Spire Server Pods stuck in Pod Initializing


There is a known issue when the Spire servers are started and Spire Postgres is not ready, where the pod will get stuck in a PodInitializing state and not be able to be restarted.

Starting the Spire server when its Postgres cluster is not ready leads to the pod crashing. However due to how the Spire servers are registered when the main process crashes there is a loop that never gets killed in a side process. That leads to the pod crashing but never getting cleaned up to be restarted. There is no way to manually restart that pod without restarting Containerd to forcefully clean up the running container.


  • The spire-server or cray-spire-server pods may be in a PodInitializing state.

  • The spire-agent or cray-spire-agent pods may be in a Init:CrashLoopBackOff state.

  • Services may fail to acquire tokens from the spire-server or cray-spire-server.

  • The spire-server or cray-spire-server pods contain the following error in the logs.

    time="2024-10-25T10:13:50Z" level=info msg="Opening SQL database" db_type=postgres subsystem_name=built-in_plugin.sql
    time="2024-10-25T10:13:50Z" level=error msg="Fatal run error" error="datastore-sql: dial tcp: lookup spire-postgres-pooler.spire.svc.cluster.local: no such host"
    time="2024-10-25T10:13:50Z" level=error msg="Server crashed" error="datastore-sql: dial tcp: lookup spire-postgres-pooler.spire.svc.cluster.local: no such host"


Apply workaround

  1. Find the node that the first Spire server is attempting to start on.

    kubectl get pods -n spire -o wide | grep spire-server-0

    Output example:

    spire-server-0                                0/2     PodInitializing         0                5h32m   ncn-w004   <none>           <none>
  2. Verify that Postgres is running.

    kubectl get pods -n spire | grep spire-postgres
  3. Delete the pod.

    kubectl delete pod -n spire spire-server-0
  4. SSH to the node it was running on and restart Containerd.

    ssh ncn-w004 systemctl restart containerd
  5. Check that the spire-server started up.

    kubectl get pods -n spire