Power On and Start the Management Kubernetes Cluster

Power on and start management services on the HPE Cray EX management Kubernetes cluster.


  • All management rack PDUs are connected to facility power and facility power is on.
  • An authentication token is required to access the API gateway and to use the sat command. For more information, see Authenticate SAT Commands.
  • To avoid slow sat commands, ensure /root/.bashrc has proper handling of kubectl commands on all master and worker nodes. See Prepare the System for Power Off.


  1. If necessary, power on the management cabinet CDU and chilled doors.

  2. Set all management cabinet PDU circuit breakers to ON (all cabinets that contain Kubernetes master nodes, worker nodes, or storage nodes).

  3. Power on the HPE Cray EX cabinet PDUs and standard rack cabinet PDUs.

    Be sure that management switches in all racks and CDU cabinets are powered on and healthy.

  4. From a remote system, start the Lustre file system, if it was stopped.

  5. (remote#) Activate the serial console window to ncn-m001.

    read -s is used to prevent the password from being written to the screen or the shell history.

    read -r -s -p "ncn-m001 BMC ${USERNAME} password: " IPMI_PASSWORD

    In the example commands below, replace NCN_M001_BMC_HOSTNAME with the hostname of the BMC of ncn-m001.

    export IPMI_PASSWORD
    ipmitool -I lanplus -U $USERNAME -E -H NCN_M001_BMC_HOSTNAME sol activate
  6. (remote#) In a separate window, power on the master node 1 (ncn-m001) chassis using IPMI tool.

    read -s is used to prevent the password from being written to the screen or the shell history.

    read -r -s -p "ncn-m001 BMC ${USERNAME} password: " IPMI_PASSWORD

    In the example commands below, replace NCN_M001_BMC_HOSTNAME with the hostname of the BMC of ncn-m001.

    export IPMI_PASSWORD
    ipmitool -I lanplus -U $USERNAME -E -H NCN_M001_BMC_HOSTNAME chassis power on

    Wait for the login prompt.

    If ncn-m001 boots into the PIT node, then perform the following procedure:

    1. Set boot order to boot from disk.

      See NCN Boot Workflow.

    2. (pit#) Shutdown the PIT node.

      shutdown -h now
    3. (remote#) Power cycle again to boot into ncn-m001.

      In the example commands below, replace NCN_M001_BMC_HOSTNAME with the hostname of the BMC of ncn-m001.

      ipmitool -I lanplus -U "${USERNAME}" -E -H NCN_M001_BMC_HOSTNAME chassis power on
  7. (remote#) Wait for ncn-m001 to boot, then ping the node to check status.

    ping NCN_M001_HOSTNAME
  8. (remote#) Log in to ncn-m001 as root.

    ssh root@NCN_M001_HOSTNAME

    In case the node is not accessible directly, restart the network through console and try again.

    systemctl restart network

Power on all other management NCNs

  1. (ncn-m001#) Power on and boot other management NCNs.

    This command requires input for the IPMI username and password for the management nodes.

    Important: The default timeout for booting each group of NCNs is 300 seconds, which is reasonable for smaller systems. To avoid needing to re-run the command in the event of a timeout, increase the timeout using the --ncn-boot-timeout option. See sat bootsys boot --help for additional information and options.

    sat bootsys boot --stage ncn-power --ncn-boot-timeout 900

    Example output when the command is successful:

    IPMI username: root
    IPMI password:
    The following Non-compute Nodes (NCNs) will be included in this operation:
    - ncn-m002
    - ncn-m003
    - ncn-s001
    - ncn-s002
    - ncn-s003
    - ncn-w001
    - ncn-w002
    - ncn-w003
    The following Non-compute Nodes (NCNs) will be excluded from this operation:
    - ncn-m001
    storage: []
    workers: []
    Are the above NCN groupings and exclusions correct? [yes,no] yes
    INFO: Starting console logging on ncn-s003,ncn-s001,ncn-w002,ncn-m003,ncn-m002,ncn-s002,ncn-w001,ncn-w003.
    INFO: Powering on NCNs and waiting up to 900 seconds for them to be reachable via SSH: ncn-s001, ncn-s002, ncn-s003
    INFO: Sending IPMI power on command to host ncn-s002
    INFO: Sending IPMI power on command to host ncn-s001
    INFO: Sending IPMI power on command to host ncn-s003
    INFO: Powered on NCNs: ncn-s001, ncn-s002, ncn-s003
    INFO: Unfreezing Ceph
    INFO: Running command: ceph osd unset noout
    INFO: Command output: noout is unset
    INFO: Running command: ceph osd unset norecover
    INFO: Command output: norecover is unset
    INFO: Running command: ceph osd unset nobackfill
    INFO: Command output: nobackfill is unset
    INFO: Waiting up to 60 seconds for Ceph to become healthy after unfreeze
    INFO: Checking Ceph health
    INFO: Ceph unfreeze completed successfully on storage NCNs.
    INFO: Checking whether ceph filesystem is mounted on /etc/cray/upgrade/csm.
    INFO: Mounting ceph filesystem on /etc/cray/upgrade/csm.
    INFO: Successfully mounted ceph filesystem on /etc/cray/upgrade/csm.
    INFO: Checking whether fuse.s3fs filesystem is mounted on /var/opt/cray/sdu/collection-mount.
    INFO: Mounting fuse.s3fs filesystem on /var/opt/cray/sdu/collection-mount.
    INFO: Successfully mounted fuse.s3fs filesystem on /var/opt/cray/sdu/collection-mount.
    INFO: Checking whether fuse.s3fs filesystem is mounted on /var/opt/cray/config-data.
    INFO: Mounting fuse.s3fs filesystem on /var/opt/cray/config-data.
    INFO: Successfully mounted fuse.s3fs filesystem on /var/opt/cray/config-data.
    INFO: Successfully restarted 'cray-sdu-rda' service on ncn-m001
    INFO: Powering on NCNs and waiting up to 900 seconds for them to be reachable via SSH: ncn-m002, ncn-m003,ncn-w001, ncn-w002, ncn-w003
    INFO: Sending IPMI power on command to host ncn-w001
    INFO: Sending IPMI power on command to host ncn-m002
    INFO: Sending IPMI power on command to host ncn-w003
    INFO: Sending IPMI power on command to host ncn-w002
    INFO: Sending IPMI power on command to host ncn-m003
    INFO: Powered on NCNs: ncn-m002, ncn-m003, ncn-w001, ncn-w002, ncn-w003
    INFO: Stopping console logging on ncn-s001,ncn-w001,ncn-m002,ncn-w003,ncn-s003,ncn-s002,ncn-w002,ncn-m003.
    INFO: Succeeded with boot of other management NCNs.

    The above command may fail either while waiting for a group of management NCNs to boot and become reachable or while waiting for Ceph to become healthy. See the following sub-steps for how to proceed in either of those cases.

    1. If any of the nodes time out during boot, an error message like the following will be logged:

      ERROR: Waiting for condition "Hosts accessible via SSH" timed out after 300 seconds
      ERROR: Unable to reach the following NCNs via SSH after powering them on: ncn-s001, ncn-s002, ncn-s003. Troubleshoot the issue and then try again.

      If this error occurs, troubleshoot the issue and then repeat the sat bootsys command again.

    2. If Ceph does not become healthy within the expected time, the sat bootsys command will prompt whether to proceed further or exit to allow further troubleshooting of Ceph health issues. If the prompt is answered with ‘yes’, the command will continue to boot the other management nodes.

      Example output:

      INFO: Checking Ceph health
      ERROR: Waiting for condition "Ceph cluster in healthy state" timed out after 60 seconds
      ERROR: Failed to unfreeze Ceph on storage NCNs: Ceph is not healthy. Please correct Ceph health and try again.
      Ceph is not healthy. Do you want to continue anyway? [yes,no] yes
      INFO: Continuing despite Ceph not being healthy as per user's input, make sure to verify it later.
      INFO: Checking whether ceph filesystem is mounted on /etc/cray/upgrade/csm.

      If the prompt is answered with ’no’, the command will exit and allow the administrator to troubleshoot the Ceph health issues. Note that a Ceph status of HEALTH_WARN may resolve on its own if given time to recover. For further Ceph health troubleshooting procedures, see Manage Ceph Services. After troubleshooting the Ceph health issues, repeat the sat bootsys command.

  2. (ncn-m001#) Monitor the consoles for each NCN while nodes are booting:

    Use tail to monitor the log files in /var/log/cray/console_logs for each NCN. For example, to watch the console log for ncn-s001, use the following tail command:

    tail -f /var/log/cray/console_logs/console-ncn-s001-mgmt.log

    Alternatively, attach to the screen session in which the ipmitool sol activate command is running. This allows for input to be provided on the console if needed.

    List the screen sessions:

    screen -ls

    Example output:

    There are screens on:
    26745.SAT-console-ncn-m003-mgmt (Detached)
    26706.SAT-console-ncn-m002-mgmt (Detached)
    26666.SAT-console-ncn-s003-mgmt (Detached)
    26627.SAT-console-ncn-s002-mgmt (Detached)
    26589.SAT-console-ncn-s001-mgmt (Detached)
    26552.SAT-console-ncn-w003-mgmt (Detached)
    26514.SAT-console-ncn-w002-mgmt (Detached)
    26444.SAT-console-ncn-w001-mgmt (Detached)

    Attach to a screen session as follows:

    screen -x 26589.SAT-console-ncn-s001-mgmt

    Detach from the screen session using Ctrl + A followed by D. This will leave the screen session running in detached mode. The sat bootsys command will automatically exit screen sessions when nodes have finished booting.

  3. (ncn-m001#) Confirm all NCNs have booted.

     pdsh -w $(grep "nmn ncn-" /etc/hosts | awk '{print $3}' | xargs | sed 's/ /,/g') uptime

Verify Access to External File Systems

If the worker nodes host User Access Instance (UAI) pods or normally mount the external Lustre or Spectrum Scale (GPFS) file systems, then verify that the external file system is ready to be mounted by the worker nodes.

Some systems are configured with lazy mounts that do not have this requirement for the worker nodes.

Start Kubernetes and other services

  1. (ncn-m001#) Start the Kubernetes cluster.

    sat bootsys boot --stage platform-services

    Example output:

    The following Non-compute Nodes (NCNs) will be included in this operation:
    - ncn-m001
    - ncn-m002
    - ncn-m003
    - ncn-s001
    - ncn-s002
    - ncn-s003
    - ncn-w001
    - ncn-w002
    - ncn-w003
    Are the above NCN groupings correct? [yes,no] yes
    INFO: Executing step: Ensure containerd is running and enabled on all Kubernetes NCNs.
    INFO: Executing step: Ensure etcd is running and enabled on all Kubernetes manager NCNs.
    INFO: Executing step: Start and enable kubelet on all Kubernetes NCNs.
    INFO: Waiting up to 300 seconds for the Kubernetes API to become available
    INFO: The Kubernetes API is currently unreachable.
    INFO: Kubernetes API is available

    If any errors occur, after troubleshooting and fixing the issue, be sure to run the sat bootsys boot --stage platform-services command again until it succeeds as shown above. This will ensure that all necessary steps are executed.

  2. (ncn-m001#) Check the space available on the Ceph cluster.

    ceph df

    Example output:

        CLASS     SIZE       AVAIL      USED        RAW USED     %RAW USED
        ssd       63 TiB     60 TiB     2.8 TiB      2.8 TiB          4.45
        TOTAL     63 TiB     60 TiB     2.8 TiB      2.8 TiB          4.45
        POOL                           ID     STORED      OBJECTS     USED        %USED     MAX AVAIL
        cephfs_data                     1      40 MiB         382     124 MiB         0        18 TiB
        cephfs_metadata                 2     262 MiB         117     787 MiB         0        18 TiB
        .rgw.root                       3     3.5 KiB           8     384 KiB         0        18 TiB
        default.rgw.buckets.data        4      71 GiB      27.07k     212 GiB      0.38        18 TiB
        default.rgw.control             5         0 B           8         0 B         0        18 TiB
        default.rgw.buckets.index       6     7.7 MiB          13     7.7 MiB         0        18 TiB
        default.rgw.meta                7      21 KiB         111     4.2 MiB         0        18 TiB
        default.rgw.log                 8         0 B         207         0 B         0        18 TiB
        kube                            9      67 GiB      26.57k     197 GiB      0.35        18 TiB
        smf                            10     806 GiB     271.69k     2.4 TiB      4.12        18 TiB
        default.rgw.buckets.non-ec     11         0 B           0         0 B         0        18 TiB
  3. If %USED for any pool approaches 80% used, then resolve the space issue.

    To resolve the space issue, see Troubleshoot Ceph OSDs Reporting Full.

  4. (ncn-m001#) Check that spire pods have started.

    Monitor the status of the spire-jwks pods to ensure they restart and enter the Running state.

    kubectl get pods -n spire -o wide | grep spire-jwks

    Example output:

    spire-jwks-6b97457548-gc7td    2/3  CrashLoopBackOff   9    23h  ncn-w002 <none>   <none>
    spire-jwks-6b97457548-jd7bd    2/3  CrashLoopBackOff   9    23h  ncn-w003 <none>   <none>
    spire-jwks-6b97457548-lvqmf    2/3  CrashLoopBackOff   9    23h   ncn-w001 <none>   <none>
    1. (ncn-m001#) If the spire-jwks pods indicate CrashLoopBackOff, then restart the Spire deployment.

      kubectl rollout restart -n spire deployment spire-jwks
    2. (ncn-m001#) Rejoin Spire on the worker and master NCNs, to avoid issues with Spire tokens.

      kubectl rollout restart -n spire daemonset request-ncn-join-token
      kubectl rollout status -n spire daemonset request-ncn-join-token
    3. (ncn-m001#) Rejoin Spire on the storage NCNs, to avoid issues with Spire tokens.

  5. (ncn-m001#) Monitor the status of the management cluster and which pods are restarting (as indicated by either a Running or Completed state).

    kubectl get pods -A -o wide | grep -v -e Running -e Completed

    The pods and containers are normally restored in approximately 10 minutes.

    Because no containers are running, all pods first transition to an Error state. The error state indicates that their containers were stopped. The kubelet on each node restarts the containers for each pod. The RESTARTS column of the kubectl get pods -A command increments as each pod progresses through the restart sequence.

    If there are pods in the MatchNodeSelector state, delete these pods. Then verify that the pods restart and are in the Running state.

  6. (ncn-m001#) Check the status of the slurmctld and slurmdbd pods to determine if they are starting:

    kubectl describe pod -n user -lapp=slurmctld
    kubectl describe pod -n user -lapp=slurmdbd

    An error similar to the following may be seen:

      Type     Reason                  Age                    From               Message
      ----     ------                  ----                   ----               -------
      Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  29m                    kubelet, ncn-w001  Failed to create pod
    sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to setup network for sandbox
    "314ca4285d0706ec3d76a9e953e412d4b0712da4d0cb8138162b53d807d07491": Multus: Err in tearing down failed
    plugins: Multus: error in invoke Delegate add - "macvlan": failed to allocate for range 0: no IP addresses available in range set:
      Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  29m                    kubelet, ncn-w001  Failed to create pod
    sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to setup network for sandbox

    If the preceding error is displayed, then remove all files in the following directories on all worker nodes:

    • /var/lib/cni/networks/macvlan-slurmctld-nmn-conf
    • /var/lib/cni/networks/macvlan-slurmdbd-nmn-conf
  7. (ncn-m001#) Check if any pods are in CrashLoopBackOff state because of errors connecting to Vault.

    If so, restart the Vault operator, then the Vault pods, and finally the pod which is in CrashLoopBackOff. For example:

    1. Find the pods that are in CrashLoopBackOff state.

      kubectl get pods -A | grep CrashLoopBackOff

      Example output:

      services     cray-console-node-1        2/3     CrashLoopBackOff   206        6d21h
    2. View the logs for the pods in CrashLoopBackOff.

      kubectl -n services logs cray-console-node-1 cray-console-node | grep "connection failure" | grep vault

      Example output:

      2021/08/26 16:39:28 Error: &api.ResponseError{HTTPMethod:"PUT", URL:"http://cray-vault.vault:8200/v1/auth/kubernetes/login", StatusCode:503, RawError:true, Errors:[]string{"upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection failure"}}
      panic: Error: &api.ResponseError{HTTPMethod:"PUT", URL:"http://cray-vault.vault:8200/v1/auth/kubernetes/login", StatusCode:503, RawError:true, Errors:[]string{"upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection failure"}}
    3. Restart the vault-operator.

      kubectl delete pods -n vault -l app.kubernetes.io/name=vault-operator
    4. Wait for the cray-vault pods to restart with 5/5 ready and Running.

      kubectl get pods -n vault -l app.kubernetes.io/name=vault-operator

      Example output:

      NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      cray-vault-operator-69b4b6887-dfn2f   2/2     Running   2          1m
    5. Restart the pods.

      In this example, cray-console-node-1 is the only pod.

      kubectl delete pod cray-console-node-1 -n services
    6. Wait for the pods to restart with 3/3 ready and Running.

      In this example, cray-console-node-1 is the only pod.

      kubectl get pods -n services | grep cray-console-node-1

      Example output:

      cray-console-node-1      3/3     Running            0          2m
  8. (ncn-m001#) Determine whether the cfs-state-reporter service is failing to start on each manager/master and worker NCN while trying to contact CFS.

    Note: The systemctl command run on each node may have exit code 3 reported. This does not indicate a problem with cfs-state-reporter on that node.

    pdsh -w $(kubectl get nodes | grep -v NAME | awk '{print $1}' | xargs | sed 's/ /,/g') systemctl status cfs-state-reporter | grep "Active: activating"

    Example output:

    pdsh@ncn-m001: ncn-m002: ssh exited with exit code 3
    pdsh@ncn-m001: ncn-m003: ssh exited with exit code 3
    pdsh@ncn-m001: ncn-w001: ssh exited with exit code 3
    pdsh@ncn-m001: ncn-w002: ssh exited with exit code 3
    pdsh@ncn-m001: ncn-w004: ssh exited with exit code 3
    pdsh@ncn-m001: ncn-w003: ssh exited with exit code 3
    pdsh@ncn-m001: ncn-m001: ssh exited with exit code 3
    ncn-w001:    Active: activating (start) since Thu 2021-03-18 22:29:15 UTC; 21h ago
    1. (ncn#) On each NCN where cfs-state-reporter is stuck in activating as shown in the preceding error messages, restart the cfs-state-reporter service.

      Do this by logging in to each affected NCN and running the following command:

      systemctl restart cfs-state-reporter
    2. (ncn-m001#) Check the status again.

      pdsh -w $(kubectl get nodes | grep -v NAME | awk '{print $1}' | xargs | sed 's/ /,/g') systemctl status cfs-state-reporter | grep "Active: activating"

Verify BGP peering sessions

  1. Check the status of the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).

    See Check BGP Status and Reset Sessions.

Check etcd status and health

  1. Check the status and health of etcd clusters.

    See Check the Health of etcd Clusters.

Check cronjobs

The sat bootsys boot --stage platform-services command checks that all cronjobs run on time according to their specified cron schedule. If a cronjob is not being scheduled on time, it will be deleted and re-created to force it to be scheduled again. It is recommended to check that all cronjobs are being scheduled on time after running sat bootsys boot --stage platform-services.

  1. (ncn-m001#) Display all the Kubernetes cronjobs.

    kubectl get cronjobs.batch -A

    Example output:

    NAMESPACE     NAME                              SCHEDULE       SUSPEND   ACTIVE   LAST SCHEDULE   AGE
    kube-system   kube-etcdbackup                   */10 * * * *   False     0        2d1h            29d
    operators     kube-etcd-defrag                  0 0 * * *      False     0        18h             29d
    operators     kube-etcd-defrag-cray-hbtd-etcd   0 */4 * * *    False     0        178m            29d
    operators     kube-etcd-periodic-backup-cron    0 * * * *      False     0        58m             29d
    services      cray-dns-unbound-manager          */3 * * * *    False     0        63s             18h
    services      hms-discovery                     */3 * * * *    True      1        63s             18h
    services      hms-postgresql-pruner             */5 * * * *    False     0        3m3s            18h
    services      sonar-sync                        */1 * * * *    False     0        63s             18h
    sma           sma-pgdb-cron                     10 4 * * *     False     0        14h             27d

    Attention: It is normal for the hms-discovery service to be suspended at this point if liquid-cooled cabinets have not been powered on. The hms-discovery service is un-suspended during the liquid-cooled cabinet power on procedure. Do not recreate the hms-discovery cronjob at this point.

  2. Check for cronjobs that have a LAST SCHEDULE time that is older than the SCHEDULE time. These cronjobs must be restarted.

  3. (ncn-m001#) Check any cronjobs in question for errors.

    kubectl describe cronjobs.batch -n kube-system kube-etcdbackup | egrep -A 15 Events

    Example output:

      Type     Reason            Age                      From                Message
      ----     ------            ----                     ----                -------
      Warning  FailedNeedsStart  4m15s (x15156 over 42h)  cronjob-controller  Cannot determine if job needs to be \
                                                                              started: too many missed start time (> 100). \
                                                                              Set or decrease .spec.startingDeadlineSeconds \
                                                                              or check clock skew
  4. (ncn-m001#) For any cronjobs producing errors, get the YAML representation of the cronjob and edit the YAML file:

    cd ~/k8s
    kubectl get cronjobs.batch -n NAMESPACE "${CRON_JOB_NAME}" -o yaml > "${CRON_JOB_NAME}-cronjob.yaml"
    vi "${CRON_JOB_NAME}-cronjob.yaml"
    1. Delete all lines that contain uid:.

    2. Delete the entire status: section, including the status key.

    3. Save the file and quit the editor.

  5. (ncn-m001#) Delete the cronjob.

    kubectl delete -f "${CRON_JOB_NAME}-cronjob.yaml"
  6. (ncn-m001#) Apply the cronjob.

    kubectl apply -f "${CRON_JOB_NAME}-cronjob.yaml"
  7. (ncn-m001#) Verify that the cronjob has been scheduled.

    kubectl get cronjobs -n backups benji-k8s-backup-backups-namespace

    Example output:

    NAME                                 SCHEDULE      SUSPEND   ACTIVE   LAST SCHEDULE   AGE
    kube-etcdbackup                      */10 * * * *  False     0        92s             29

Check the HSM inventory status of NCNs

  1. (ncn-m001#) Use the sat command to check for management NCNs in an Off state.

    sat status --filter role=management --filter enabled=true --filter=state=off \
        --fields xname,aliases,state,flag,role,subrole

    Example output:

    | xname          | Aliases  | State | Flag | Role       | SubRole |
    | x3000c0s13b0n0 | ncn-w004 | Off   | OK   | Management | Worker  |
    | x3000c0s25b0n0 | ncn-w005 | Off   | OK   | Management | Worker  |

    Attention: When the NCNs are brought back online after a power outage or planned shutdown, sat status may report them as being Off.

  2. (ncn-m001#) Run a manual discovery of any NCNs in the Off state.

    cray hsm inventory discover create --xnames x3000c0s12b0,x3000c0s20b0 --format toml

    Example output:

    URI = "/hsm/v2/Inventory/DiscoveryStatus/0"
  3. (ncn-m001#) Check for NCN status.

    sat status --filter role=management --filter enabled=true --fields xname,aliases,state,flag,role,subrole

    Example output:

    | xname          | Aliases  | State     | Flag | Role       | SubRole |
    | x3000c0s1b0n0  | ncn-m001 | Populated | OK   | Management | Master  |
    | x3000c0s3b0n0  | ncn-m002 | Ready     | OK   | Management | Master  |
    | x3000c0s5b0n0  | ncn-m003 | Ready     | OK   | Management | Master  |
    | x3000c0s7b0n0  | ncn-w001 | Ready     | OK   | Management | Worker  |
    | x3000c0s9b0n0  | ncn-w002 | Ready     | OK   | Management | Worker  |
    | x3000c0s11b0n0 | ncn-w003 | Ready     | OK   | Management | Worker  |
    | x3000c0s13b0n0 | ncn-w004 | Ready     | OK   | Management | Worker  |
    | x3000c0s17b0n0 | ncn-s001 | Ready     | OK   | Management | Storage |
    | x3000c0s19b0n0 | ncn-s002 | Ready     | OK   | Management | Storage |
    | x3000c0s21b0n0 | ncn-s003 | Ready     | OK   | Management | Storage |
    | x3000c0s25b0n0 | ncn-w005 | Ready     | OK   | Management | Worker  |

Validate CSM Health

  1. To check the health and status of the management cluster after a power cycle, refer to the sections 1-4 in Validate CSM Health.

Next step

Return to System Power On Procedures and continue with next step.