Interpreting HMS Health Check Results


This document describes how to interpret the results of the HMS Health Check scripts and techniques for troubleshooting when failures occur.


The HMS health checks will not fail if the Cray CLI is not configured. However, some of the troubleshooting suggestions for investigating test failures involve using the CLI. For information on configuring the Cray CLI, see Cray command line interface.


The HMS CT tests are API tests intended to verify that HMS services are installed, operational, and behave as expected. There are two types of CT tests for HMS services: smoke and functional. Both are executed via Helm test jobs that are defined in the Helm chart for the service that they test. The CT smoke and functional tests are invoked using the helm test command on worker or master NCNs (if applicable). Administrators execute the HMS CT tests using a script called as part of the CSM health validation procedures.

The CT smoke tests are basic API tests that make calls to HMS service APIs and verify that the expected status codes are returned. They run first for each service and are useful for verifying that HMS services are installed and responsive. These tests will fail if the service being tested is not installed, unhealthy, or unresponsive.

The CT functional tests are more rigorous API tests that inspect the response bodies and verify that the fields, values, and form of the data returned are as expected. They run after the smoke tests and verify that HMS service APIs behave correctly and in accordance with their API specification. They also detect issues that prevent the proper management or expected use of hardware in the system.


The script executes the HMS CT tests in parallel. It waits for each Helm test job to complete, logs the results in a file for the test run, and prints a summary of the results. The script returns a status code of zero if all tests pass and non-zero if there are one or more failures.

These tests may be executed on any one worker or master NCN (but not ncn-m001 if it is still the PIT node).

Test all HMS services

(ncn-mw#) Run the HMS CT tests by executing the following command:


Test specific HMS service

(ncn-mw#) After remediating a test failure for a particular service, just the tests for that individual service can be re-run by supplying the name of the service to the script with the -t option:

/opt/cray/csm/scripts/hms_verification/ -t <service>

(ncn-mw#) To list the HMS services that can be tested, use the -l option:

/opt/cray/csm/scripts/hms_verification/ -l

Example output

Example output:

Log file for run is: /opt/cray/tests/hms_ct_test-<datetime>.log
Running all tests...
SUCCESS: All 9 service tests passed: bss, capmc, fas, hbtd, hmnfd, hsm, scsd, sls

The following is example output reporting a single service failure:

Log file for run is: /opt/cray/tests/hms_ct_test-<datetime>.log
Running all tests...
FAILURE: 1 service test FAILED (hsm), 8 passed (bss, capmc, fas, hbtd, hmnfd, scsd, sls)
For troubleshooting and manual steps, see:

The following is an example output reporting multiple service failures:

Log file for run is: /opt/cray/tests/hms_ct_test-<datetime>.log
Running all tests...
FAILURE: All 9 service tests FAILED: bss, capmc, fas, hbtd, hmnfd, hsm, scsd, sls
For troubleshooting and manual steps, see:

Failure analysis

If one or more service tests fail, the log file for the run should be inspected to determine which test job(s) failed.

Smoke test failure

The following is an example section of a log file reporting a smoke test failure:

NAME: cray-hms-smd
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Jun 16 15:46:10 2022
NAMESPACE: services
STATUS: deployed
TEST SUITE:     cray-hms-smd-test-smoke
Last Started:   Fri Jul  1 21:12:58 2022
Last Completed: Fri Jul  1 21:14:25 2022
Phase:          Failed

In this case, the HSM smoke test job failed. Find the name of the pod and inspect its logs to determine the cause of the failure.

  1. (ncn-mw#) Find the name of the pod.

    kubectl -n services get pods | grep -E "smd|NAME"

    Example output:

    NAME                                                              READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
    cray-hms-smd-test-smoke-2npqz                                     1/2     NotReady           0          83s
    cray-smd-747b59d979-2vvdw                                         2/2     Running            0          4d6h
    cray-smd-747b59d979-c5rhl                                         2/2     Running            0          4d5h
    cray-smd-747b59d979-vcv6c                                         2/2     Running            0          4d6h
  2. (ncn-mw#) Show its logs.

    kubectl -n services logs cray-hms-smd-test-smoke-2npqz smoke

    Example output:

    Running smoke tests...
    2022-07-01 21:13:05,853 Testing {"path": "hsm/v2/service/ready", "expected_status_code": 200, "method": "GET", "body": null, "headers": {}, "url": "http://cray-smd/hsm/v2/service/ready"}
    2022-07-01 21:13:05,863 Starting new HTTP connection (1): cray-smd:80
    2022-07-01 21:13:05,873 FAIL: HTTPConnectionPool(host='cray-smd', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /hsm/v2/service/ready (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7faf6fdf6460>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused'))
    2022-07-01 21:13:09,282 FAIL: hsm-smoke-tests
    2022-07-01 21:13:09,282 failed!
    2022-07-01 21:13:09,282 FAIL: hsm-smoke-tests ran with failures

Functional test failure

The following is an example section of a log file reporting a functional test failure:

NAME: cray-hms-smd
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Jun 16 15:46:10 2022
NAMESPACE: services
STATUS: deployed
TEST SUITE:     cray-hms-smd-test-functional
Last Started:   Fri Jul  1 21:12:58 2022
Last Completed: Fri Jul  1 21:14:25 2022
Phase:          Failed

In this case, the HSM functional test job failed. Find the name of the pod and inspect its logs to determine the cause of the failure.

  1. (ncn-mw#) Find the name of the pod.

    kubectl -n services get pods | grep -E "smd|NAME"

    Example output:

    NAME                                                              READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
    cray-hms-smd-test-functional-fs8b4                                1/2     NotReady           0          61s
    cray-hms-smd-test-smoke-2npqz                                     0/2     Completed          0          103s
    cray-smd-747b59d979-2vvdw                                         2/2     Running            0          4d6h
    cray-smd-747b59d979-c5rhl                                         2/2     Running            0          4d5h
    cray-smd-747b59d979-vcv6c                                         2/2     Running            0          4d6h
  2. (ncn-mw#) Show its logs.

    kubectl -n services logs cray-hms-smd-test-functional-fs8b4 functional

    Example output:

    Running functional tests...
    ============================= test session starts ==============================
    platform linux -- Python 3.10.4, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.0.0 -- /usr/bin/python3
    cachedir: .pytest_cache
    rootdir: /src/app, configfile: pytest.ini
    plugins: tap-3.3, tavern-1.23.1
    collecting ... collected 38 items
    test_components.tavern.yaml::Ensure that we can conduct a query for all Nodes in the Component collection FAILED [ 21%]
    =================================== FAILURES ===================================
    _ /src/app/test_components.tavern.yaml::Ensure that we can conduct a query for all Nodes in the Component collection _
    E   tavern.util.exceptions.TestFailError: Test 'Verify the expected response fields for all Nodes' failed:
        - Error calling validate function '<function validate_pykwalify at 0x7f34e3ebf6d0>':
            Traceback (most recent call last):
              File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tavern/schemas/", line 106, in verify_generic
              File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pykwalify/", line 194, in validate
                raise SchemaError(u"Schema validation failed:\n - {error_msg}.".format(
            pykwalify.errors.SchemaError: <SchemaError: error code 2: Schema validation failed:
             - Enum 'Alert' does not exist. Path: '/Components/8/Flag' Enum: ['OK'].: Path: '/'>
    =========================== short test summary info ============================
    FAILED test_components.tavern.yaml::Ensure that we can conduct a query for all Nodes in the Component collection
    ======================== 1 failed, 37 passed in 29.06s =========================
    2022-07-01 21:13:09,282 FAIL

Tavern output

Tavern is a pytest-based API testing framework. The CT functional tests consist of Tavern tests for HMS services that are written in YAML and are executed via Helm test jobs. This section describes the output format of Tavern and where to look when investigating functional test failures.

First, a summary of the test suites executed and their results is printed:

============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.10.4, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.0.0 -- /usr/bin/python3
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /src/app, configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: tap-3.3, tavern-1.23.1
collecting ... collected 10 items

test_component_endpoints.tavern.yaml::Query the ComponentEndpoints collection PASSED [  2%]
test_components.tavern.yaml::Ensure that we can conduct a query for all Nodes in the Component collection PASSED [ 21%]
test_discovery_status.tavern.yaml::Ensure that we can gather the system discovery status information PASSED [ 39%]
test_groups.tavern.yaml::Verify POST, GET, PATCH, and DELETE methods for various /groups APIs PASSED [ 42%]
test_hardware.tavern.yaml::Query the Hardware collection PASSED          [ 44%]
test_memberships.tavern.yaml::Ensure that we can gather information from the memberships collection PASSED [ 57%]
test_partitions.tavern.yaml::Verify POST, GET, PATCH, and DELETE methods for various /partitions APIs PASSED [ 60%]
test_redfish_endpoints.tavern.yaml::Ensure that we can gather information from the RedfishEndpoints collection PASSED [ 63%]
test_service_endpoints.tavern.yaml::Query the ServiceEndpoints collection PASSED [ 65%]
test_state_change_notifications.tavern.yaml::Ensure that we can gather information from the state change notifications collection PASSED [100%]

============================= 10 passed in 24.87s ==============================
2022-07-01 21:14:57,296 PASS

When test failures occur, additional output is printed below the summary table that includes the following:

  • The Source test stage that was executing when the failure occurred. This is a portion of the source code for the failed test case.
  • The Formatted stage that was executing when the failure occurred. This is a portion of the source code for the failed test case with its variables filled in with the values that were set at the time of the failure. This includes the request header, method, URL, and other data from the failed test case, which is useful for attempting to reproduce the failure manually with curl.
  • The specific Errors encountered when processing the API response that caused the failure. This is the first place to look when debugging Tavern test failures.

The following is an example Source test stage:

Source test stage (line 179):
  - name: Ensure the boot script service can provide the bootscript for a given node
      url: "{base_url}/bss/boot/v1/bootscript?nid={nid}"
      method: GET
        Authorization: "Bearer {access_token}"
      verify: !bool "{verify}"
      status_code: 200

The following is an example Formatted stage:

Formatted stage:
  name: Ensure the boot script service can provide the bootscript for a given node
      Authorization: Bearer <REDACTED>
    method: GET
    url: 'https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/apis/bss/boot/v1/bootscript?nid=None'
    verify: !bool 'False'
    status_code: 200

The following is an example Errors section:

E   tavern.util.exceptions.TestFailError: Test 'Ensure the boot script service can provide the bootscript for a given node' failed:
    - Status code was 400, expected 200:
        {"type": "about:blank", "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "Need a mac=, name=, or nid= parameter", "status": 400}

Additional troubleshooting

This section provides guidance for handling specific HMS health check failures that may occur.

This script runs the suite of HMS CT tests.


This job executes the tests for Hardware State Manager (HSM).

test_components.tavern.yaml and test_hardware.tavern.yaml

These tests require compute nodes to be discovered in HSM.

The following is an example of a failed test execution due to no discovered compute nodes in HSM:

Running functional tests...
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.9.13, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.0.0 -- /usr/bin/python3
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /src/app, configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: tavern-1.23.1
collecting ... collected 38 items


test_components.tavern.yaml::Ensure that we can conduct a variety of queries on the Components collection FAILED [ 31%]


test_hardware.tavern.yaml::Query the Hardware collection for Node information FAILED [ 50%]


=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_ /src/app/test_components.tavern.yaml::Ensure that we can conduct a variety of queries on the Components collection _


------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Formatting 'xname' will result in it being coerced to a string (it is a <class 'NoneType'>)


_ /src/app/test_hardware.tavern.yaml::Query the Hardware collection for Node information _


E   tavern.util.exceptions.TestFailError: Test 'Retrieve the hardware information for a given node xname from the Hardware collection' failed:
    - Status code was 404, expected 200:
        {"type": "about:blank", "title": "Not Found", "detail": "no such xname.", "status": 404}


------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Formatting 'node_xname' will result in it being coerced to a string (it is a <class 'NoneType'>)


=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED test_components.tavern.yaml::Ensure that we can conduct a variety of queries on the Components collection
FAILED test_hardware.tavern.yaml::Query the Hardware collection for Node information

If these failures occur, see the Test Failures Due To No Discovered Compute Nodes In HSM documentation for further troubleshooting.


These tests include checks for healthy BMC states in HSM.

The following is an example of a failed test execution due to an unexpected BMC state in HSM:

Running functional tests...
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.9.13, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.0.0 -- /usr/bin/python3
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /src/app, configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: tavern-1.23.1
collecting ... collected 38 items


test_components.tavern.yaml::Ensure that we can conduct a query for all Node BMCs in the Component collection FAILED [ 26%]


E   tavern.util.exceptions.TestFailError: Test 'Verify the expected response fields for all NodeBMCs' failed:
    - Error calling validate function '<function validate_pykwalify at 0x7f22cbaf0700>':
        Traceback (most recent call last):
          File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tavern/schemas/", line 106, in verify_generic
          File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pykwalify/", line 194, in validate
            raise SchemaError(u"Schema validation failed:\n - {error_msg}.".format(
        pykwalify.errors.SchemaError: <SchemaError: error code 2: Schema validation failed:
         - Enum 'Off' does not exist. Path: '/Components/1/State' Enum: ['Ready'].


=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED test_components.tavern.yaml::Ensure that we can conduct a query for all Node BMCs in the Component collection
=================== 1 failed, 37 passed in 214.09s (0:03:34) ===================

Test failures due to unexpected BMC states in HSM can be safely ignored if there are BMCs in the system that are intentionally powered off, such as during system shutdown and power off testing.


This job executes the tests for the Firmware Action Service (FAS).


These tests require at least one healthy BMC (State=Ready, Flag=OK) in HSM.

The following is an example of a failed test execution due to no healthy BMCs in HSM:

Running functional tests...
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.13, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /Users/schooler/Git/GitHub/hms-firmware-action/test/ct/api/1-non-disruptive, configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: tavern-1.23.3
collected 6 items


test_actions.tavern.yaml::Ensure that the BMC firmware can be updated with a FAS action FAILED [ 16%]


E   tavern.util.exceptions.TestFailError: Test 'Ensure that the BMC firmware can be updated with a FAS action' failed:
    - Status code was 400, expected 202:
        {"type": "about:blank", "detail": "invalid/duplicate xnames: [None]", "status": 400, "title": "Bad Request"}


=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED test_actions.tavern.yaml::Ensure that the BMC firmware can be updated with a FAS action
=================== 1 failed, 5 passed in 21.22s ===============================

Test failures due to no healthy BMCs in HSM can be safely ignored if the BMCs in the system are intentionally powered off, such as during system shutdown and power off testing.


This job executes the tests for the Power Control Service (PCS).


These tests require compute nodes to be discovered in HSM.

The following is an example of a failed test execution due to no discovered compute nodes in HSM:

Running tavern tests...
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.9.18, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.4.0 -- /usr/bin/python3
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /src/app, configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: allure-pytest-2.12.0, tavern-1.23.1
collecting ... collected 31 items


test_power-status.tavern.yaml::Verify power-status for a Node FAILED [ 38%]


test_power-status.tavern.yaml::Verify power-status for multiple components FAILED [ 45%]


test_power-status.tavern.yaml::Verify power-status for a Node using a powerStateFilter FAILED [ 48%]


test_power-status.tavern.yaml::Verify power-status for a Node using a managementStateFilter FAILED [ 51%]


=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_ /src/app/api/1-non-disruptive/test_power-status.tavern.yaml::Verify power-status for a Node


------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Formatting 'node_xname' will result in it being coerced to a string (it is a <class 'NoneType'>)


ERROR Status code was 400, expected 200:
    {"type": "about:blank", "detail": "invalid xnames detected: None", "status": 400, "title": "Bad Request"}


_ /src/app/api/1-non-disruptive/test_power-status.tavern.yaml::Verify power-status for multiple components


------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Formatting 'node1_xname' will result in it being coerced to a string (it is a <class 'NoneType'>)
WARNING Formatting 'node2_xname' will result in it being coerced to a string (it is a <class 'NoneType'>)
WARNING Formatting 'node3_xname' will result in it being coerced to a string (it is a <class 'NoneType'>)


ERROR Status code was 400, expected 200:
    {"type": "about:blank", "detail": "invalid xnames detected: None", "status": 400, "title": "Bad Request"}


_ /src/app/api/1-non-disruptive/test_power-status.tavern.yaml::Verify power-status for a Node using a powerStateFilter


------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Formatting 'node_xname' will result in it being coerced to a string (it is a <class 'NoneType'>)


ERROR Status code was 400, expected 200:
    {"type": "about:blank", "detail": "invalid xnames detected: None", "status": 400, "title": "Bad Request"}


_ /src/app/api/1-non-disruptive/test_power-status.tavern.yaml::Verify power-status for a Node using a managementStateFilter


------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Formatting 'node_xname' will result in it being coerced to a string (it is a <class 'NoneType'>)


ERROR Status code was 400, expected 200:
    {"type": "about:blank", "detail": "invalid xnames detected: None", "status": 400, "title": "Bad Request"}


=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED api/1-non-disruptive/test_power-status.tavern.yaml::Verify power-status for a Node
FAILED api/1-non-disruptive/test_power-status.tavern.yaml::Verify power-status for multiple components
FAILED api/1-non-disruptive/test_power-status.tavern.yaml::Verify power-status for a Node using a powerStateFilter
FAILED api/1-non-disruptive/test_power-status.tavern.yaml::Verify power-status for a Node using a managementStateFilter

If these failures occur, see the Test Failures Due To No Discovered Compute Nodes In HSM documentation for further troubleshooting.

The following is an example of a failed test execution due to PCS not having any data in its ETCD storage:

Running tavern tests...
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.9.16, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.0.0 -- /usr/bin/python3
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /src/app, configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: allure-pytest-2.12.0, tavern-1.23.1
collecting ... collected 31 items


api/1-non-disruptive/test_power-status.tavern.yaml::Verify power-status for all components FAILED [ 35%]
api/1-non-disruptive/test_power-status.tavern.yaml::Verify power-status for a Node FAILED [ 38%]
api/1-non-disruptive/test_power-status.tavern.yaml::Verify power-status for a NodeBMC FAILED [ 41%]


E   tavern.util.exceptions.TestFailError: Test 'Retrieve the power-status for all components' failed:
    - Error calling validate function '<function validate_pykwalify at 0x7faad66450d0>':
        Traceback (most recent call last):
          File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tavern/schemas/", line 106, in verify_generic
          File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pykwalify/", line 194, in validate
            raise SchemaError(u"Schema validation failed:\n - {error_msg}.".format(
        pykwalify.errors.SchemaError: <SchemaError: error code 2: Schema validation failed:
         - Type 'seq' has size of '0', less than min limit '1'. Path: '/status'.: Path: '/'>


E   tavern.util.exceptions.TestFailError: Test 'Retrieve the power-status for the target Node' failed:
    - Error calling validate function '<function validate_pykwalify at 0x7faad66450d0>':
        Traceback (most recent call last):
          File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tavern/schemas/", line 106, in verify_generic
          File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pykwalify/", line 194, in validate
            raise SchemaError(u"Schema validation failed:\n - {error_msg}.".format(
        pykwalify.errors.SchemaError: <SchemaError: error code 2: Schema validation failed:
         - Enum '' does not exist. Path: '/status/0/powerState' Enum: ['on', 'off', 'undefined'].
         - Enum '' does not exist. Path: '/status/0/managementState' Enum: ['available', 'unavailable'].
         - required.novalue : '/status/0/supportedPowerTransitions'.: Path: '/'>


E   tavern.util.exceptions.TestFailError: Test 'Retrieve the power-status for the target NodeBMC' failed:
    - Error calling validate function '<function validate_pykwalify at 0x7faad66450d0>':
        Traceback (most recent call last):
          File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tavern/schemas/", line 106, in verify_generic
          File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pykwalify/", line 194, in validate
            raise SchemaError(u"Schema validation failed:\n - {error_msg}.".format(
        pykwalify.errors.SchemaError: <SchemaError: error code 2: Schema validation failed:
         - Enum '' does not exist. Path: '/status/0/powerState' Enum: ['on', 'off', 'undefined'].
         - Enum '' does not exist. Path: '/status/0/managementState' Enum: ['available', 'unavailable'].
         - required.novalue : '/status/0/supportedPowerTransitions'.: Path: '/'>


=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED api/1-non-disruptive/test_power-status.tavern.yaml::Verify power-status for all components
FAILED api/1-non-disruptive/test_power-status.tavern.yaml::Verify power-status for a Node
FAILED api/1-non-disruptive/test_power-status.tavern.yaml::Verify power-status for a NodeBMC
=================== 3 failed, 28 passed in 60.51s (0:01:00) ====================
2023-03-02 19:36:17,060 FAIL

These failures occur because PCS has not populated its ETCD cluster with data yet.

(ncn-mw#) Restarting the PCS pods will resolve this issue.

kubectl rollout restart -n services deployment cray-power-control

(ncn-mw#) Monitor the restart.

kubectl rollout status -n services deployment cray-power-control

After PCS has been restarted successfully, the test can be executed again.

This test verifies that the system hardware has been discovered successfully.

The following is an example of a failed test execution:

Running hsm_discovery_status_test...
(22:19:34) Getting client secret...
(22:19:34) Retrieving authentication token...
(22:19:35) Testing 'curl -s -k -H "Authorization: Bearer <REDACTED>" https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/apis/smd/hsm/v2/Inventory/RedfishEndpoints'...
(22:19:35) Processing response with: 'jq '.RedfishEndpoints[] | { ID: .ID, LastDiscoveryStatus: .DiscoveryInfo.LastDiscoveryStatus}' -c | sort -V | jq -c'...
(19:06:02) Verifying endpoint discovery statuses...
FAIL: hsm_discovery_status_test found 4 endpoints that failed discovery, maximum allowable is 1
'/opt/cray/csm/scripts/hms_verification/' exited with status code: 1

The expected state of LastDiscoveryStatus is DiscoverOK for all endpoints with the exception of the BMC for ncn-m001, which is not normally connected to the site network and therefore is expected to be HTTPsGetFailed. If the test fails due to two or more endpoints having failed discovery, then perform the following additional steps in order to determine the cause of the failure:


  1. (ncn-mw#) Check to see if the failed component name (xname) resolves using the nslookup command.

    If not, then the problem may be a DNS issue.

    nslookup <xname>
  2. (ncn-mw#) Check to see if the failed component name (xname) responds to the ping command.

    If not, then the problem may be a network or hardware issue.

    ping -c 1 <xname>
  3. (ncn-mw#) Check to see if the failed component name (xname) responds to a Redfish query.

    If not, then the problem may be a credentials issue. Use the password set in the HMS Discovery (REDS) sealed secret.

    curl -s -k -u root:<password> https://<xname>/redfish/v1/Managers | jq

If discovery failures for Gigabyte CMCs with component names (xnames) of the form xXc0sSb999 occur, then verify that the root service account is configured for the CMC and add it if needed. See Add Root Service Account for Gigabyte Controllers.

If discovery failures for HPE PDUs with component names (xnames) of the form xXmM occur, this may indicate that configuration steps have not yet been executed which are required for the PDUs to be discovered. Refer to HPE PDU Administrative Procedures for additional configuration for this type of PDU. The steps to run will depend on if the PDU has been set up yet, and whether or not an upgrade or fresh install of CSM is being performed.


Check the SMD logs to determine the cause of the bad Redfish path encountered during discovery.

  1. (ncn-mw#) Get the SMD pod names.

    kubectl -n services get pods -l

    Example output:

    NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    cray-smd-5b9d574756-9b2lj   2/2     Running   0          24d
    cray-smd-5b9d574756-bnztf   2/2     Running   0          24d
    cray-smd-5b9d574756-hhc5p   2/2     Running   0          24d
  2. (ncn-mw#) Get the logs from each of the SMD pods.

    kubectl -n services logs <cray-smd-pod1> cray-smd > smd_pod1_logs
    kubectl -n services logs <cray-smd-pod2> cray-smd > smd_pod2_logs
    kubectl -n services logs <cray-smd-pod3> cray-smd > smd_pod3_logs


The endpoint is in the process of being inventoried by Hardware State Manager (HSM). Wait for the current discovery operation to finish which should result in a new LastDiscoveryStatus state being set for the endpoint.

(ncn-mw#) Use the following command to check the current discovery status of the endpoint:

cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints describe <xname>

Install blocking vs. Non-blocking failures

The HMS health checks include tests for multiple types of system components, some of which are critical for the installation of the system, while others are not.

The following types of HMS test failures should be considered blocking for system installations:

  • HMS service pods not running
  • HMS service APIs unreachable through the API Gateway or Cray CLI
  • Failures related to HMS discovery (for example: unreachable BMCs, unresponsive controller hardware, or no Redfish connectivity)

The following types of HMS test failures should not be considered blocking for system installations:

  • Failures because of hardware issues on individual nodes (alerts or warning flags set in HSM)

It is typically safe to postpone the investigation and resolution of non-blocking failures until after the CSM installation or upgrade has completed.