Validate CSM Health

Anytime after the installation of the CSM services, the health of the management nodes and all CSM services can be validated.

The following are examples of when to run health checks:

  • After completing the Install CSM Services step of the CSM install (not before)
  • Before and after NCN reboots
  • After the system is brought back up
  • Any time there is unexpected behavior observed
  • In order to provide relevant information to create support tickets

The areas should be tested in the order they are listed on this page. Errors in an earlier check may cause errors in later checks because of dependencies.

Each section of this health check document provides links to relevant troubleshooting procedures. If additional help is needed, see CSM Troubleshooting Information.


0. Cray command line interface

Some of the health check tests will fail if the Cray Command Line Interface (CLI) is not configured on the management NCNs. Tests with this dependency are noted in their descriptions below. These tests may be skipped but this is not recommended.

If running these checks during an initial CSM install, then to find details on configuring the Cray CLI, see Configure the Cray command line interface from the install documentation.

If running these checks after the initial CSM install, then to find details on configuring the Cray CLI, see Configure the Cray CLI from the operational documentation.

1. Platform health checks

All platform health checks are expected to pass. Each check has been implemented as a Goss test which reports a PASS or FAIL.

Available platform health checks:

  1. NCN health checks
  2. OPTIONAL Check of ncnHealthChecks resources
  3. Check of system management monitoring tools

1.1 NCN health checks

These checks require that the Cray CLI is configured on all worker NCNs.

If ncn-m001 is the PIT node, then run these checks on ncn-m001; otherwise run them from any master NCN.

  1. (ncn-m# or pit#) Run the automated tests.

    1. If it has not been done previously, record in Vault the admin user password for the management switches in the system.

      See Adding switch admin password to Vault.

    2. Run the combined health check script.

      This script runs a variety of health checks including:

  2. Review results.

    Review the output and follow the instructions provided to resolve any test failures. With the exception of Known issues with NCN health checks, all health checks are expected to pass.

1.2 NCN resource checks (optional)

(ncn-m# or pit#) These optional checks display the NCN uptimes, the node resource consumptions, and/or the list of pods not in a running state. If ncn-m001 is the PIT node, then run these checks on ncn-m001; otherwise run them from any master NCN.

/opt/cray/platform-utils/ -s ncn_uptimes
/opt/cray/platform-utils/ -s node_resource_consumption
/opt/cray/platform-utils/ -s pods_not_running

See Known issues with NCN resource checks.

1.3 Check of system management monitoring tools

If all designated prerequisites are met, the availability of system management health services may optionally be validated by accessing the URLs listed in Access System Management Health Services. It is very important to check the Prerequisites section of this document.

If one or more of the URLs listed in the procedure are inaccessible, it does not necessarily mean that system is not healthy. It may simply mean that not all of the prerequisites have been met to allow access to the system management health tools via URL.

Information to assist with troubleshooting some of the components mentioned in the prerequisites can be accessed here:

2. Hardware Management Services health checks

The checks in this section do not require that the Cray CLI is configured, but in the case of failures, some of the tests will provide troubleshooting suggestions that involve using the CLI.

Execute the HMS tests to confirm that the Hardware Management Services are running and operational.

Note: Do not run multiple instances of the HMS tests concurrently as they may interfere with one another and cause false failures.

  1. HMS CT test execution
  2. Hardware State Manager discovery validation
    1. Interpreting HSM discovery results
    2. Known issues with HSM discovery validation
  3. Hardware checks (optional)

2.1 HMS CT test execution

The HMS CT tests are run automatically by the test script run in 1.1 NCN health checks. If any failures occur, investigate the cause of each and take remediation steps if needed.

See Interpreting HMS Health Check Results for more information on the tests and how to interpret their results.

2.2 Hardware State Manager discovery validation

By the time the CSM health validation is first performed on a system, the Hardware State Manager (HSM) should have completed its discovery of the system. This section provides steps to verify that discovery has completed successfully and consists of two steps.

  1. Verify that all hardware attempted to be discovered by HSM was successfully discovered.

    (ncn-mw#) To verify that discovery completed successfully and that Redfish endpoints for the system hardware have been populated in HSM, run the following script:


    The script will return an exit code of zero if there are no failures. Otherwise, the script will return a non-zero exit code along with output indicating which components failed discovery and troubleshooting steps for determining why discovery failed.

  2. Verify that all hardware that is expected to be in the system is present in HSM.

    To verify this, a comparison is made between HSM and the System Layout Service (SLS), which provides the foundational information for the hardware that makes up the system.

    (ncn-mw#) To perform this comparison, run the following script:


    The script will have an exit code of 0 if there are no failures. If there is any FAIL information displayed, the script will exit with a non-zero exit code.

    Example of successful output:

    HSM Cabinet Summary
    x1000 (Mountain)
      Discovered Nodes:          16
      Discovered Node BMCs:       5
      Discovered Router BMCs:    16
      Discovered Chassis BMCs:    8
      Compute Module slots
        Populated:   5
        Empty:      59
      Router Module slots
        Populated:  16
        Empty:      48
    x3000 (River)
      Discovered Nodes:          12 (10 Mgmt, 2 Application, 0 Compute)
      Discovered Node BMCs:      11
      Discovered Router BMCs:     2
      Discovered Chassis BMCs:    0
      Discovered Cab PDU Ctlrs:   2
      Discovered CMCs:            0
    River Cabinet Checks
    x3000 (River)
      Nodes: PASS
      NodeBMCs: PASS
      RouterBMCs: PASS
      CMCs: PASS
      CabinetPDUControllers: PASS
    Mountain/Hill Cabinet Checks
    x1000 (Mountain)
      ChassisBMCs: PASS
      Nodes: PASS
      NodeBMCs: PASS
      RouterBMCs: PASS
    EX2500 Cabinet Checks
    None Found.

    Refer to 2.2.1 Interpreting results and 2.2.2 Known Issues in order to troubleshoot any errors or warnings.

2.2.1 Interpreting HSM discovery results

The Cabinet Checks output is divided into four sections:

  • Summary information for each cabinet.
  • Detail information for River cabinets.
  • Detail information for Mountain/Hill cabinets.
  • Detail information for EX2500 cabinets.

In the River section, any hardware found in SLS and not discovered by HSM is considered a failure.

In the Mountain/Hill section, the only thing considered a failures are Chassis BMCs that are not discovered in HSM, and undiscovered BMCs from populated slots.

In the EX2500 section, performs checks for both air-cooled and liquid-cooled hardware based on the chassis. For the liquid-cooled chassis the only thing considered a failures are Chassis BMCs that are not discovered in HSM, and undiscovered BMCs from populated slots. In the air-cooled chassis (if present) any hardware found in SLS and not discovered by HSM is considered a failure.

Any failures need to be investigated by the admin for rectification. Any warnings should also be examined by the administrator to ensure they are accurate and expected.

For each of the BMCs that show up as not being present in HSM components or Redfish Endpoints use the following notes to determine whether the issue with the BMC can be safely ignored or needs to be addressed before proceeding.

  • The node BMCs for HPE Apollo XL645D nodes may report as a mismatch depending on the state of the system when the script is run. If the system is currently going through the process of installation, then this is an expected mismatch as the Prepare Compute Nodes procedure required to configure the BMC of the HPE Apollo 6500 XL645D node may not have been completed yet.

    For more information refer to Configure HPE Apollo 6500 XL645D Gen10 Plus Compute Nodes for additional required configuration for this type of BMC.

    Example mismatch for the BMC of an HPE Apollo XL654D:

      Nodes: FAIL
        - x3000c0s30b1n0 (Compute, NID 5) - Not found in HSM Components.
      NodeBMCs: FAIL
        - x3000c0s19b1 - Not found in HSM Components; Not found in HSM Redfish Endpoints.
  • Chassis Management Controllers (CMC) may show up as not being present in HSM. Gigabyte node blade CMCs not found in HSM is not normal and should be investigated. If a Gigabyte CMC is expected to not be connected to the HMN network, then it can be ignored. Otherwise, verify that the root service account is configured for the CMC and add it if needed by following the steps outlined in Add Root Service Account for Gigabyte Controllers.

    CMCs have component names (xnames) in the form of xXc0sSb999, where X is the cabinet and S is the rack U of the compute node chassis.

    Example mismatch for a CMC an Intel node blade:

      ChassisBMCs/CMCs: FAIL
        - x3000c0s10b999 - Not found in HSM Components; Not found in HSM Redfish Endpoints; No mgmt port connection.
  • Cabinet PDU Controllers have component names (xnames) in the form of xXmM, where X is the cabinet and M is the ordinal of the Cabinet PDU Controller.

    Example mismatch for a PDU:

      CabinetPDUControllers: WARNING
        - x3000m0 - Not found in HSM Components ; Not found in HSM Redfish Endpoints

    (ncn#) If the PDU is accessible over the network, the following can be used to determine the vendor of the PDU.

    curl -k -s --compressed  https://$PDU -i | grep Server:
    • Example ServerTech output:

      Server: ServerTech-AWS/v8.0v
    • Example HPE output:

      Server: HPE/1.4.0
    • ServerTech PDUs may need passwords changed from their defaults to become functional. See Change Credentials on ServerTech PDUs.

    • HPE PDUs are supported and should show up as being found in HSM. If they are not, they should be investigated since that may indicate that configuration steps have not yet been executed which are required for the PDUs to be discovered. Refer to HPE PDU Admin Procedures for additional configuration for this type of PDU. The steps to run will depend on if the PDU has been set up yet, and whether or not an upgrade or fresh install of CSM is being performed.

  • River BMCs having no association with a management switch port will be annotated as such, and should be investigated.

  • In Hill configurations SLS assumes BMCs in chassis 1 and 3 are fully populated (32 Node BMCs), and in Mountain configurations SLS assumes all BMCs are fully populated (128 Node BMCs). For EX2500 cabinets will have either 1, 2, or 3 fully populated chassis depending on how the cabinet is configured. BMCs from non-populated chassis slots will not show up in the mismatch list. Any BMCs missing in populated chassis slots with no HSM data and will show up in the mismatch list.

If it was determined that the mismatch can not be ignored, then proceed onto the 2.2.2 Known Issues below to troubleshoot any mismatched BMCs.

2.2.2 Known issues with HSM discovery validation

Known issues that may prevent hardware from getting discovered by Hardware State Manager:

2.3 Hardware checks (optional)

Optionally, these checks may be executed to detect problems with hardware in the system. Hardware check failures are not blockers for system installations and upgrades, and it is typically safe to postpone the investigation and resolution of any such failures until after the CSM installation or upgrade has completed.

These checks may be executed on any one worker or master NCN (but not ncn-m001 if it is still the PIT node).

(ncn-mw#) Run the hardware checks.


The return code of the script is zero if all hardware checks run and pass, non-zero if not. On errors or failures, the script will print the path to the hardware checks log file for the administrator to inspect. See the Flags Set For Nodes In HSM documentation for more information about common types of hardware check failures.

3 Software Management Services (SMS) health checks

The SMS health checks are run automatically by the test script run in 1.1 NCN health checks. If any failures occur, investigate the cause of each and take remediation steps if needed.

See Software Management Services health checks for more information on the tests and how to interpret their results.

4. Gateway health and SSH access checks

4.1 Gateway health tests

4.1.1 Gateway health tests overview

The gateway tests check the health of the API Gateway on all of the relevant networks. The gateway tests check that the gateway is accessible on all networks where it should be accessible, and NOT accessible on all networks where it should NOT be accessible. They also check several service endpoints to verify that they return the proper response on each accessible network.

The test will complete with an overall test status based on the result of the individual health checks on all of the networks.

Overall Gateway Test Status:  PASS

For more detailed information on the tests results and examples, see Gateway Testing.

The gateway tests can be run from various locations. For this part of the CSM validation, check gateway access from the NCNs and from outside the system. Externally, the API gateway is accessible on the CMN and either the CAN or CHN, depending on the configuration of the system. On NCNs, the API gateway is accessible on the same networks (CMN and CAN/CHN) and it is also accessible on the NMNLB network.

4.1.2 Gateway health tests on an NCN

The gateway tests may be run on any NCN with the docs-csm RPM installed. For details on installing the docs-csm RPM, see Check for Latest Documentation.

To execute the tests, see Running Gateway Tests on an NCN Management Node.

4.1.3 Gateway health tests from outside the system

To execute the tests, see Running Gateway Tests on a Device Outside the System.

4.2 Internal SSH access test execution

The internal SSH access tests may be run on any NCN with the docs-csm RPM installed. For details on installing the docs-csm RPM, see Check for Latest Documentation.

(ncn#) Execute the tests by running the following command:

/usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/pyscripts/ test_bican_internal

By default, SSH access will be tested on all relevant networks between master nodes and spine switches. It is possible to customize which nodes and networks will be tested. For example, it is possible to include UANs, to exclude master nodes, or to exclude the HMN. See the test usage statement for details.

(ncn#) The test usage statement is displayed by calling the test with the --help argument:

/usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/pyscripts/ test_bican_internal --help

The test will complete with an overall pass/failure status such as the following:

Overall status: PASSED (Passed: 40, Failed: 0)

4.3 External SSH access test execution

The external SSH access tests may be run on any system external to the cluster. The tests should not be run from another system running the Cray System Management software if that system was configured with the same internal network ranges as the system being tested as this will cause some tests to fail.

  1. (external#) Python version 3 must be installed (if it is not already).

  2. (external#) Obtain the test code.

    There are two options for doing this:

    • Install the docs-csm and libcsm RPMs.

      See Check for Latest Documentation.

    • Copy over the following folder from a system where the docs-csm and libcsm RPMs are installed:

      • /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/pyscripts
  3. (external#) Install the Python dependencies.

    Run the following command from the pyscripts directory in order to install the required Python dependencies:

    cd /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/pyscripts && pip install .
  4. (ncn# or pit#) Obtain the admin client secret.

    Because kubectl will not work outside of the cluster, obtain the admin client secret by running the following command on an NCN or the PIT node.

    kubectl get secrets admin-client-auth -o jsonpath='{.data.client-secret}' | base64 -d

    Example output:

  5. (external#) On the external system, execute the tests.

    cd /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/pyscripts && ./ test_bican_external

    By default, SSH access will be tested on all relevant networks between master nodes and spine switches. It is possible to customize which nodes and networks will be tested. For example, it is possible to include compute nodes, to exclude spine switches, or to exclude the NMN. See the test usage statement for details.

    The test usage statement is displayed by calling the test with the --help argument:

    cd /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/pyscripts && ./ test_bican_external --help
  6. When prompted by the test, enter the system domain and the admin client secret.

    The test will complete with an overall pass/failure status such as the following:

    Overall status: PASSED (Passed: 20, Failed: 0)

5. Booting CSM barebones image

This test is very important to run, particularly during the CSM install prior to rebooting the PIT node, because it validates all of the services required for nodes to PXE boot from the cluster.

By default the test automatically chooses an enabled x86 compute node and an x86 barebones compute image. This image is customized and used to boot the chosen node. This default behavior can be overridden, however. For additional details and troubleshooting information, see Barebones Image Boot Test.

5.1 Run the test script

This test can be run on any master or worker NCN, but not the PIT node.

(ncn-mw#) The script is executable and can be run without any arguments. It returns zero on success and non-zero on failure.


The end of successful test output will resemble the following:

cray.barebones-boot-test: INFO     Successfully completed barebones image boot test.