VCS Administrative User

For additional information on the Version Control Service (VCS), see Version Control Service (VCS).

The Cray System Management (CSM) product installation creates the administrative user crayvcs that is used by CSM and other product installers to import their configuration content into VCS.

Administrative user credentials

The VCS login credentials for the crayvcs user are stored in three places:

  • vcs-user-credentials Kubernetes secret: This is used to initialize the other two locations, as well as providing a place where other users can query for the password.
  • VCS (Gitea): These credentials are used when pushing to Git using the default username and password. The password should be changed through the Gitea UI or command-line.
  • Keycloak: These credentials are used to access the VCS UI. They must be changed through Keycloak. For more information on accessing Keycloak, see Access the Keycloak User Management UI.

WARNING: These three sources of credentials are not synced by any mechanism. Changing the default password requires that is it changed in all three places. Changing only one may result in difficulty determining the password at a later date, or may result in losing access to VCS altogether.

Retrieving password for administrative user

(ncn-mw#) The following command retrieves and decodes the VCS administrative user password from the vcs-user-credentials secret.

kubectl get secret -n services vcs-user-credentials --template={{.data.vcs_password}} | base64 --decode

Change VCS administrative user password

The following procedure shows how to change the VCS password in all necessary locations.

1. Prerequisites

  • Obtain the current VCS administrative user password. See Retrieving password for administrative user. In this procedure, this password will be referred to as the “old” password.
  • Choose a new password. This password should follow the URL and filename safe base 64 alphabet: alphanumeric characters, dash/minus (-), and underscore (_).

2. Change password in Keycloak

This procedure uses the Keycloak web interface to change the password. This can also be done on the command line. See the Update a Local Keycloak User Credential procedure in Keycloak User Management with Kcadm.

  1. Log in to Keycloak with the default admin credentials.

    See Access the Keycloak User Management UI.

  2. Ensure the selected Realm is Shasta from the top-left dropdown in the left sidebar.

  3. From the left sidebar, under the Manage section, select Users.

  4. In the Search... textbox, type in crayvcs and click the search icon.

  5. In the filtered table below, click on the ID for the row that shows crayvcs in the Username column.

  6. Go to the Credentials tab and change the password.

    Enter the new password in the Reset Password form. Ensure Temporary is switched off. Click on Reset Password button.

3. Change password in Gitea/VCS

This can be done either using the VCS web interface, or using the command line.

Change password in Gitea/VCS using web interface

  1. Log in to Gitea with the default admin credentials.

    Point the browser at https://vcs.SHASTA_CLUSTER_DNS_NAME/vcs/user/settings/account.

    If presented with Keycloak login, use crayvcs as the username and the new VCS password. Wait to be redirected to the Gitea login page before continuing to the next step.

  2. Use the following Gitea login credentials:

    • Username: crayvcs
    • The old VCS password
  3. Enter the old password, new password, and confirmation, and then click Update Password.

Change password in Gitea/VCS using command line

  1. (ncn-mw#) Identify the Gitea/VCS pod.

    POD=$(kubectl get pods -n services -l --no-headers | grep -w Running | awk '{ print $1 }') ; echo ${POD}

    Expected output should resemble the following:

  2. (ncn-mw#) Open an interactive shell into the pod.

    kubectl exec -it -n services "${POD}" -- sh
  3. (pod#) Update Gitea/VCS with the new password.

    read -s is used to read the password in order to prevent it from being echoed to the screen or saved in the shell history.

    cd /var/lib/gitea/custom
    read -r -s -p "Enter new Gitea/VCS administrative password: " PW1 ; echo ; if [[ -z ${PW1} ]]; then
        echo "ERROR: Password cannot be blank"
    elif ! [[ $PW1 =~ ^[-_a-zA-Z0-9]+$ ]]; then
        echo "ERROR: Password contains illegal characters. Must only contain alphanumeric, dash/minus, and underscores."
        read -r -s -p "Enter again: " PW2
        if [[ ${PW1} != ${PW2} ]]; then
            echo "ERROR: Passwords do not match"
            echo "Changing password for '${USERNAME}'"
            if /usr/local/bin/gitea admin user change-password --config /var/lib/gitea/app.ini --username "${USERNAME}" --password "${PW1}" ; then
                echo "SUCCESS"
                echo "ERROR" 1>&2
    fi; unset PW1 PW2 USERNAME

    On success, the end of the output will resemble the following:

    crayvcs's password has been successfully updated!
  4. (pod#) Exit the pod.


4. Change password in the vcs-user-credentials Kubernetes secret

(ncn-mw#) Follow the Redeploying a Chart procedure with the following specifications:

  • Name of chart to be redeployed: gitea

  • Base name of manifest: sysmgmt

  • When reaching the step to update customizations, perform the following steps:

    Only follow these steps as part of the previously linked chart redeploy procedure.

    This procedure gets a copy of the shasta-cfg/stable/utils directory from github. If this procedure is being followed when the PIT node or expanded CSM release tarball is still available, then this directory can copied from those instead.

    1. Run git clone -b release/1.6.

    2. Change the password in the customizations.yaml file.

      The Gitea crayvcs password is stored in the vcs-user-credentials Kubernetes Secret in the services namespace. This must be updated so that clients which need to make requests can authenticate with the new password.

      These commands make use of the $CUSTOMIZATIONS variable that is set earlier in the Redeploying a Chart procedure.

      1. Delete the current Gitea sealed secret data from customizations.yaml.

        yq delete -i "${CUSTOMIZATIONS}" spec.kubernetes.sealed_secrets.gitea
      2. Verify that the Gitea sealed secret data is not present.

        The following command should return no output.

        yq r "${CUSTOMIZATIONS}" spec.kubernetes.sealed_secrets.gitea
      3. Create a YAML file with the new password.

        Create a file named new_gitea_pw.yaml with the following contents, replacing my_secret_password with the new Gitea password.

        name: vcs-user-credentials
          - type: static
              name: vcs_password
              value: my_secret_password
          - type: static
              name: vcs_username
              value: crayvcs
      4. Update customizations.yaml with the new password.

        The following command should return no output.

        yq w -i "${CUSTOMIZATIONS}" -f new_gitea_pw.yaml spec.kubernetes.sealed_secrets.gitea.generate
      5. Verify that updates were successfully applied.

        The following command should return the contents of the new_gitea_pw.yaml file.

        yq r "${CUSTOMIZATIONS}" spec.kubernetes.sealed_secrets.gitea.generate
      6. Delete new_gitea_pw.yaml.

        rm new_gitea_pw.yaml
    3. Encrypt the values after changing the customizations.yaml file.

      This command makes use of the $CUSTOMIZATIONS variable that is set earlier in the Redeploying a Chart procedure.

      ./utils/ "${CUSTOMIZATIONS}"

      If the above command complains that it cannot find certs/sealed_secrets.crt, then run the following commands to create it:

      mkdir -pv ./certs && ./utils/bin/linux/kubeseal --controller-name sealed-secrets --fetch-cert > ./certs/sealed_secrets.crt
  • When reaching the step to validate that the redeploy was successful, perform the following steps:

    Only follow these steps as part of the previously linked chart redeploy procedure.

    1. Verify that the Secret has been updated.

      Give the SealedSecret controller a few seconds to update the Secret, then run the following command to see the current value of the Secret:

      kubectl get secret -n services vcs-user-credentials --template={{.data.vcs_password}} | base64 --decode
    2. Do a rolling restart of the Gitea/VCS service and wait for it to complete.

      kubectl rollout restart -n services deployment gitea-vcs && kubectl rollout status -n services deployment gitea-vcs && echo SUCCESS || echo ERROR

      On success, the output should end with SUCCESS.

    3. Run a VCS health check.

      /usr/local/bin/cmsdev test -q vcs

      For more details on this test, including known issues and other command line options, see Software Management Services health checks.

  • Make sure to perform the entire linked chart redeploy procedure, including the step to save the updated customizations.