CSM 1.4.2 Patch Installation Instructions


This document guides an administrator through the patch update to Cray Systems Management v1.4.2 from an earlier patch version of CSM v1.4. If upgrading from CSM v1.3.x, then follow the procedures described in CSM major/minor version upgrade instead. In the unusual situation of upgrading from a pre-release version of CSM v1.4.0, then follow the procedures described in CSM major/minor version upgrade instead.

Also note that there is no need to perform intermediate CSM v1.4 patch upgrades. Instead, consider upgrading to the latest CSM v1.4 patch release. See CSM patch version upgrade for the full list of patch versions.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Reinstated the arp-cache tuning settings that were lost in the upgrade to CSM 1.4 that caused system performance issues
  • Added capability for SMART data to be collected from storage nodes and passed to prometheus
  • Changed configuration of apparmor for node-exporter in the prometheus chart to stop flood of messages to dmesg log
  • Fixed a bug with a csm-config change which caused a failure in the prepare-images stage of iuf because of a cfs ansible layer that was not running
  • Added support for the include_disabled_nodes option for bos within the cray-cli
  • Changed procedure for the update of the cray-cli, csm-testing, and goss-server rpm packages such that they are updated on all management nodes
  • Upgraded version of ceph to 16.2.13
  • Addressed a regular expression DoS CVE in cfs-ara
  • Addressed an improper certificate validation CVE in cfs and cfs-operator
  • Optimized main csm goss test run in the csm validation procedure by adding cms and hms tests to it
  • Added a test to validate the nexus and keycloak integration is configured properly
  • Updated the version of cray-cli used in the iuf container image to the latest version
  • Fixed edge case bugs in the ceph service status script which is leveraged in ceph health checks
  • Fixed test failures for duplicate DNS entries
  • Removed the -P option for non-standard client port number from cray-dhcp-kea to eliminate failures it caused in some environments
  • Replaced latest tag for iuf-container images with a dynamic look-up which pulls in the correct iuf version tag
  • Updated patch instructions to run etcd back-ups after the upgrade has completed to avoid health check failures on back-ups that have been around for greater than 24 hours


  1. Preparation
  2. Setup Nexus
  3. Update Argo CRDs
  4. Upgrade services
  5. Upload NCN images
  6. Upgrade Ceph and stop local Docker registries
  7. Enable smartmon metrics on storage NCNs
  8. Configure NCNs without restart
  9. Update test suite packages
  10. Verification
  11. Take Etcd manual backup
  12. NCN reboot
  13. Complete upgrade


  1. Validate CSM health.

    See Validate CSM Health.

    Run the CSM health checks to ensure that everything is working properly before the upgrade starts. After the upgrade is completed, another health check is performed. It is important to know if any problems observed at that time existed prior to the upgrade.

    IMPORTANT: See the CSM Install Validation and Health Checks procedures in the documentation for the CURRENT CSM version on the system. The validation procedures in the CSM documentation are only intended to work with that specific version of CSM.

  2. (ncn-m001#) Start a typescript on ncn-m001 to capture the commands and output from this procedure.

    script -af csm-update.$(date +%Y-%m-%d).txt
    export PS1='\u@\H \D{%Y-%m-%d} \t \w # '
  3. Download and extract the CSM v1.4.2 release to ncn-m001.

    See Download and Extract CSM Product Release.

  4. (ncn-m001#) Set CSM_DISTDIR to the directory of the extracted files.

    IMPORTANT: If necessary, change this command to match the actual location of the extracted files.

    export CSM_DISTDIR="$(pwd)/csm-1.4.2"
    echo "${CSM_DISTDIR}"
  5. (ncn-m001#) Set CSM_RELEASE_VERSION to the CSM release version.

    export CSM_RELEASE_VERSION="$(${CSM_DISTDIR}/lib/version.sh --version)"
  6. Download and install/upgrade the latest documentation on ncn-m001.

    See Check for Latest Documentation.

Setup Nexus

(ncn-m001#) Run lib/setup-nexus.sh to configure Nexus and upload new CSM RPM repositories, container images, and Helm charts:

./lib/setup-nexus.sh ; echo "RC=$?"

On success, the output should end with the following:

+ Nexus setup complete
setup-nexus.sh: OK

In the event of an error, consult Troubleshoot Nexus to resolve potential problems and then try running setup-nexus.sh again. Note that subsequent runs of setup-nexus.sh may report FAIL when uploading duplicate assets. This is okay as long as setup-nexus.sh outputs setup-nexus.sh: OK and exits with status code 0.

Update Argo CRDs

(ncn-m001#) Run the following script in preparation for 1.4.2 patch upgrade:

for c in $(kubectl get crd |grep argo | cut -d' ' -f1)
   kubectl label --overwrite crd $c app.kubernetes.io/managed-by="Helm"
   kubectl annotate --overwrite crd $c meta.helm.sh/release-name="cray-nls"
   kubectl annotate --overwrite crd $c meta.helm.sh/release-namespace="argo"

Upgrade services

(ncn-m001#) Run upgrade.sh to deploy upgraded CSM applications and services:


Upload NCN images

It is important to upload NCN images to IMS and to edit the cray-product-catalog. This is necessary when updating products with IUF. If this step is skipped, IUF will fail when updating or upgrading products in the future.

(ncn-m001#) Execute script to upload CSM NCN images and update the cray-product-catalog.


Upgrade Ceph and stop local Docker registries

Note: This step may not be necessary if it was already completed by the CSM v1.3.5 patch. If it was already run, the following steps can be re-executed to verify that Ceph daemons are using images in Nexus and the local Docker registries have been stopped.

These steps will upgrade Ceph to v16.2.13. Then the Ceph monitoring daemons’ images will be pushed to Nexus and the monitoring daemons will be redeployed so that they use these images in Nexus. Once this is complete, all Ceph daemons should be using images in Nexus and not images hosted in the local Docker registry on storage nodes. The third step stops the local Docker registry on all storage nodes.

  1. (ncn-m001#) Run Ceph upgrade to v16.2.13.

    /usr/share/doc/csm/upgrade/scripts/ceph/ceph-upgrade-tool.py --version "v16.2.13"
  2. (ncn-m001#) Redeploy Ceph monitoring daemons so they are using images in Nexus.

    scp /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/ceph/redeploy_monitoring_stack_to_nexus.sh ncn-s001:/srv/cray/scripts/common/redeploy_monitoring_stack_to_nexus.sh
    ssh ncn-s001 "/srv/cray/scripts/common/redeploy_monitoring_stack_to_nexus.sh"
  3. (ncn-m001#) Stop the local Docker registries on all storage nodes.

    scp /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/ceph/disable_local_registry.sh ncn-s001:/srv/cray/scripts/common/disable_local_registry.sh
    ssh ncn-s001 "/srv/cray/scripts/common/disable_local_registry.sh"

Enable smartmon metrics on storage NCNs

This step will install the smart-mon rpm on storage nodes, and reconfigure the node-exporter to provide smartmon metrics.

  1. (ncn-m001#) Execute the following script.


Configure NCNs without restart

This step will create an imperative CFS session that can be used to configure booted NCN with updated sysctl values.

  1. (ncn-m001#) Run configure_ncns.sh to create a CFS configuration and session.

    IMPORTANT: This script will overwrite any CFS configuration called ncn_nodes. Change the CONFIG_NAME variable in the script to change this behavior.

    IMPORTANT: This script will not start a new CFS session if one of the same name already exists. If an old session exists, delete it first or change the SESSION_NAME variable in the script to use a different session name.

  2. (ncn-m001#) Wait for CFS to complete configuration.

    cray cfs sessions describe ncnnodes
    kubectl logs -f -n services jobs/`cray cfs sessions describe ncnnodes --format json | jq -r " .status.session.job"` -c ansible

    The playbook in question will run to completion with a message indicating success.

    All playbooks completed successfully

Update test suite packages

(ncn-m001#) Update select RPMs on the NCNs.

pdsh -b -S -w $(grep -oP 'ncn-\w\d+' /etc/hosts | sort -u |  tr -t '\n' ',') \
    'zypper install -y hpe-csm-goss-package csm-testing goss-servers craycli && systemctl enable goss-servers && systemctl restart goss-servers' \
    && echo PASSED || echo FAILED


  1. Verify that the new CSM version is in the product catalog.

    (ncn-m001#) Verify that the new CSM version is listed in the output of the following command:

    kubectl get cm cray-product-catalog -n services -o jsonpath='{.data.csm}' | yq r -j - | jq -r 'to_entries[] | .key' | sort -V

    Example output that includes the new CSM version (1.4.2):

  2. Confirm that the product catalog has an accurate timestamp for the CSM upgrade.

    (ncn-m001#) Confirm that the import_date reflects the timestamp of the upgrade.

    kubectl get cm cray-product-catalog -n services -o jsonpath='{.data.csm}' | yq r  - '"1.4.2".configuration.import_date'

Take Etcd manual backup

(ncn-m001#) Execute the following script to take a manual backup of the Etcd clusters.

/usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/etcd/take-etcd-manual-backups.sh post_patch

These clusters are automatically backed up every 24 hours, but taking a manual backup at this stage in the upgrade enables restoring from backup later in this process if needed.

NCN reboot

This is an optional step but is strongly recommended. As each patch release includes updated container images that may contain CVE fixes, it is recommended to reboot each NCN to refresh cached container images. For detailed instructions on how to gracefully reboot each NCN, refer to Reboot NCNs.

Complete upgrade

(ncn-m001#) Remember to exit the typescript that was started at the beginning of the upgrade.


It is recommended to save the typescript file for later reference.