If rolling back a service with Bitnami etcd, the helm rollback
could fail when going from an etcd chart 9.x version to an etcd chart 8.x version.
This is because the Bitnami 9.x etcd cluster StatefulSet and Pods have the app.kubernetes.io/component=etcd
label and the
Bitnami 8.x etcd cluster StatefulSet and Pods do not, causing the StatefulSet to complain on rollback.
If you are hitting the etcd chart version issue on rollback, helm will throw this error:
Error: cannot patch "cray-hmnfd-bitnami-etcd" with kind StatefulSet: StatefulSet.apps "cray-hmnfd-bitnami-etcd" is invalid: spec: Forbidden: updates to statefulset spec for fields other than 'replicas', 'template', 'updateStrategy', 'persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy' and 'minReadySeconds' are forbidden
You will also see the error in the helm history
Example output:
# helm history -n services cray-hms-hmnfd
1 Mon Dec 9 21:00:24 2024 superseded cray-hms-hmnfd-3.0.2 1.18.1 Install complete
2 Thu Dec 19 13:53:27 2024 deployed cray-hms-hmnfd-4.0.4 1.21.0 Upgrade complete
3 Fri Dec 20 19:50:42 2024 failed cray-hms-hmnfd-3.0.2 1.18.1 Rollback "cray-hms-hmnfd" failed: cannot patch "cray-hmnfd-bitnami-etcd" with kind StatefulSet: StatefulSet.apps "cray-hmnfd-bitnami-etcd" is invalid: spec: Forbidden: updates to statefulset spec for fields other than 'replicas', 'template', 'updateStrategy', 'persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy' and 'minReadySeconds' are forbidden
If helm.sh/chart
is etcd-9.x.x
or greater and the StatefulSet and Pods have the app.kubernetes.io/component=etcd
label, you can get past the error by removing the offending label from the etcd cluster Pods and StatefulSet.
) Check which etcd helm chart version is currently running using kubectl describe pod
kubectl describe pod -n services cray-hmnfd-bitnami-etcd-0 | grep "helm.sh/chart"
Example output:
ncn-m001:~ # kubectl describe pod -n services cray-hmnfd-bitnami-etcd-0 | grep "helm.sh/chart"
ncn-m001:~ #
) Check that the StatefulSet and the pods have the app.kubernetes.io/component
Check if the StatefulSet has the label.
kubectl get statefulset -n services -l app.kubernetes.io/component=etcd | grep hmnfd
Example output:
ncn-m001:~ # kubectl get statefulset -n services -l app.kubernetes.io/component=etcd | grep hmnfd
cray-hmnfd-bitnami-etcd 3/3 26h
ncn-m001:~ #
Check if the Pods have the label.
kubectl get pods -n services -l app.kubernetes.io/component=etcd | grep hmnfd
Example output:
ncn-m001:~ # kubectl get pods -n services -l app.kubernetes.io/component=etcd | grep hmnfd
cray-hmnfd-bitnami-etcd-0 2/2 Running 0 33m
cray-hmnfd-bitnami-etcd-1 2/2 Running 0 34m
cray-hmnfd-bitnami-etcd-2 2/2 Running 0 35m
ncn-m001:~ #
If a manual backup of the etcd cluster was not done prior to running helm rollback
, do so now by following Create a Manual Backup of a Healthy etcd Cluster
Run the script remove_label_from_etcd_cluster.sh
in /usr/share/doc/csm/troubleshooting/scripts/
to remove the app.kubernetes.io/component=etcd
label from the StatefulSet and Pods in the etcd cluster.
./remove_label_from_etcd_cluster.sh <namespace> <etcd-cluster>
<namespace> - The Kubernetes namespace the etcd cluster pods are running in.
Example, 'services'.
<etcd-cluster> - The base name of the etcd cluster pods. Example, 'cray-hmnfd'.
) Run remove_label_from_etcd_cluster.sh
/usr/share/doc/csm/troubleshooting/scripts/remove_label_from_etcd_cluster.sh services cray-hmnfd
Example output:
ncn-m001:/usr/share/doc/csm/troubleshooting/scripts # ./remove_label_from_etcd_cluster.sh services cray-hmnfd
Ensuring cray-hmnfd-bitnami-etcd members do not have 'app.kubernetes.io/component=etcd' label for rollback to bitnami 8.x chart...
Removing 'app.kubernetes.io/component=etcd' label from cray-hmnfd-bitnami-etcd-0...
pod/cray-hmnfd-bitnami-etcd-0 unlabeled
Removing 'app.kubernetes.io/component=etcd' label from cray-hmnfd-bitnami-etcd-1...
pod/cray-hmnfd-bitnami-etcd-1 unlabeled
Removing 'app.kubernetes.io/component=etcd' label from cray-hmnfd-bitnami-etcd-2...
pod/cray-hmnfd-bitnami-etcd-2 unlabeled
Removing label 'app.kubernetes.io/component=etcd' from statefulset for cray-hmnfd-bitnami-etcd
statefulset.apps/cray-hmnfd-bitnami-etcd unlabeled
Label 'app.kubernetes.io/component=etcd' was removed from pods and 'cray-hmnfd-bitnami-etcd' statefulset. Continue with rollback.
ncn-m001:/usr/share/doc/csm/troubleshooting/scripts #
The label app.kubernetes.io/component=etcd
that was causing the StatefulSet error has been removed from the StatefulSet and etcd cluster Pods. Re-running the helm rollback
should now succeed.
helm rollback
) With the label app.kubernetes.io/component=etcd
removed from the etcd cluster Pods and the StatefulSet, re-run helm rollback
. The rollback should succeed and the expected revision should be running.
helm rollback -n services cray-hms-hmnfd 1
Example output:
ncn-m001:~ # helm rollback -n services cray-hms-hmnfd 1
Rollback was a success! Happy Helming!
ncn-m001:~ #
ncn-m001:~ # helm history -n services cray-hms-hmnfd
1 Mon Dec 9 21:00:24 2024 superseded cray-hms-hmnfd-3.0.2 1.18.1 Install complete
2 Thu Dec 19 13:53:27 2024 superseded cray-hms-hmnfd-4.0.4 1.21.0 Upgrade complete
3 Fri Dec 20 19:50:42 2024 failed cray-hms-hmnfd-3.0.2 1.18.1 Rollback "cray-hms-hmnfd" failed: cannot patch "cray-hmnfd-bitnami-etcd" with kind StatefulSet: StatefulSet.apps "cray-hmnfd-bitnami-etcd" is invalid: spec: Forbidden: updates to statefulset spec for fields other than 'replicas', 'template', 'updateStrategy', 'persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy' and 'minReadySeconds' are forbidden
4 Fri Dec 20 20:06:38 2024 deployed cray-hms-hmnfd-3.0.2 1.18.1 Rollback to 1