CSM 1.4.4 Patch Installation Instructions


This document guides an administrator through the patch update to Cray Systems Management v1.4.4 from an earlier patch version of CSM v1.4. If upgrading from CSM v1.3.x, then follow the procedures described in CSM major/minor version upgrade instead. In the unusual situation of upgrading from a pre-release version of CSM v1.4.0, then follow the procedures described in CSM major/minor version upgrade instead.

If there are more recent CSM v1.4 patch versions available, note that there is no need to perform intermediate CSM v1.4 patch upgrades. Instead, consider upgrading to the latest CSM v1.4 patch release. See CSM patch version upgrade for the full list of patch versions.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Security patch CVE-2023-48795 for SAT
  • NCN kernel panic remediation for SuSE networking driver via new kernel
  • NCN network connectivity remediation for Marvell/QLogic FastLinQ Ethernet adapters via new QLogic driver
  • Blacklisting of QLogic RDMA driver (qedr) for increased NCN stability when using Marvell/QLogic FastLinQ Ethernet adapters
  • Kernel panic remediation for Marvell/QLogic FastLinQ Ethernet adapters
  • Broadcom PCIe support for NCNs (metal-ipxe)
  • cray-dns-unbound fix for leaving existing configuration in place if new configuration fails to load
  • CPU limit removal for OPA
  • CAST-34705: Fixed an issue where cray-hms-hmcollector-ingress would fail parsing data from FabricHealth
  • CAST-35268: Fixed an issue where BOS warnings would be displayed in SAT status output


  1. CSM 1.4.4 Patch Installation Instructions
  2. Introduction
  3. Bug fixes and improvements
  4. Steps
  5. Preparation
  6. Setup Nexus
  7. Update Argo CRDs
  8. Upgrade services
  9. Upload NCN images
  10. Upgrade Ceph and stop local Docker registries
  11. Enable smartmon metrics on storage NCNs
  12. Update management node CFS configuration
  13. Update NCN images
    1. Warnings
    2. Image customization
    3. WLM backup
  14. Storage nodes in-place update
  15. Kubernetes nodes rolling rebuild
  16. Update test suite packages
  17. Verification
  18. Take Etcd manual backup
  19. Complete upgrade


  1. Validate CSM health.

    See Validate CSM Health.

    Run the CSM health checks to ensure that everything is working properly before the upgrade starts. After the upgrade is completed, another health check is performed. It is important to know if any problems observed at that time existed prior to the upgrade.

    IMPORTANT: See the CSM Install Validation and Health Checks procedures in the documentation for the CURRENT CSM version on the system. The validation procedures in the CSM documentation are only intended to work with that specific version of CSM.

  2. (ncn-m001#) Start a typescript on ncn-m001 to capture the commands and output from this procedure.

    script -af csm-update.$(date +%Y-%m-%d).txt
    export PS1='\u@\H \D{%Y-%m-%d} \t \w # '
  3. Download and install/upgrade the latest documentation on ncn-m001.

    See Check for Latest Documentation.

  4. (ncn-m001#) Run the script to create a cephfs file share at /etc/cray/upgrade/csm.

    • This script creates a new cephfs file share, and will unmount the rbd device that may have been used in a previous version of CSM (if detected). Running this script is a one time step needed only on the master node the upgrade is being initiated on (ncn-m001). If a previous rbd mount is detected at /etc/cray/upgrade/csm, that content will be remounted and available at /mnt/csm-1.3-rbd.

  5. Download and extract the CSM v1.4.4 release to ncn-m001.

    1. Change into the cephfs file share.

      cd /etc/cray/upgrade/csm/
    2. Follow the directions for Download and Extract CSM Product Release.

  6. (ncn-m001#) Set CSM_DISTDIR to the directory of the extracted files.

    IMPORTANT If necessary, change this command to match the actual location of the extracted files.

    NOTE CSM_RELEASE is set during the Download and Extract CSM Product Release guide.

    export CSM_DISTDIR="$(pwd)/csm-${CSM_RELEASE}"
    echo "${CSM_DISTDIR}"

Setup Nexus

(ncn-m001#) Run lib/setup-nexus.sh to configure Nexus and upload new CSM RPM repositories, container images, and Helm charts:

cd "$CSM_DISTDIR" && ./lib/setup-nexus.sh
echo "RC=$?"

On success, the output should end with the following:

+ Nexus setup complete
setup-nexus.sh: OK

In the event of an error, consult Troubleshoot Nexus to resolve potential problems and then try running setup-nexus.sh again. Note that subsequent runs of setup-nexus.sh may report FAIL when uploading duplicate assets. This is okay as long as setup-nexus.sh outputs setup-nexus.sh: OK and exits with status code 0.

Update Argo CRDs

(ncn-m001#) Run the following script in preparation for 1.4.4 patch upgrade:

function run_cmd {
  "$@" && return 0 || echo "ERROR: Command failed with rc $?: $*" >&2 ; return 1

for c in $(kubectl get crd | grep argo | cut -d' ' -f1); do
   run_cmd kubectl label --overwrite crd $c app.kubernetes.io/managed-by="Helm" || break
   run_cmd kubectl annotate --overwrite crd $c meta.helm.sh/release-name="cray-nls" || break
   run_cmd kubectl annotate --overwrite crd $c meta.helm.sh/release-namespace="argo" || break

Upgrade services

(ncn-m001#) Run upgrade.sh to deploy upgraded CSM applications and services:

cd "$CSM_DISTDIR" && ./upgrade.sh

Upload NCN images

It is important to upload NCN images to IMS and to edit the cray-product-catalog. This is necessary when updating products with IUF. If this step is skipped, IUF will fail when updating or upgrading products in the future.

(ncn-m001#) Execute script to upload CSM NCN images and update the cray-product-catalog.


Upgrade Ceph and stop local Docker registries

Note: This step is not necessary if it was already completed by the CSM v1.3.5 patch, CSM v1.4.2 patch, or CSM V1.4.3 patch. If it was already run, the following steps can be re-executed to verify that Ceph daemons are using images in Nexus and the local Docker registries have been stopped.

These steps will upgrade Ceph to v16.2.13. Then the Ceph monitoring daemons’ images will be pushed to Nexus and the monitoring daemons will be redeployed so that they use these images in Nexus. Once this is complete, all Ceph daemons should be using images in Nexus and not images hosted in the local Docker registry on storage nodes. The third step stops the local Docker registry on all storage nodes.

  1. (ncn-m001#) Run Ceph upgrade to v16.2.13.

    /usr/share/doc/csm/upgrade/scripts/ceph/ceph-upgrade-tool.py --version "v16.2.13"
  2. (ncn-m001#) Redeploy Ceph monitoring daemons so they are using images in Nexus.

    scp /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/ceph/redeploy_monitoring_stack_to_nexus.sh ncn-s001:/srv/cray/scripts/common/redeploy_monitoring_stack_to_nexus.sh
    ssh ncn-s001 /srv/cray/scripts/common/redeploy_monitoring_stack_to_nexus.sh
  3. (ncn-m001#) Stop the local Docker registries on all storage nodes.

    scp /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/ceph/disable_local_registry.sh ncn-s001:/srv/cray/scripts/common/disable_local_registry.sh
    ssh ncn-s001 /srv/cray/scripts/common/disable_local_registry.sh

Enable smartmon metrics on storage NCNs

This step will install the smart-mon rpm on storage nodes, and reconfigure the node-exporter to provide smartmon metrics.

(ncn-m001#) Execute the following script.


Update management node CFS configuration

This step updates the CFS configuration which is set as the desired configuration for the management nodes (NCNs). It ensures that the CFS configuration layers reference the correct commit hash for the version of CSM being installed. It then waits for the components to reach a configured state in CFS.

(ncn-m001#) Update CFS configuration.

./update-mgmt-ncn-cfs-config.sh --base-query role=management \
   --save --create-backups --clear-error

The output will look similar to the truncated output shown below.

INFO: Querying CFS configurations for the following NCNs: x3000c0s5b0n0, ...
INFO: Found configuration "management-csm-1.4.0" for component x3000c0s5b0n0
INFO: Updating existing layer with repo path /vcs/cray/csm-config-management.git and playbook site.yml
INFO: Property "commit" of layer with repo path /vcs/cray/csm-config-management.git and playbook site.yml updated ...
INFO: Property "name" of layer with repo path /vcs/cray/csm-config-management.git and playbook site.yml updated ...
INFO: No layer with repo path /vcs/cray/csm-config-management.git and playbook ncn-initrd.yml found.
INFO: Adding a layer with repo path /vcs/cray/csm-config-management.git and playbook ncn-initrd.yml to the end.
INFO: Successfully saved CFS configuration "management-csm-1.4.0-backup-20230918T205149"
INFO: Successfully saved CFS configuration "management-csm-1.4.0"
INFO: Successfully saved 1 changed CFS configuration(s) to CFS.
INFO: Updated 9 CFS components.
INFO: Waiting for 9 component(s) to finish configuration
INFO: Summary of number of components in each status: pending: 9
INFO: Waiting for 9 pending component(s)
INFO: Sleeping for 30 seconds before checking status of 9 pending component(s).
INFO: Sleeping for 30 seconds before checking status of 9 pending component(s).
INFO: 9 pending components transitioned to status configured: x3000c0s5b0n0, ...
INFO: Finished waiting for 9 component(s) to finish configuration.
INFO: Summary of number of components in each status: configured: 9
====> Completed update of CFS configuration(s)
====> Cleaning up install dependencies

When configuration of all components is successful, the summary line will show all components with status “configured”.

Update NCN images

NCN images must be rebuilt at this time in order to acquire an important Kernel panic mitigation. The mitigation entails a new Kernel and networking drivers for SP4 images (Kubernetes), as well as the blacklisting of the QLogic RDMA driver for SP4 and SP3 (all NCNs).

Despite rebuilding both Kubernetes and Storage CEPH images, only Kubernetes nodes will embark on a rolling rebuilt. Storage CEPH nodes will receive an in-place modification, and do not need to be rebuilt at this time.


IMPORTANT This minor version bump has an unprecedented rolling rebuild. This is a friendly reminder that any system administration data living on masters and workers will be wiped during the rebuild. Administrators are advised to take backups of their local site files.


  • ~/.config/sat/sat
  • /etc/motd
  • /etc/sudoers
  • /home
  • /root/.ssh/config

Image customization

  1. Print the product catalog ConfigMap.

    kubectl -n services get cm cray-product-catalog -o jsonpath='{.data}' | jq '. | keys'

    Example outputs:

    • CSM running with additional products:

    • CSM on a CSM-only system:

  2. Choose one of the following options based on the output from the previous step.

WLM backup

NOTE For CSM-only systems, skip this step and continue onto Storage nodes in-place update

Follow the directions in Stage 0.4.

Storage nodes in-place update

In lieu of rebuilding the storage nodes, they will be live patched.

  1. (ncn-m001#) Unload and blacklist the QLogic RDMA qedr driver.

  2. (ncn-m001#) Verify that qedr is no longer loaded.

    pdsh -b -w $(grep -oP 'ncn-s\d+' /etc/hosts | sort -u | tr -t '\n' ',') \
            'lsmod | grep -Eo '\''^qedr'\'' || echo OK' \
        | dshbak -c

    Expected output:


Kubernetes nodes rolling rebuild

  1. (ncn-m001#) Set environment variables.

    NOTE This relies on variables set during preparation.

    export CSM_REL_NAME="csm-${CSM_RELEASE}"
    export CSM_ARTI_DIR="${CSM_DISTDIR}"
  2. (ncn-m001#) Set/update re-usable environment variables.

    sed -i '/^export CSM_ARTI_DIR=.*/d' /etc/cray/upgrade/csm/myenv
    echo "export CSM_ARTI_DIR=$CSM_ARTI_DIR" >>/etc/cray/upgrade/csm/myenv
  3. (ncn-m001#) Ensure cray-site-init is installed, use the latest one provided by the CSM tarball.

    zypper install -y cray-site-init
  4. Proceed with the following sections from Stage 1:

  5. (ncn-m001#) Verify the booted images match the expected output.

    pdsh -b -w $(grep -oP 'ncn-\w\d+' /etc/hosts | sort -u | tr -t '\n' ',') '
    rpm -q kernel-default
    rpm -q qlgc-fastlinq-kmp-default
    grep -q qedr /etc/modprobe.d/disabled-modules.conf 2>/dev/null && echo "OK - rootfs blacklist" || echo "NOT OK - rootfs blacklist"
    grep -q qedr /etc/dracut.conf.d/99-csm-ansible.conf 2>/dev/null && echo "OK - initrd blacklist" || echo "NOT OK - initrd blacklist"
    lsmod | grep -qoE '\''^qedr'\'' && echo "NOT OK - qedr loaded" || echo "OK - no qedr"
    lsinitrd /metal/recovery/boot/initrd.img.xz | grep -q '\''qedr'\'' && echo "NOT OK - initrd has qedr" || echo "OK - initrd no qedr"
    ' | dshbak -c

    Expected output:

    OK - rootfs blacklist
    OK - initrd blacklistt
    OK - no qedr
    OK - initrd no qedr
    package qlgc-fastlinq-kmp-default is not installed
    OK - rootfs blacklist
    OK - initrd blacklist
    OK - no qedr
    OK - initrd no qedr

Update test suite packages

(ncn-m001#) Update select RPMs on the NCNs.



  1. Verify that the new CSM version is in the product catalog.

    (ncn-m001#) Verify that the new CSM version is listed in the output of the following command:

    kubectl get cm cray-product-catalog -n services -o jsonpath='{.data.csm}' | yq r -j - | jq -r 'to_entries[] | .key' | sort -V

    Example output that includes the new CSM version (1.4.4):

  2. Confirm that the product catalog has an accurate timestamp for the CSM upgrade.

    (ncn-m001#) Confirm that the import_date reflects the timestamp of the upgrade.

    kubectl get cm cray-product-catalog -n services -o jsonpath='{.data.csm}' | yq r  - '"1.4.4".configuration.import_date'

Take Etcd manual backup

(ncn-m001#) Execute the following script to take a manual backup of the Etcd clusters.

/usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/etcd/take-etcd-manual-backups.sh post_patch

These clusters are automatically backed up every 24 hours, but taking a manual backup at this stage in the upgrade enables restoring from backup later in this process if needed.

Complete upgrade

(ncn-m001#) Remember to exit the typescript that was started at the beginning of the upgrade.


NOTE It is recommended to save the typescript file for later reference.