Troubleshoot S3FS Mount Issues

The following procedure includes steps to troubleshoot issues with S3FS mount points on worker and master NCNs. Beginning in the CSM 1.2 release, S3FS is deployed as tool to reduce space usage on NCNs. Below is a list of the mount points on masters and workers:

Master Node Mount Points

Master nodes should host the following three mount points:

/var/opt/cray/config-data (config-data S3 bucket)
/var/opt/cray/sdu/collection-mount (sds S3 bucket)

NOTE: the mount /var/lib/admin-tools (admin-tools S3 bucket) is no longer mounted in CSM 1.4+. If it is desired to have this bucket mounted, please see Mount ‘admin-tools’ S3 bucket.

Worker Node Mount Points

Worker nodes should host the following mount point:

/var/lib/cps-local/boot-images (boot-images S3 bucket)

Note: If this mount is missing, the cray-cps-cm-pm pods may be unhealthy (in the CrashLoopBackoff state). Proceed to Step 1 to resolve the issue.

Step 1: Verify Mounts are Present

Verify Mount Points on Master Nodes

Run the following command on master nodes to ensure the mounts are present:

ncn-m: # mount | grep 's3fs on'
s3fs on /var/opt/cray/config-data type fuse.s3fs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0)
s3fs on /var/opt/cray/sdu/collection-mount type fuse.s3fs (rw,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other)

If the output is missing one or more of the mounts, proceed to Step 2

Verify Mount Point on Worker Nodes

Run the following command on worker nodes to ensure the mount is present:

ncn-w: # mount | grep 's3fs on'
s3fs on /var/lib/cps-local/boot-images type fuse.s3fs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0)

If the output is missing the mount, proceed to Step 2

Step 2: Verify /etc/fstab Contains the Mounts

Master Nodes /etc/fstab Entries

Ensure the /etc/fstab contains the following content:

ncn-m: # grep fuse.s3fs /etc/fstab
sds /var/opt/cray/sdu/collection-mount fuse.s3fs _netdev,allow_other,passwd_file=/root/.sds.s3fs,url=http://rgw-vip.nmn,use_path_request_style,use_cache=/var/lib/s3fs_cache,check_cache_dir_exist,use_xattr,uid=2370,gid=2370,umask=0007,allow_other 0 0
config-data /var/opt/cray/config-data fuse.s3fs _netdev,allow_other,passwd_file=/root/.config-data.s3fs,url=http://rgw-vip.nmn,use_path_request_style,use_xattr 0 0

If the three entries above are not present in /etc/fstab, add the above content and proceed to Step 3.

Worker Nodes /etc/fstab Entry

Ensure the /etc/fstab contains the following content:

ncn-w: # grep fuse.s3fs /etc/fstab
boot-images /var/lib/cps-local/boot-images fuse.s3fs _netdev,allow_other,passwd_file=/root/.ims.s3fs,url=http://rgw-vip.nmn,use_path_request_style,use_cache=/var/lib/s3fs_cache,check_cache_dir_exist,use_xattr 0 0

If the above line is not present in /etc/fstab, add the above content and proceed to Step 3.

Step 3: Attempt to Remount the Mount Point

This step is the same for master and worker nodes. Run the following command to mount the directories specified in the /etc/fstab file:

ncn-mw: # mount -a

If the above command fails, then the error likely indicates that there is an issue communicating with Ceph’s Radosgw endpoint (rgw-vip). In this case the Troubleshoot an Unresponsive S3 Endpoint procedure should be followed to ensure the endpoint is healthy.

Mount ‘admin-tools’ S3 bucket

In CSM 1.2 and CSM 1.3, /var/lib/admin-tools (admin-tools S3 bucket) was a mounted S3 bucket. Starting in CSM 1.4, the admin-tools S3 bucket is no longer mounted. It is not necessary for this bucket to be mounted for system operations. However, if it is desired to have the admin-tools S3 bucket mounted, please run the following script on all master nodes where the admin-tools bucket should be mounted.

(ncn-m#) Mount the admin-tools S3 bucket.


NOTE: This mount will not be recreated after a node upgrade or rebuild. This procedure will need to be redone in the case of a node upgrade or rebuild.