config and prepare-images stages

2. Manually prepare additional images

2.1 UAI images

If User Access Instances are utilized on the system, refer to one of the following documents for details on how to build updated UAI images with new product content.

  • If CPE is installed on the system, refer to the “Enable CPE in UAIs” section of HPE Cray Programming Environment Installation Guide: CSM on HPE Cray EX Systems. This procedure will create new UAI images based on the new product content installed, including CPE.
  • If CPE is not installed on the system, refer to Custom End-User UAI Images. This procedure will create new UAI images based on the new product content installed, but will not include CPE content.

Once this step has completed:

  • New UAI images have been created

3. Next steps