Resource leaks have been discovered in several HMS services (PCS, SMD, hmcollector, and FAS). The symptoms are quite varied and are generally not detrimental to system functionality due to the resiliency provided by Kubernetes. They are more likely to present on larger systems. On this page we document the symptoms, known impacts to functionality, and include some examples of how to proactively check your system for this issue.
The fixes for these issues are included in the CSM 1.5.3 and CSM 1.6.1 releases.
Additionally, there is a hotfix for the CSM 1.5.2 release that includes only the PCS fix.
The symptoms described below have been observed on some systems. They can be transient and may not ever be encountered on some systems. There are many possible additional symptoms that are not enumerated here.
In the following example we see that both PCS and SMD experienced pod restarts because there are non-zero values in the RESTARTS column:
> kubectl get pods -n services | grep -e RESTARTS -e cray-smd -e cray-power-control -e cray-hms-hmcollector -e cray-fas
cray-fas-7d7dd579b4-4pqtx 2/2 Running 0 15d
cray-fas-bitnami-etcd-0 2/2 Running 0 15d
cray-fas-bitnami-etcd-1 2/2 Running 0 15d
cray-fas-bitnami-etcd-2 2/2 Running 0 15d
cray-fas-bitnami-etcd-snapshotter-28960800-lcfg4 0/2 Completed 0 53m
cray-fas-wait-for-etcd-8-tbkxz 0/1 Completed 0 15d
cray-hms-hmcollector-ingress-bb5945686-q8gh2 2/2 Running 0 14d
cray-hms-hmcollector-ingress-bb5945686-wc7zc 2/2 Running 0 14d
cray-hms-hmcollector-ingress-bb5945686-wt49s 2/2 Running 0 14d
cray-hms-hmcollector-poll-7bd6b79978-95n8d 2/2 Running 0 12d
cray-power-control-5785fdf495-69mp8 2/2 Running 41 6d21h
cray-power-control-5785fdf495-d7gkq 2/2 Running 12 6d21h
cray-power-control-5785fdf495-k5r4k 2/2 Running 13 6d21h
cray-power-control-bitnami-etcd-0 2/2 Running 0 6d21h
cray-power-control-bitnami-etcd-1 2/2 Running 0 6d21h
cray-power-control-bitnami-etcd-2 2/2 Running 0 6d21h
cray-power-control-bitnami-etcd-snapshotter-28960800-vmjnp 0/2 Completed 0 53m
cray-power-control-wait-for-etcd-2-67nkh 0/1 Completed 0 6d21h
cray-power-control-wait-for-etcd-47-d7blr 0/1 Completed 0 20d
cray-smd-984f56ccf-67lf5 2/2 Running 3 46h
cray-smd-984f56ccf-7g5tm 2/2 Running 6 46h
cray-smd-984f56ccf-z978s 2/2 Running 5 46h
cray-smd-init-2jgwn 0/2 Completed 0 46h
cray-smd-postgres-0 3/3 Running 0 79d
cray-smd-postgres-1 3/3 Running 0 79d
cray-smd-postgres-2 3/3 Running 0 79d
cray-smd-wait-for-postgres-8-2h2hr 0/3 Completed 0 46h
logical-backup-cray-smd-postgres-28956970-5sdq6 0/2 Completed 0 2d16h
logical-backup-cray-smd-postgres-28958410-l8ksx 0/2 Completed 0 40h
logical-backup-cray-smd-postgres-28959850-gbrp8 0/2 Completed 0 16h
While we check the resource consumption in this section, please note that if one pod has greater memory consumption than other pods that does not necessarily mean there is a memory leak. If the difference is substantial, then it is more likely. If you suspect a memory leak, capture the current usage today and capture again in a few days or weeks to compare.
In the following example we see one PCS pod with a larger memory footprint compared to the others:
> kubectl top pod -n services --sort-by=memory | grep -e NAME -e cray-power-control
NAME CPU(cores) MEMORY(bytes)
cray-power-control-5785fdf495-d7gkq 52m 764Mi
cray-power-control-bitnami-etcd-2 97m 142Mi
cray-power-control-bitnami-etcd-0 95m 140Mi
cray-power-control-bitnami-etcd-1 73m 134Mi
cray-power-control-5785fdf495-69mp8 5m 99Mi
The following example will show the memory usage for the containers inside the pods. Here we can see that the istio-proxy container is responsible for most of the excess memory consumption:
> kubectl top pod -n services --containers=true | grep -e NAME -e cray-power-control
POD NAME CPU(cores) MEMORY(bytes)
cray-power-control-5785fdf495-69mp8 cray-power-control 3m 11Mi
cray-power-control-5785fdf495-69mp8 istio-proxy 4m 86Mi
cray-power-control-5785fdf495-d7gkq cray-power-control 9m 28Mi
cray-power-control-5785fdf495-d7gkq istio-proxy 6m 736Mi
cray-power-control-5785fdf495-k5r4k cray-power-control 4m 11Mi
cray-power-control-5785fdf495-k5r4k istio-proxy 31m 93Mi
cray-power-control-bitnami-etcd-0 etcd 89m 48Mi
cray-power-control-bitnami-etcd-0 istio-proxy 14m 97Mi
cray-power-control-bitnami-etcd-1 etcd 68m 47Mi
cray-power-control-bitnami-etcd-1 istio-proxy 7m 86Mi
cray-power-control-bitnami-etcd-2 etcd 89m 52Mi
cray-power-control-bitnami-etcd-2 istio-proxy 12m 90Mi
> kubectl get events -n services | grep -e MESSAGE -e cray-smd -e cray-power-control -e cray-hms-hmcollector -e cray-fas | grep -i OOM
> kubectl get events -n services | grep -e MESSAGE -e cray-smd -e cray-power-control -e cray-hms-hmcollector -e cray-fas | grep -e MESSAGE -e "Liveness probe" -e "Readiness probe"
Here we have an example of counting the power states for all components. If more than a couple are in the “undefined” state, this may be a symptom of a PCS resource leak:
> cray power status list --format json | jq -r '.status[] | select(.xname | test("x\\d*c\\d*s\\d*b\\d*n\\d*$")) | .powerState' | sort | uniq -c
1 off
5719 on
185 undefined
Services can timeout when communicating with BMCs. Here is an example of checking for these in the PCS logs:
> kubectl logs -n services -l -c cray-power-control --tail -1 | grep -i "context deadline exceeded"
The messages to look for can vary, but should always include the string “context deadline exceeded”. A few examples:
time="2024-10-23T16:14:00Z" level=error msg="getHWStatesFromHW: ERROR no response body for 'x3000c0s17b0' 'x3000c0s17b0' '/redfish/v1/Systems/system', err: context deadline exceeded" file="/go/src/"
time="2024-10-23T16:50:46Z" level=error msg="getHWStatesFromHW: ERROR reading response body for 'x3001c0s33b0' 'x3001c0s33b0' '/redfish/v1/Managers/BMC': context deadline exceeded" file="/go/src/"
time="2024-10-23T23:48:31Z" level=trace msg="getStatusCode, no response, err: 'GET https://x3000c0s9b0/redfish/v1/Managers/BMC_0 giving up after 1 attempt(s): context deadline exceeded'" file="/go/src/"