SAT Uninstall and Downgrade

Uninstall: Remove a Version of SAT

This procedure can be used to uninstall a version of SAT installed as a separate product stream. This is an optional procedure. Its main benefits are that it will free up a small amount of space in Nexus, and it may reduce confusion by removing additional outdated SAT versions from the cray-product-catalog Kubernetes ConfigMap.

This procedure cannot be used to uninstall the version of SAT included in the CSM release. SAT 2.6 releases are the last releases of SAT as a separate product stream.


  • Only versions 2.2 or newer of SAT can be uninstalled with prodmgr.
  • CSM version 1.2 or newer must be installed, so that the prodmgr command is available.

Uninstall Procedure

  1. (ncn-m001#) Use sat showrev to list versions of SAT which have been installed as a separate product.

    sat showrev --products --filter product_name=sat

    Example output:

    Product Revision Information
    | product_name | product_version | images            | image_recipes         |
    | sat          | 2.3.3           | -                 | -                     |
    | sat          | 2.2.10          | -                 | -                     |

    Note that starting in CSM v1.6.0, SAT is no longer separately installed, and CSM installation does not add rows with sat as the product_name.

  2. (ncn-m001#) Use prodmgr to uninstall a version of SAT.

    This command will do three things:

    • Remove all hosted-type package repositories associated with the given version of SAT. Group-type repositories are not removed.
    • Remove all container images associated with the given version of SAT.
    • Remove SAT from the cray-product-catalog Kubernetes ConfigMap, so that it will no longer show up in the output of sat showrev.
    prodmgr uninstall sat 2.2.10

    Example output:

    Repository sat-2.2.10-sle-15sp2 has been removed.
    Removed Docker image cray/cray-sat:3.9.0
    Removed Docker image cray/sat-cfs-install:1.0.2
    Removed Docker image cray/sat-install-utility:1.4.0
    Deleted sat-2.2.10 from product catalog.

Downgrade: Switch Between SAT Versions

Starting in CSM v1.6.0, it is no longer recommended to use prodmgr activate to switch between SAT versions.

Instead, if it is necessary to switch to an alternate version of SAT, it is recommended to set the environment variable SAT_IMAGE as described in the procedure below. This will change the version of the cray-sat container image run by Podman when the sat command is executed.

Downgrade Procedure

  1. (ncn-mw#) First, determine the versions of the cray-sat container image which are available in the container image registry in Nexus. There are multiple ways to do so. One easy way is to use podman search.

    Versions of SAT which were available as a separate product stream uploaded the cray-sat container image to the path cray/cray-sat in the Nexus container image registry.

    CSM v1.3, v1.4, and v1.5 releases additionally began including the cray-sat container image and uploaded it to the path

    Finally, CSM v1.6.0 and beyond include the cray-sat container image and upload it to the path

    The following bash for loop shows all tags of the cray-sat container image across all three of these locations, ignoring errors if the cray-sat image does not exist at any of these paths:

    for image in cray/cray-sat \
       {sat,csm}-docker/stable/cray-sat; do
      podman search --list-tags "registry.local/$image" 2>/dev/null \
        | awk '{ OFS=":" } { if ($1 ~ /cray-sat/) { print $1, $2; } }'

    The output will look similar to the following:


    Note that the same tag of the cray-sat image is uploaded to two locations starting in CSM v1.3.0, which means it will show up under two different names.

  2. (ncn-mw#) Choose the desired cray-sat image version from the output of the previous step, and set the environment variable SAT_IMAGE. For example:

    export SAT_IMAGE="registry.local/"
  3. (ncn-mw#) Run sat --version to confirm the new version is being used. Note that the first time this command is executed with the SAT_IMAGE variable set, podman may need to download the image from the Nexus container image registry.

    sat --version

    The output should be just the semantic version of the sat command, which will match the tag of the container image. For example:

  4. If this change must be persisted across multiple sessions on the system, the export SAT_IMAGE="..." can be added to the user’s ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc file.