Deploy product

  1. Execute the IUF deploy-product stage
  2. Next steps

1. Execute the IUF deploy-product stage

  1. The “Install and Upgrade Framework” section of each individual product’s installation document may contain special actions that need to be performed outside of IUF for a stage. The “IUF Stage Documentation Per Product” section of the HPE Cray EX System Software Stack Installation and Upgrade Guide for CSM (S-8052) provides a table that summarizes which product documents contain information or actions for the deploy-product stage. Refer to that table and any corresponding product documents before continuing to the next step.

  2. Ensure that the latest documentation is installed for the target CSM version being installed or upgraded.

    See Check for latest documentation.

  3. Invoke iuf run with activity identifier ${ACTIVITY_NAME} and use -r to execute the deploy-product stage. Perform the upgrade using product content found in ${MEDIA_DIR}. Additional arguments are available to control the behavior of the deploy-product stage (for example, -rv). See the deploy-product stage documentation for details and adjust the following example if necessary.

    (ncn-m001#) Execute the deploy-product stage. Use site variables from the site_vars.yaml file found in ${ADMIN_DIR} and recipe variables from the product_vars.yaml file found in ${ADMIN_DIR}.

    iuf -a ${ACTIVITY_NAME} -m "${MEDIA_DIR}" run --site-vars \
    "${ADMIN_DIR}/site_vars.yaml" -bpcd "${ADMIN_DIR}" -r deploy-product

Once this step has completed:

  • New versions of product microservices have been deployed
  • Per-stage product hooks have executed for the deploy-product stage

2. Next steps