Set System Revision Information

HPE service representatives use system revision information data to identify systems in support cases.



  1. (ncn-m001#) Set System Revision Information.

    Run sat setrev and follow the prompts to set the following site-specific values:

    • Serial number
    • System name
    • System type
    • System description
    • Product number
    • Company name
    • Site name
    • Country code
    • System install date

    Tip: For “System type”, a system with any liquid-cooled components should be considered a liquid-cooled system. In other words, “System type” is EX-1C.

    sat setrev

    Example output:

    Setting:        Serial number
    Purpose:        System identification. This will affect how snapshots are
                    identified in the HPE backend services.
    Description:    This is the top-level serial number which uniquely identifies
                    the system. It can be requested from an HPE representative.
    Valid values:   Alpha-numeric string, 4 - 20 characters.
    Type:           <class 'str'>
    Default:        None
    Current value:  None
    Please do one of the following to set the value of the above setting:
        - Input a new value
        - Press CTRL-C to exit
  2. Verify System Revision Information.

    (ncn-m001#) Run sat showrev and verify the output shown in the “System Revision Information table.”

    sat showrev

    Example table output:

    System Revision Information
    | component           | data          |
    | Company name        | HPE           |
    | Country code        | US            |
    | Interconnect        | Sling         |
    | Product number      | R4K98A        |
    | Serial number       | 12345         |
    | Site name           | HPE           |
    | Slurm version       | slurm 20.02.5 |
    | System description  | Test System   |
    | System install date | 2021-01-29    |
    | System name         | eniac         |
    | System type         | EX-1C         |
    Product Revision Information
    | product_name | product_version | images                       | image_recipes                |
    | csm          | 0.8.14          | cray-shasta-csm-sles15sp1... | cray-shasta-csm-sles15sp1... |
    | sat          | 2.0.1           | -                            | -                            |
    | sdu          | 1.0.8           | -                            | -                            |
    | slingshot    | 0.8.0           | -                            | -                            |
    | sma          | 1.4.12          | -                            | -                            |
    Local Host Operating System
    | component | version              |
    | Kernel    | 5.3.18-24.15-default |
    | SLES      | SLES 15-SP2          |