In CSM 1.3 and newer, the sat command is available on the Kubernetes NCNs without installing the SAT product stream.

Starting in CSM 1.6.0, SAT is fully included in CSM. There is no longer a separate SAT product stream to install. SAT 2.6 releases, which accompanied CSM 1.5, are the last releases of SAT as a separate product.

Differences from old SAT Product Stream

There are several notable differences between the separate 2.6 releases of SAT and the release of SAT included in CSM 1.6.0. They are described below.

  • There are no longer new entries for SAT added to the cray-product-catalog Kubernetes ConfigMap. When a system is upgraded from older versions of CSM and SAT, the existing entries for older separate versions of SAT are not removed from the cray-product-catalog.

  • The sat-install-utility image is no longer provided. This container image provided uninstall and activate functionality when used with the prodmgr command. It is still possible to uninstall older versions of SAT that were installed as a separate product. However, it is not necessary to do so. Doing so will free up a small amount of space in Nexus and will remove old SAT entries from the cray-product-catalog.

  • The docs-sat RPM is no longer provided. SAT documentation will be merged into CSM documentation.

  • The sat-config-management repository in Gitea (VCS) is no longer used. All SAT configuration content has been added to the csm-config-management repository. It is no longer required to use a separate layer which references the sat-config-management repository in CFS configurations targeting the management nodes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How can I tell which version of SAT is installed on a system?

It is still possible to view the semantic version of the sat command that is installed and active on the system by executing sat --version. This is the version of the sat command itself. It is distinct from the versions of the SAT product stream.

(ncn-m#) For example:

sat --version

This will output a semantic version like the following:


Q: Which version of SAT takes precedence on a system with both CSM 1.6.0 and older versions of SAT installed?

When CSM 1.6.0 is installed, it will override any version of SAT installed as a separate product stream. For example, on a system being upgraded from CSM 1.5 and SAT 2.6 to CSM 1.6, the version of SAT included in CSM 1.6 will take precedence.

Q: How do I revert to use older versions of SAT on a CSM 1.6 system?

Although it is uncommon to need to revert to using an older version of SAT, it is possible to do so using environment variables. Specifically, the environment variable SAT_IMAGE can be set to the name and tag of the cray-sat container image to use. The available image versions in the Nexus registry can be inspected with podman image search.

For detailed instructions, see Downgrade: Switch Between SAT Versions.

Q: Do SAT commands have any dependency?

Most sat subcommands depend on services or components from other products in the HPE Cray EX software stack. For more details, refer to the SAT Dependencies.