Change the CFS Version

SAT supports specifying the version of the Configuration Framework Service (CFS) API used by the SAT commands. By default, it uses version three (v3) of the CFS API. Select the CFS version to use for individual commands with the --cfs-version option. For more information on this option, see the man page for a specific command.

Another way to change the CFS version is by configuring it under the api_version setting in the cfs section of the SAT configuration file. If the system is using an existing SAT configuration file from an older version of SAT, the cfs section might not exist. In that case, add the cfs section with the CFS version desired in the api_version setting.

  1. Find the SAT configuration file at ~/.config/sat/sat.toml, and look for a section like this:

    api_version = "v3"

    In this example, SAT is using CFS version "v3".

  2. Change the line specifying the api_version to the CFS version desired (for example, "v2").

    api_version = "v2"
  3. If applicable, uncomment the api_version line.

    If the system is using an existing SAT configuration file from a recent version of SAT, the api_version line might be commented out like this:

    # api_version = "v3"

    If the line is commented out, SAT will still use the default CFS version. To ensure a different CFS version is used, uncomment the api_version line by removing # at the beginning of the line.

Key Changes and Improvements with CFS V3

  • CFS V3 on SAT provides optimized results for larger systems, offering quicker responses.
  • Paging is only available when using the CFS V3 API. This ensures that even with a large number of components, SAT can retrieve configurations more efficiently.
  • When the number of components exceeds the CFS page size, CFS V3 is able to handle the system by paginating the results. This is an improvement over CFS v2 on SAT, which would return an error when number of components exceeds the response limit. For more information on paging see Paging CFS Records.

Limitations with CFS V2

  • When using CFS V2, the number of entries returned in a single query is limited by the default_page_size parameter, which is 1000.
  • If the system contains more than 1000 components, CFS V2 will return an error as the response size is too large for the system to handle in a single query.